

QUARTER 3 2023/2024

  1. Vicky Khasandi – Telewa (2023): Women should not wear pants?’ Reflections from Kenyan English speakers in a strait between American and British English Journal of Languages and Linguistics (JLL), Vol.2 No. 1, 35–43. Laikipia University, Kenya
  2. Mutie Stephen and Rutere Albert Mugambi (2024): Narrating Feminine Rebellion, Dynamism and Resilience in Meja Mwangi’s "The Last Plague" The Journal of Literature and Performing Art. Vol 3(2024); Laikipia University, Kenya
  3. Rutere Albert Mugambi and Mutie Stephen (2024): The Allegory of Colonisation (Re) Theorizing Dehumanization in Achebe’s "Things Fall Apart" The Journal of Literature and Performing Art. Vol 3(2024);, Laikipia University, Kenya.
  4. Nyamu, E. M., Gichuhi, D., & Mwaura, P. (2023). Influence of public sensitization and awareness on service delivery of land registries in the Rift Valley Region, Kenya. Journal of Policy and Development Studies (JPDS), Vol.2, No.1, 146–156. Laikipia University, Kenya.
  5. Oloo, A. A., Gichuhi, D., & Mwaura, P. (2023). Influence of professionalism on organisational performance of Christian Organisations Research Advisory Trust of Africa (CORAT Africa), Kenya. Journal of Policy and Development Studies (JPDS), Vol. 2, No. 1, 137–145. Laikipia University, Kenya.
  6. Dr. John Mathenge Kingau (2023): Analysis of Climate Change Mitigation on Small Holder Farmers: International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) Volume VII Issue X October 2023 ISSN No. 2454-6186 Laikipia University, Kenya.
  7. Kitur, J. P., Kirigia, E. K., & Nabea, W. K. (2024). Literacy practices among Kapsabet residents. Journal of Languages and Linguistics (JLL), Vol. 3, No.1, 14–21. Laikipia University, Kenya.
  8. Mburu, K., Wandera-Simwa, S., & Wendo, N. (2024). Upambanuzi wa Mikakati ya Kitashtiti katika Vibonzo vya Kisiasa Vya Gado. Jarida La Afrika Mashariki La Masomo Ya Kiswahili, 7(1), 11-27. Laikipia University, Kenya.

