Directorate of Planning and Performance Management

  Dr. Samuel Onyuma, (PhD), Director






Message from the Director

The aspiration of this Directorate is to mainstream planning and performance management systems in the entire University operations, functions and processes geared towards steering the University to higher heights of development commensurate with a University status. This is achieved by ensuring timely preparation of the Performance Contract in accordance with the guidelines provided by the relevant government agencies and submitting the same for consideration by the University Management Board and Council. It also ensures favourable outcome during Performance Contract evaluation by monitoring implementation and compiling evidence of activities undertaken. Overall, we therefore ensure that there is coordinated planning, implementation of University Strategic Plan and Master Plans through the annual Performance Contracts and that timely reporting is done to the relevant government agencies.

The University has continued to deploy Performance Contracting as one of the performance management tools in achieving its annual performance targets and ultimately its mandate. The Directorate has therefore seen the successful negotiation, vetting, evaluation and moderation of the University Council Performance Contracts and preparation of University Strategic Plan including implementation reports, as well as implementation of Digitalization and Productivity Mainstreaming Initiatives among other milestones. This of course, depends on the support of all the staff in enabling the achievement of this aspiration. We welcome staff, students and all other stakeholders to the Directorate.

The Directorate of Planning & Performance Management is mandated to:

  • Develop and regularly review performance management framework as aligned to the national performance management guidelines and appraisal system, including performance indicators, targets, standards and weights;
  • Coordinate the drafting of the University Council performance targets and weights for performance indicators, and prepare a performance contract for the University;
  • Coordinate the implementation of performance contracting and annual work plans;
  • Coordinate the mainstreaming of the performance contracting system including preparation of performance annual and quarter reports for the University;
  • Monitor the implementation of various Government Agencies’ activities and prepare reports to the specialized Ministries, Agencies, and Departments;
  • Compile and coordinate the announcement of performance evaluation results;
  • Coordinate the development, implementation and review of University Strategic Plan, the Master Plan and all University policies;
  • Prepare Bi-annual Rolling Plans for the University’s Strategic Plan and the Master Plan;
  • Coordinate the development and Review of University Customers Service Charter, and monitor its implementation;
  • Coordinate activities that promote National Cohesion and National Values mainstreaming within the University;
  • Coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of University programs and projects;
  • Undertake and coordinate disability mainstreaming activities within the University;
  • Coordinate environmental management activities within and outside the University;
  • Undertake such other responsibility that may be assigned by the management.


The Directorate is currently involved in the following activities:

  • Monitoring implementation of the Laikipia University Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
  • Monitoring implementation of the University Council FY 2024/2025 Performance Contract.
  • Implementation of Disability mainstreaming activities.
  • Implementation of National Values and National Cohesion activities.
  • Coordinating the Laikipia University Environmental Tree Planting Exercises with aim of Planting over 30,000 trees and establishment of 100,000-tree seedlings nursery.
  • Spearheading Productivity Improvement in the University


Staff Profiles

Image Name Designation Contacts


John Kinyua Mbaka Senior Assistant Registrar


Silas K. Wataki Administrative Assistant

Susan Koitee

Clerical Officer

Mary Samoe Office Assistant


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