Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, Finance & Planning

  Prof. Patience M. Mshenga - DVC AFPProf. Patience M. Mshenga, PhD

  Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, Finance & Planning





Responsibilities of the DVC (A,F&P)

According to Laikipia University Statute V, the DVC (A,F&P), under the general direction of the Vice-Chancellor, has the following responsibilities:

  1. Overall responsibility of direction, organization and administration of the Division of Administration, Finance & Planning;
  2. Effectively co-ordinate the Administration, Finance & Development functions in the University;
  3. Be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the management of personnel and personnel matters, and the general conduct and discipline of staff;
  4. Ensure the University Management is properly and promptly advised to comply with all statutory and legal requirements currently in force;
  5. Ensure effective accountability to the Vice-Chancellor for the proper management of the University;
  6. Ensure sound financial controls;
  7. Ensure timely preparation and implementation of the University’s budget estimates and operational budget;
  8. Guide in strategic planning in education development; and
  9. Work with the DVC (ARSA) to promote learning, teaching, research and development in the University.

The DVC (A,F&P) is the Chairperson of:

  1. The Staff Appointments Committee (in accordance with the existing Collective Bargaining Agreements) of the non-academic staff of Grade XII and below;
  2. Staff Disciplinary Committee for staff of Grade XI and below;
  3. Budget Committee (Ad hoc);
  4. Human Resource Development and Welfare Committee;
  5. Tender Committee
  6. Information, Communication and Technology Committee;
  7. Sports, Hospitality and Recreation Committee; and
  8. University Enterprise Committee.

The DVC (A,F&P) shall have such other duties as may be assigned or delegated by the Vice-Chancellor in accordance with Statute III (11).

The Departments under the jurisdiction of the DVC (A,F&P) are:

Human Resource, Finance, Legal Office, Medical, Transport, Farm, Estates/ Maintenance, Information and Communication Technology Centre, and Planning and Performance Contracting.

We welcome you to LU.


Deputy Vice-Chancellor(A,F&P)
Physical Address-Main Campus
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1100-20300, Nyahururu, Kenya
Tel-Mobile: +254-(0)712025082,+254-(0) 773373073

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