QUARTER 4 2023/2024

  1. J,Macharia,D. Pande, A Zandi, F, Budan, Z, Káposztás,O, Kövesdi, T,Varjas and B,L, Raposa ( 2024) In Vitro Inhibition of Colorectal Cancer Gene Targets by  Withania somnifera L. Methanolic Extracts: A Focus on SpecificGenome Regulation Nutrients 2024, 16, 1140., 2024
  2. Kitur, J. P., Kirigia, E. K., & Nabea, W. K. (2024). Literacy practices among Kapsabet residents. Journal of Languages and Linguistics (JLL), Vol. 3, No.1, 14–21. Laikipia University, Kenya.
  3. Mburu, K., Wandera-Simwa, S., & Wendo, N. (2024). Upambanuzi wa Mikakati ya Kitashtiti katika Vibonzo vya Kisiasa Vya Gado. Jarida La Afrika Mashariki La Masomo Ya Kiswahili,7(1)1127. Laikipia University, Kenya
  4. Emma D Rice, Patrick Okanga (2024) The Future of Gender Research in small Scale fisheries: Priorities and pathways for advancing gender equity Ghoti DOI:10.11/FAF.12814
  5. Mutie Stephen and Rutere Albert Mugambi (2024): Narrating Feminine Rebellion, Dynamism and Resilience in Meja Mwangi’s "The Last Plague" The Journal of Literature and Performing Art. Vol 3(2024); Laikipia University, Kenya
  6. Rutere Albert Mugambi and Mutie Stephen (2024): The Allegory of Colonisation (Re) Theorizing Dehumanization in Achebe’s "Things Fall Apart" The Journal of Literature and Performing Art. Vol 3(2024);, Laikipia University, Kenya.
  7. Ongere, F. N.  & Kamau- Goro, N.  (2024). Women and Patriarchy in Post-colonial Kenya:  A Critical Interrogation of Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye's Coming to Birth and The Present Moment. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 113-127.
  8. Ogal, G. O, Khasandi-Telewa, V., & Mahero, E. (2024). Could marriage be a glorified transactional relationship? A cognitive blending approach to analogies of marriage in Dholuo. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(1), 126-140.
  9. Ndung’u, D. T., Onyuma, S. O. (2024). Emerging Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Reporting by Listed Companies in the Post-Corona Pandemic in Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2023) Vol. 1, No. 1: ISSN 2791-190Xv.
  10. Florence Achieng Opondo, Poti Owili Abaja & Kevin Okoth Ouko (2023): Group formation as a mechanism for integrating smallholder farmers and development organisations into the cassava value chain: Evidence from Siaya County, Kenya, Cogent Business & Management, 10:3, 2287787, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2023.2287787 :
  11. Florence Achieng Opondo, Clarietta Chagwiza, Kevin Okoth Ouko & Elizabeth Mkandawire (2024) Diversification of small-scale fishing activities in exploring entrepreneurial opportunities along the tourism value chain in South Africa, Cogent Social Sciences, 10:1, 2286751, DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2286751
  12. Florence Achieng Opondo, Poti Owili Abaja & Kevin Okoth Ouko (2023) Group formation as a mechanism for integrating smallholder farmers and development organisations into the cassava value chain: Evidence from Siaya County, Kenya, Cogent Business & Management, 10:3, 2287787, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2023.2287787 :
  13. Apollo Uma,, (2023). “Intensity of Usage of Paddy Sourcing Methods by Small and Medium-Scale Rice Millers in Mwea, Kirinyaga County, Kenya” International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences (IJRSAS), 9(5), pp. 1-12 DOI:

QUARTER 1 2024/2025

  1. Kinyanjui, B., Ndoro, P., & Nabea, W. (2024). Compositional Elements of Photographic Coverage of the Westgate Mall Terrorist Attack. International Journal of Communication and PubliC RelationISSN 2520-7989 (Online)Vol.9, Issue 4, No.3, pp 24 - 44, 2024, 9(4), 24–44.
  2. Ongere, F. N. & Kamau- Goro, N. (2024). Women and Patriarchy in Post-colonial Kenya: A Critical Interrogation of Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye's Coming to Birth and The Present Moment. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 113-127.
  3. Ongere, F. N. & Rutere, A. M. (2024). Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Women’s Identity in Post-Colonial Kenya: An Interrogation of Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye's Coming to Birth and the Present Moment. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 445-456.
  4. Jane Nyambura Nyutu, James N. Kung’u, Thomas W. Gakobo (2024)The Influence Of Staff Competence On Credit Recovery In Deposit-Taking Microfinance Institutions In Nakuru County, KeNYA  European Journal of Economic and Financial Research
  5. Lesorogol, N., Achimba, C., & Opondo, F. (2024). Budget Control on Capital Project Delivery in Samburu County Government. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 9(4), 1–16.
  6. Mbatia, B. K. & Nabea, W. (2024). Photographic Frames in the Westgate Mall Terror AttackCoverage. Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): ISSN (Online): 2957-8477 DOI:, 21-33.
  7. Nyamamba, M. J., Mahero, E., & Mwithi, F. (2024). The role of joining words and hashtags techniques in advancing ideological constructs and identity formation in women's magazines: A critical analysis. Journal of languages and linguistics, 3(1), 33-44.
  8. M. M. Ng'ang'a, S. Kimani, M. W. Kimwele and J. P. Hawuory, "Leveraging Web-Based Learning to Mitigate Adult Literacy Levels: Perspectives from Kenya," 2024 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa), Dublin, Ireland, 2024, pp. 01-11, doi: 10.23919/IST-Africa63983.2024.10569702.
  9. Ogal, G. O, Khasandi-Telewa, V., & Mahero, E. (2024). Could marriage be a glorified transactional relationship? A cognitive blending approach to analogies of marriage in Dholuo. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(1), 126-140.
  10. Ndung'u and Onyuma (2024) Investor Confidence and the Growth of REITs in Kenya. Journal of African Real Estate Research, 9(1),pg.1-27. DOI: https://


