Procurement Department

  Ms. Violet Mideva,
  Ag. Senior Procurement Officer






The role of the Procurement Department within an organization has changed from merely buying to a broader strategic focus.

The Procurement Department is the office responsible for the acquisition of goods, works, and services intended to support of the University's strategic goals of service delivery to the students and the society. It is the unit within the University authorized to issue Invitations to tender, requests for proposals, requests for quotations and issue contracts in form of purchase/service orders and development contracts. The Department is also responsible for issuing of procured products to the users and the disposal of all of unserviceable, obsolete and surplus stores or equipment.

The Procurement Department is very mindful of its responsibility and accountability in the expenditure of public resources, therefore, the Procurement Department maintains a competitive bidding process in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005 and its subsequent regulations towards ensuring that the University maximizes on economy and gets value for money.
The Procurement Department has a policy to promote the contribution of qualified vendors in the procurement process, emphasizing opportunities for businesses owned by youth women and persons with disabilities and this is achieved by allocating 30% preference of all procurement opportunities being allocated to the youth women and persons with disabilities.
To fully satisfy its mandate the department has three sections; Tender, Purchasing and Stores. While both the Tender and Purchasing sections deal with acquisition of goods, works and services, the Stores deals with storage and issuance of goods and also disposal of obsolete, unserviceable and surplus goods.
Laikipia University management clearly understands the importance of the procurement function and has tasked the Procurement Department with the responsibility of accomplishing the following objectives:

  • To solicit the participation of competent and dependable vendors in the procurement process and facilitating the promotion of local industry and economic development.
  • To acquire essential products in a manner that ensures that quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness are achieved.
  • To ensure that procurement transactions are conducted in a manner that promotes competition and ensure that all competitors are treated fairly;
  • To encourage participation from youth women and persons with disabilities.
  • To eliminate the possibility of corruption or unethical practices by promoting integrity and fairness in the procurement process, complying with procurement rules and applicable national and state laws and regulations as required and increasing transparency and accountability in the procurement process.

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