Dr. Poti Abaja
Dean, School of Science and Applied Technology
The School of Science and Applied Technology has the following Departments: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics,Computing and Informatics and Earth Sciences. The School has a team of teaching staff and an experienced team of technical staff.
Our Vision
A centre of excellence for quality research and innovation.
Our Mission
The School is committed to generation and dissemination of knowledge through quality training and research for valued socio-economic transformation.
- To undertake research for innovation and sustainable development.
- To conduct seminars, workshops and conferences in science related fields
- To create a conducive environment for academic growth.
- To create and offer programmes to meet the needs of the society.
Departments and Programmes
The academic departments are:-
- Department of Biological & Biomedical Sciences Technology
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Computing and Informatics
- Department of Earth Sciences
Each department offers Certificate, Diploma and Degree Courses
Other services
The School also prepares and sell the following products:
- Distilled water
- Soap and detergents
- Bottled Mineral Water
For More Information, Contact
The Dean,
School of Science and Applied Technology
Laikipia University ,
P.O. Box 1100-20300,
Email: ssat@laikipia.ac.ke, powili@laikipia.ac.ke