  1. Tom Barnard Okoth Ndiewo, Vicky Khasandi-Telewa and Evelyn Mahero: An Analysis of Pupil and Student-teacher Language in the Classroom during Teaching Practice in Secondary Schools in Kericho West Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022); ISSN N0 2791-190X: Volume: 01, No:2
  2. Isaac Simiyu Juma, Vicky Khasandi-Telewa and Nelson Ndiritu.  Impact and Gravity of Spoken Language Errors on Communication among Kimeru Learners of English as a Second Language in Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022); ISSN N0 2791-190X: Volume: 01, No: 2:
  3. Florence Opondo, Patience Mshenga, Andre Louw. Analysis of Marketing Margins for Cassava Farmers and Traders in Siaya County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022); ISSN N0 2791-190X: Volume: 01, No:2:
  4. Ben Jack Otieno Ochieng and Samuel O. Onyuma. Relationship between Cost of Sugarcane Production and Cost of Maize Production among Farmers in Nyanza Region, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022); ISSN N0 2791-190X: Volume: 01, No: 02:
  5. Robert Bisonga Mwebi. Student Satisfaction as a Precursor to Institutional Commitment: A Reflection of Educational Quality through Graduate Exit Surveys. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022); ISSN N0 2791-190X: Volume: 01, No: 2:
  6. Boniface Muli Mutua, Wanjiku Chiuri, Veronica Ngure and Veronica Kimani1.Effects of Parthenium Weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) on Biodiversity of Native Plant Species in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT, 2022); ISSN 22791-1926: Vol.1, No.2:
  7. Thadius Maisa, Alphonse Wanyonyi, Silvanus Shisia. Physico-Chemical Parameters and Levels of Nutrients During Wet and Dry Seasons Along River Ewaso Narok, Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT, 2022); ISSN 22791-1926: Vol.1, No.2
  8. Clare N. Orina, Veronicah N. Kimani, Wilkister N. Moturi, Silvanus K. Shisia. Disposal Practices of Pharmaceutical Waste among Medical Facilities in Nakuru Town, Nakuru County Kenya. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT, 2022); ISSN 22791-1926: Vol.1, No.2:
  9. Shisia K. Silvanus. Studies on a Fabricated Novel Carbon Nanotube-Infused Polysulfone Nanocomposites. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT, 2022); ISSN 22791-1926: Vol.1, No.2:
  10. Veronica Ngure. Evaluation of Radioactive Metals in Surface Soil from an Artisanal Gold Mining Area, Migori, Kenya Nanocomposites. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT, 2022); ISSN 22791-1926: Vol.1, No.2:
  11. Owili, Poti. A. Time Series Regression Analysis on Effects of Climatic Change and Variability on Production and Yield of Bean, Sweet Potato and Cassava Crops in Kenya. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT, 2022); ISSN 22791-1926: Vol.1, No.2:
  12. Mwangi, D. N., Kariuki, J. B., & Kabugi, P. (2023). Factors impeding the participation of women in the Seventh Day Adventist church hierarchy in Laikipia–Samburu station, Kenya. Journal of Philosophy and Religion, 2(1), 93-100.


