Dean of Students

  Ms. Beatrice Yogo
  Dean of Students




Laikipia University welcomes you to its Students’ Affairs Department. The division coordinates student’s welfare matters .
Departmental Structure:

  1. Sports, Games and Recreation
  2. Guidance and Counselling
  3. Chaplaincy
  4. Halls

Guidance and Counselling Services: Laikipia University is both an academic Institution as well as a social Organization where its members (both staff and students) are involved in many issues within a changing environment. Sometimes the environment changes rapidly on short notice during these interactions. It is for this reason that the University has found it necessary to offer the counseling and Career Guidance Unit for students. This Unit coordinates counselling in the following areas:

  • Social Behavior: Opportunity is given to students to discuss and understand themselves in regard to social problems related to stress, relationships, habits, drug abuse and human sexuality (in particular, HIV/AIDs), etc.
  • Academic Affairs: Academic affairs are available to all students for purposes of monitoring students’ performance and grades, choice of subject combination, etc. The students are advised on the market needs of any of the subject they choose to study.
  • Vocational Training: Vocational training is very important in enhancing students’ chances of getting placed in a job market in the competitive world. Information regarding vocational training in CPA, Computer Science and other fields is often supplied to the students.
  • Personal Life: It is necessary to be a well-organized and purposeful individual within the University as no one will prompt or direct you to follow any course of action or attend to an activity. Planning is necessary on everybody’s part, and particularly in the areas of time management and financial management, as the old saying goes “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.
  • The Division provides guidance on the following issues as they relate to the students.
  • Career Development: This is another important area where students need to be serious. Students are informed of the importance of focusing and picking a career, CV writing, application letter writing and life skills for survival, which will benefit them in the future.
  • Time Management: Making of personal timetable and schedule for activities. This will facilitate proper allocation of time for studies, clubs, societies, games and sports besides resting. The notion of “Free time” will soon vaporize when you know how well you are spending your time. In the run up to examination, some students’ have no time to even sleep and this is perhaps an indication of how inefficiency they have been during the semester. To avoid examination failure, poor grades, repeating of academic years or even outright discontinuation, make good use of your time.

Sports: The department of sports, games and recreation schedules the venues and times for these activities. The division through various clubs and associations organizes and coordinates other recreation and entertainment activities such as social hours, competitions, variety shows, parties, public lectures, concerts, charity walks, services to the community etc.

Chaplaincy Services: Chaplain under Students Affairs Division offers the chaplaincy services. The chaplain however operates independently with minimal consultations with the Dean of Students.

Clubs and Societies: The division coordinates clubs and associations activities by:

  • Processing their registration
  • Ensuring that they are managed in accordance with their approved constitution and conformity with the University’s Rules and Regulations.
  • Handling external speaker visitors protocols
  • Scheduling venues and time for these activities.
  • which is Coordinates financial assistance scheme by:
    • Identifying extremely needy students for assistance
    • Soliciting for external assistance from external sources like: Trust funds, Agencies and NGOs on behalf of the needy students’
    • Coordinates the work-study programme, meant for providing needy students’ with an opportunity to experience work as they earn some money for their upkeep. The programme is subject to availability of funds in the university.
    • Liaise with HELB to assist students who may have problems with their loan application.
  • Orientation:
    The department arranges and coordinates Orientation Programme for first year students as per its schedule departments work. The department acts as a link between the administration and students. The Dean of Students acts as the voice in times of crisis
  • Rules and Regulations:
    The division enlightens and enforces rules and regulations governing students conduct and association. Ignorance would not be a defence in the event of an infringement. It is useful to add that no justification would be entertained even if the infringement has been occasioned by the use of alcohol or drugs for that matter.

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