ICT Services

   Mrs. Agnes Nduku
   In-charge ICT Services




In this digital and information age, we encourage students to be tech-savvy and ensure they are always up-to-date with technology so as to remain relevant in the industry.

The department seeks to automate all the business processes of the University i.e. Student registration, exams management, Finance, Medical among many others.

The ICT Department is charged with a number of ICT related responsibilities, including training students/staff and updating them on emerging issues in ICT.

The ICT Department is currently implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) to automate the University’s Academic and Administrative operations.

The Department has facilitated deployment of fast cabled LAN in administrative offices as well as Wireless Access Points in the HDS building, library, DOS, Graduation Square, University Business Centre and green library, which all cover a reasonable radius. Both the wired and wireless LAN is supplied with over 498 Mbps of internet bandwidth, linking the University to the globe.

Our internet last-mile infrastructure has been upgraded to fiber optics. This has supplied our internal LAN back-bone with giganet bandwidth LAN speed, improving internet access data rate. It is with the aim of keeping up with the digital age and society that the University has set up Wi-Fi hotspots to enable students access information, carry out research and communicate. This will ensure that we produce high-quality and computer literate graduates.

The department is currently expanding the University Local Area Network (LAN) that will add the following value to access information:

  1. Creation of more wireless access points within the university, this will enable students and staff to access both local and international resources through internet.
  2. Access web-based information relating to academics and other relevant university programmes/events.
  3. Access e-library materials.

 Welcome to the ICT Department.

For more information, please contact :


For students please contact us via studentsupport@laikipia.ac.ke

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