  1. Onkoba, S. O., (2022). Confluence of Kinship and Divinity and Ola Rotimi’s the Gods are Note to Blame and Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. East Africa Journal of Education and Social Sciences ISSN:2714-2132. Vol. 3 No. 2:
  2. Onkoba, S. O., Kamau, N. G. and Albert R. M., 2021 (July-Sept). Greek and African Notion of Spiritually and Gender in Euripidesm; The Bacchae and Wole SoyinkeK’s the Bacchae of Euripides: Communion Rite. Research Journals of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) ISSN:2393-2636. Vol.9.Issue 3.
  3. Daniel Pande, 2022. Genetic Diversity and Geographic Distribution of Maize Streak Virus in Kenya Genge. Laikipia University Journal of Science and Applied Technology Volume 1. Number 1, ISSN2221-3108
  4. Kandagor, J.C., Ngesa, F.U., Udoto, M.O. and Pande, D.O., 2022. Level of Awareness for Domestication of Cape Gooseberry Among Farming Families in Baringo County. East Afri. Agri. For Volume 88(2), Pg 67-74):
  5. Wangila, J. S. B., Wandera-Simwa, S., Onyango J. O., October-2022.  Umuhimu wa Mafumbo Yanayotumika Katika Miktadha ya Wosia wa Babu kwa Wavulana Miongoni mwa Wabukusu wa Kenya. Eastern Africa Journal of Kiswahili ISSN 2958-1036. Volume: 01 Issue: 01 |
  6. Kiragu J.M. Chiuri, W., Kurgat, B. and Ngure, V., 2023. Borrow Pits Rehabilitation, a Gem for the Promotion of Livestock and Wildlife Potentials in Asals. Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology (JEST), 2(1), 73–78:


  1. Ngugi, M.., Mberia, H.., & Ngula, K. W.. (2023). Mode of Communication and Employee Engagement in Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. American Journal of Communication5(1), 1 - 16.
  2. Gitu, P. M., Rutere, A., & Khasandi, V. (2023). Non-Verbal Language Contributing to Stigma towards Involuntary Childless Women in the Gikùyù Community, Kenya. European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences1(4), 703-711.
  3. Odhiambo, B.O., Gathungu, E. and Opondo, F. (2023) Determinants of Credit Access and Amount of Credit by Youth in Rachuonyo North Sub-County. Open Access Library Journal10, 1-15. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1110323.
  4. Kokown, W.J., Bett, H.K., Opondo, F. and Okello, D.O. (2023) Effect of Entrepreneurial Motivation on Psychological and Social Capital of Youth Fruit Agrienterprises in Nakuru County. Open Access Library Journal10, 1-17. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1110418.
  5. Chepkwony, J., & Wendo, N. (2023). Reconfiguring Gothic-Postmodernism: A Reading of Namina Forna’s (2021) The Gilded Ones. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences6(2), 1-10. 
  6. M’Rithara, K., Kirigia, E. K., & Ondisa, E. M. (2023). Deictic Strategies in KamaNu and Karimi’s Kimeru Song and Dance Lyrics. Journal of Communication4(1), 16–30.
  1. Ndiewo Tom Barnard Okoth, Evelyn Mahero and Vicky Khasandi-Telewa (2022)


  1. A Study of the Similarity between Student-Teacher Word Pronunciation and that of Pupils during Teaching Practice in Secondary Schools in Kericho West, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities: Vol. 1,No. 2: ISSN 2791-190Xv
  2. Vicky Khasandi-Telewa: Finesse of Tenses in Olukabarasi (2023). A Bantu Language of Western Kenya Coretrain Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Vol.1. ISSN 2617-6432 Page | 43 Laikipia University, Kenya
  3. Chelule June Chebet, Evelyne Mahero and Jacinta Ndambuki (2023). Rhetorical Devices of Hate Speech in Kenyan Political Discours. Coretrain Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Vol.1.; ISSN 2617-6432 Page | 58, Laikipia University
  4. Marotse S. Violet and Vicky Khasandi-Telewa (2023). A Bale of Water?’ Influence of First Language Transfer on Spoken English in Secondary Schools in Mogotio Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya Coretrain Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Vol.1.; ISSN 2617-6432 Page | 70, Laikipia University, Kenya
  5. Nelly K. Mbaka, Eliud K. Kirigia and Florence M. Mwithi (2023). The Morphological Strategies of Causatives in Gichuka: Coretrain Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Vol.1. 2023 ISSN 2617-6432 Page | 84 Laikipia University, Kenya
  6. Nelly Karimi Mbaka and Eliud Kiruji Kirigia (2023). Morpho-syntactic decomposition of place names in proximate sister languages: Journal of Languages and Linguistics [ISSN 2958-1028] Volume: 02 Issue: 01


