Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards

Director, Quality Assurance and Standards


The Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards is established by Laikipia University statutes to be responsible for maintaining and assuring the quality of all products and services offered by the university including their processes. As per the LU statutes (2019), the directorate has the following mandate:

  1. Ensuring that set performance standards and indicators in all aspects of University functions are appropriate and relevant;
  2. Monitoring and implementing quality assurance activities in all units in accordance with the set standards;
  3. Providing advice and guidance to implementation units on the execution of quality assurance activities;
  4. Coordinating internal evaluation of quality assurance systems;
  5. Analyzing quality assurance reports and identifying issues arising from them for the attention of the University Management Board at all academic and administrative levels;
  6. Coordinating all professional accreditation activities and external evaluation activities of the University and its academic programmes;
  7. Monitoring the implementation of recommendations of internal and external evaluations;
  8. Analyzing topical quality assurance matters in higher education (arising from debates and practices in the regional and global contexts) and updating the University community and Management Board accordingly;
  9. Updating the Vice-Chancellor on the operations of the Laikipia University quality assurance system and on the overall quality status of the University;
  10. Linking Laikipia University with the Commission for University Education and other relevant agencies in quality assurance matters;
  11. Coordinating the award of certificates of international standard as set by the International Organization for Standardization;
  12. Monitoring the maintenance of the awarded certificates of international standard in the University as set by the International Organization for Standardization;

Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified.

Office Staff

The Office of the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards has officers who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the directorate including the Director who is in charge of the overall quality assurance matters in the directorate, two (2) administrative assistants one in charge of internal quality and the other in charge of ISO matters, secretary and messenger/cleaner. The following are the profiles of the officers in the directorate.


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Phone + 254717653578 - Secretary

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Laikipia University is ISO 9001:2015 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified