Laikipia University is committed to the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment where all students, academic, administrative and support staff, female and male, enjoy equal opportunities, human rights and non-discrimination in all spheres of University life. Activities at Laikipia University are founded on gender equality and on striving for ethnic and social diversity. The equal worth of all people is recognized, and the University is proactively against gender discrimination, tribalism, and racism. The University’s activities are conducted in ways that allow each individual to develop on the basis of their personal capacities, independently of irrelevant distinctions of gender, ethnic or social background, religion or other belief, sexual orientation and/or functional disability. The University has a policy of zero tolerance of harassment and discrimination.
- To promote a gender- friendly, inclusive and secure environment in the University for staff and students.
- To ensure that gender balance in students’ enrolment and performance is improved across all disciplines.
- To advocate for the implementation of the one-third rule on all appointments, promotions and new employments as provided in the Constitution.
- To work for the engendering of the University curriculum.
- To advance fundamental rights of women and men through training and sensitization of both staff and students in the University.
- To promote and advocate for the integration of gender in University research.
- To promote the integration of gender perspectives in the University’s outreach programmes.
- To advocate and promote increased participation of women in decision-making at all levels in Laikipia University.
- To ensure that university policy on women’s access to benefits, allowances and other entitlements is streamlined, regularized and wholly implemented.
- To promote the use of gender sensitive language in all forms of communication at Laikipia University.
- Training through conferences and workshops.
- Gender Sensitization in the University.
- Investigation of gender and sexual harassment issues.
- Research on gender and related issues.
- Consultancies (Gender Mainstreaming for organizations and institutions).
- Mentoring students through research, education, scholarship, training and outreach.
- Advocacy for the implementation of the gender policy in the University.
- Counseling Students and Staff on gender related affairs.
- Collaborating with gender based organizations within and without the University.
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the gender policy in the University
- Developing the Center into an Institute of Gender.