  1. Benson Ojowi Obwanga, James Omondi Outa, Veronica Ngure. Identification of Plant Species along the Riparian Corridor of the Iguameti Stream in Laikipia County Kenya. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT,2022) Vol.1No.1.ISSN 2791-1926
  2. Daniel Pande. Genetic Diversity and Geographic Distribution of Maize Streak Virus in Kenya. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT,2022) Vol.1No.1.ISSN 2791-1926
  3. Esther Wanjiru Kinuthia. Antimicrobial Activity of Kenyan Laikipia County Leonotis mollissima Plant Extract. Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT,2022) Vol.1No.1.ISSN 2791-1926
  4. Enos Barasa Mukadi, Lydia. Efficacy of Guidance and Counselling Programme in the Paramilitary Establishment among National Youth Service Trainees and Trainers in Gilgil Training College, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  5. Lydia K. Nyagaka, Janerose M. Mayabi, Prisca K. Tarus Establishing the influence of School Infrastructure on Drug Abuse among Secondary School Students in Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  6. Janerose Mayabi. Students Response to Family Life Education in Secondary Schools in Busia County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  7. Stephen Mutie, Albert Rutere. Albinism as a Literary Trope in Goro Kamau’s Ghosts and Fortune Hunters.  Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  8. Florence Muthoni Mwithi. Examining the Social Media Discourse: Towards a Linguistic Study of Facebook Posts Among a Selected Group of Kenyan Internet Users. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  9. Beatrice Micheni, Vicky Khasandi Telewa, Nelson Ndiritu. Interlanguage Fossilization: Description and Analysis of Fossilized Grammatical Items in the English Language of Secondary School Learners in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  10. Khaisie J. L. Wanyama. Uyahe na Raghba ya Jinsia kama Mikakati ya Propaganda: Uchunguzi Kifani wa Mdahalo wa Urais wa Kenya, 2013. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  11. Samuel O. Onyuma. Re-Modulating the Growth Enterprise Market Segment to Drive the Growth of SMEs in Kenya through Securities Market Financing. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  12. Jacquiline Ondimu, Felicia Yieke. Publishing and Perishing? Identification and Avoidance of Predatory Journals. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH, 2022) Vol. 1: No. 1 ISSN 2791-190Xv
  13. Dr. John Mathenge King’au (2022). Agri-Systems as A Bridge Between Subsistence Farming and Youth Economic Welfare in Sub Sahara Africa: A Case of Nakuru County Kenya. East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology. 2707-4293 (Print) and 2707-4307 (Online).Volume 5, Issue 1, 2022.
  14. Fr Petrson Kabugi (2022). Challenges Facing the Catholic Women Association in Running Women Socio-Economic Empowerment Programs in Catholic Diocese of Nyahururu, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP). Online ISSN: 2250-3153.
  15. John Mathenge King’au (2022). Making Youth a Leading Force for Promoting Agri-Food Systems, A Case of Rural Nakuru, Kenya. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue V, May 2022|ISSN 2454-6186


  1. Njiraini, John Maina,Fredrick Okaka and Paul Omondi (2022). Landslide Disasters’ Causal/Trigger Factors as Understood by the Indigenous People in Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International. 26(1): 5-16.
  2. John Maina Njiraini, Prof. Paul Omondi & Dr. Fredrick Okaka (2022). Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge Understanding of Rainfall Induced Landslides in Murang’a County, Kenya. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources Volume 5, Issue 1.

