Estates Department

  Mr. Meshack Orwako,
  Estates Manager





Welcome to the Estates Department

Estates department has the responsibility of developing and expanding physical facilities for the University and maintaining these facilities through routine maintenance work.

Capital Works
The department’s current Capital works include;
1. Construction of the Science Laboratory Complex
2. Construction of the Library and Administration block
3. Construction of Tuition block
Apart from managing Capital Projects the department is also responsible for rehabilitation and renovation works.

This section is charged with the responsibility of maintaining all University physical facilities such as teaching and learning facilities (including theatres, laboratories, field stations, and lecture halls), offices, and residential houses (including students’ halls of residence and related physical facilities and residential houses for staff.
The process of maintaining these facilities can take various formats:

  • Through formal requests by the user department/institute/school/ by filling the Maintenance Request form.
  • Through recognition by the section for a need for a repair; or
  • Through an emergency to which the section is alerted to or notices in course of normal duty such as a pipe breakage or power outage. In this case the section fixes the problem immediately except where new materials would be required;
    1. As a performance contract target
    2. As planned or preventive maintenance
    3. As maintenance

In most cases, the process of maintenance on receiving request would start with taking specifications through technical staff moving to site and identifying the required correction and/or material. The identified requirements are submitted to Procurement Section whose responsibility would be to supply them to the Department upon which repair/maintenance process commences. On completion, and after making sure that the area is cleared of any debris and making good any damage occasioned during the process, the completed work is handed over after the user certifies that he/she is satisfied with the work. If not, further work to the satisfaction of the user continues.

The main source of water supply to the University is a spring and a bore hole. The University has a storage capacity of 660M3 that serves the University via gravity.

Energy sources of power and fuel are Kenya Power main grid supply, the 3No. Standby generators and 3No 2tonnes each gas tanks for use as fuel in the catering department while 1No. 2tonnes gas tank for student’s laboratory.

Prudent use of utilities is highly encouraged among the members of staff and students body thus the maintenance team are encouraged to be proactive in their maintenance undertakings whereas the staff and students are always encouraged to report any incident noticed immediately for the attention of the technical team.

Meeting Clients Expectation
The department aims at providing maximum satisfaction to all our clients in the following manner;
1. Development of new physical facilities that meets the demand of University activities
2. Well maintained physical facilities
3. Immediate response to maintenance request.

Quality Statement
To achieve our objective, the department will, therefore, monitor and appropriately adopt quality performance based on the Quality Management System in tandem with the Laikipia University Quality Policy Statement.

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