
Innovations help improve the quality of life for Kenyans but few of these programs make use of available technologies. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had a big impact on the well-being of people in countries that have already adopted it. There has been a drastic increase in access and use to ICTs in Kenya in the recent years as reported in the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census (KPHC) and the most recent Communications Authority (CA) quarterly report.

There is therefore an opportunity to use these technologies to develop innovative solutions that are transformative in terms of coping with the challenges facing Kenyans. These should be in line with the global sustainable development goals and Kenya’s big four agenda. It is vital for the Laikipia Innovation Hub to harness and cultivate various core values for the greater success.  The vision, mission, and values statements provide direction for every activity that will happen within and through the hub. These will keep everyone focused on tasks and goals set and they define the core values of the innovation hub and how everyone is expected to perform.


  1. Provide a platform for innovators and start-ups to develop ideas and solutions to problems facing Kenyan communities
  2. Create opportunities for industry and government partnerships and collaborations with the university
  3. Offer training and technical skills development to innovators and start-ups through trainings offered by university academic staff and mentorship by industry partners
  4. Link innovators and startups with investors and financial partners
  5. Identify research opportunities for both Laikipia university students and academic staff
  6. Enable multi-disciplinary problem solving


The Innovation Hub is expected to nurture and incubate various projects, ideas and innovations in the following but not limited to;

  1. Health and Healthcare Management
  2. Education and Learning
  3. Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
  4. Water, Sanitization and Climate change
  5. E-Governance and Civic, Public Projects
  6. Financial Technologies
  7. Enhancing Manufacturing
  8. Affordable Housing


  Title Student Name(s) Area
COVID19 Tracker Innovation Project Brian Mutiso, Francis Kinyuru and John Mumo Healthcare
Android Dairy Management System Teddy Kimutai Dairy Agriculture
Machine Learning for Pneumonia Prediction Hilary Kirui Healthcare and Security
IOT Automated Irrigation System Solomon Itotia Agriculture
Air Pollution Monitoring System using IOT Moses Kimanzi Willy Water, Sanitization and Climate
Machine Learning for Glioblastoma Mitigation (GlioAI) Ibrahim Marube Healthcare
Real Estate Exchange Center using BlockChain    
An automated Water Quality and Chlorine Evaluation Study: Case of Laikipia University Main Campus. Dr Kirori Mindo, Isaac Njangiru and George Nyakundi Water, Sanitization and Climate
MajaniChai AgroChain System Kevin Makori Agriculture

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