  3. Kipkoech Mark Chepkwony, Prof. Nicholas Kamau & Dr. Stephen Mutie (2022). Re-examining Notions of Transnationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Xenophobia in Postcolonial Africa: A Textual Analysis of Teju Cole’s Open City. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Volume 5, Issue 1.

  4. Nguli Ruth Ndanu, Enos Barasa Mukadi, Prisca Kiptoo Tarus (2022). Effectiveness of guidance and counseling programme in enhancing students’ retention in public day secondary schools in Nyahururu Sub-county, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies.

  5. Stephen Okari Onkoba, Albert Mugambi Rutere, Nicholas Goro Kamau (2022). Confluence of Kinship and Divinity in Ola Rotimi’s The Gods Are Not to Blame and Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 102-109.

  6. Peterson Thumi Kabugi, J.B Karega, Peter Waweru (2022). The Role of Catholic Women Association in the Socio- economic Development in Kenya in Nyahururu,Kenya. ISSN- 2664 – 9462.

  7. Josephat Onyiego Orina, John Kanjogu Kiumi; Peter Kaboro Githae (2022). Recognition as a Determinant of Teachers Motivation in Public Secondary Schools Kwale County, Kenya. ISSN 2710 – 9779.


  1. Kevin Okoth Ouko, Adrian Wekulo Mukhebi, Kevin Odhiambo Obiero, Florence Achieng Opondo, Charles Adino Ngo’ng’a and Dennis Ouma Ongor. Stakeholders’ perspectives on the use of black soldier fly larvae as an alternative sustainable feed ingredient in aquaculture, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Volume 17, Number 1 (2022), pp 64–79 Published: 18 July
  2. Nicholas Goro Kamau. Department of Literary & Communication Studies, Laikipia University, Kenya. The metatext of culture and the limits of translation in Ngũgĩ wa Thiongo’s Devil on the Cross (1982). Research Journal in Advanced Humanities Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022) 2022-07-04
  3. Dr. John Mathenge King’au, 1* & Peninah Mumbua Mwanzia2 1 Laikipia University P. O. Box 1100 – 20300. Nyahururu, Kenya. Relationship between Social Work, Alliances, and Inclusivity: Way Forward for a New Eco-Social impact in Kenya ORCID: ttps://; International Journal of Geopolitics and Governance, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022 Published 24 August 2022. Online ISSN: 2790-,9557
  4. Katrine Soma 1, *, Valerie Cornelia Johanna Janssen 1, Oscar Ingasia Ayuya 2 and Benson Obwanga 3 Food Systems in Informal Urban Settlements—Exploring Differences in Livelihood Welfare Factors across Kibera, Nairobi. 5 September Sustainability,11099
  5. Thomas Njiru Gishobi , John Ndungu Kungu , Peter Waweru Wagura; Ecology and Its Influences on Land Use and Ownership in Pre-colonial Mwea   International Journal of humanities &social sciences ;Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2022 DOI: 10.24940/theijhss/2022/v10/i9/HS2209-006
  6. Ngunjiri M (2022). Individual Differences and Instruction in Mathematics: A Review International Journal of Advanced Research 5(84 -88). 20 Jun 2022


  1. Chelule, J., Ndambuki, J.M. and Mahero, E. (2022) A Critical Analysis of hate speech in Kenyan Political Discourse. In Eds. Amutabi, M. and Hamasi, L. Annals of African Development. pp 19-28. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED) Publications.
  2. Langat, N. and Ndambuki, J.M. (2022) The Discursive Construction of Covid-19 in the Kenyan Daily Nation newspaper. In Eds. Amutabi, M. and Hamasi, L. Annals of African Development. pp. 43-51 Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED) Publication


