Transport Department

Frankline Langat,
Ag. Transport Officer


This Department is charged with the responsibility of running and maintaining University vehicles among which include buses, minibuses, ambulance and other light vehicles.

Transport personnel co-ordinate transport schedules for both students and staff on various missions. The department is a service provider and is headed by a Transport Officer and composed of drivers, mechanics and clerks totaling 19 members, whomanage a fleet of 12 vehicles.


To provide safe and quality transport services with dignity and professionalism.

Location of the Department

The Department is located on the immediate left of the University’s Gate B.

Provide transport services for:

  • To provide transport services for:
  • Academic trips.
  • Students’ organizations/clubs.
  • Staff and other stake holders.

Mode of application for transport services:

  • Students’ organizations and clubs

The chairperson of each group requests for transport for the intended trip at the beginning of the semester by addressing the application letter to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (A,F & D) through the Dean of Students, through the Transport Officer and through their patron.

  • Academic trips

Lecturer concerned applies for the trip on behalf of the students.

  • Individual student trips

The students affected to report to the Dean of Students who will then liaise with the Transport Officer for facilitation of transport.

  • Administrative and Welfare Trips

Trips are facilitated by respective Heads filling in transport request forms.

Other functions of the department include:

  • Evaluation of University motor vehicles for purposes of licensing and determination of age limit for replacement.
  • Recommend size and model of vehicles to be purchased.
  • Repairs and maintenance of the vehicles.

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