  1. Emily Awuor, Helga Huszár, László Horváth, Gábor Szabó, Csaba Janáky and Zoltán Bozóki, Development of a Near-Infrared Photoacoustic System for Selective, Fast and Fully Automatized Detection of Isotopically Labelled Ammonia, Analytical Chemistry (2022), (Q1, IF = 8.008)
  2. Emily Awuor, Helga Huszár, László Horváth, Gábor Szabó, and Zoltán Bozóki Possible environmental applications of a recently developed ammonia isotope monitoring photoacoustic system. Időjárás (Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service), (2022), (ISSN 0324-6329). Accepted for publication. (Q4, IF = 0.896)
  3. Audi, Z.O., Okirigiti, C.A., & Njuguna, P.M. (2022). Influence of Financial Restructuring on Performance of Non-Financial Firms listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Journal of International Financial Management, 3 (1), 18 - 28, ISSN 2663-127X.
  4. Wanjiku, D.K., Gichuhi, D., & Mwaura, P. (2022). Effect of team diversity on team cohesion in faith-based organizations: A case of St. Martin catholic social apostolate in Nyahururu, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (IJRBS), 11(6), 201-208, ISSN: 2147-4478.
  5. Ndirangu, M.W., Gakobo, T.W., & Mwaura, P.N. (2022). Corporate Rebranding and its effect on Performance of Technical and Vocational Training Institutions in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 13(3), 39-46. e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.
  6. Winifred Chepkoecha SilkeStöberb BarnabaK.Kurgatc HillaryK.Bettd Nancy W.Mungaie HermannLotze-Campenfg  (2022), What drives diversity in climate change adaptation strategies for African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya? Economic Analysis and PolicyElsaver)(. Accepted 22 December 2022, Available online 24 December 2022, Version of Record 6 January 2023.
  7. Munyentwari, J.M., Bett, H. K., & Jerop, R. (2022). Factors Influencing the Compliance with Decent Work in Coffee Production and Primary Processing in Kenya.  International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR), Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2022, PP 59-71, ISSN 2349-0330 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0349 (Online)
  8. Ahogle A.M.A, Letema S., Schaab G., Ngure V., Mwesigye A.R. and Korir N.K.(2023). Heavy Metals and Trace Elements Contamination Risks in Peri-Urban Agricultural Soils in Nairobi City Catchment, Kenya. Front. Soil Sci. 2:1048057. doi: 10.3389/fsoil.2022.1048057


  1. Mukadi E.B., (2021) Establishment of the Trends of Access to Basic Education by Primary School Children with Disabilities in Busia County. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies Vol 9 . Issue 2 DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2021/v9/i2/HS2102-033 February, 2021
  2. Makokha Z.N., Mukadi E.B.,, Bisonga R.M., (2021). Emotional stability as a predictor factor of drug abuse among youths in informal settlements: A case study of Mathare slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Educational Research and Development Online ISSN: 2664-7095, Print ISSN: 2664-7087, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.26 Received: 25-01-2021, Accepted: 15-02-2021, Published: 09-04-2021 Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021, Page No. 25-29


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  1. Barasa  E., Mbuthia N., Waiya L (2019). The mediating influence of games teachers motivation on the relationship between Institutional related stress and student athletes’ track performance in secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya, International Journal of Academic Research and Development. Volume 4; Issue 5; September 2019; Page No. 90-97
  2. Barasa  E., Mbuthia N., Waiya L (2019). The Moderating Influence of Quality Counselling on the Relationship between Stress Coping Strategies Adopted by Students’ Athletes and Student Athletes’ Track Performance in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya, The International Journal Of  Business & Management Vol 7;  Issue 9; September,  2019. Page No. 192-200
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  9. Barasa E., Muraguri R., Ngunjiri M (2019). Teachers’ Gender and Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counselling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub- County, Baringo County, Kenya, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 9, September-2019 ISSN 2229-5518
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  11. Mwangala, W. M., Onyuma, S. O. & Kung’u, J. N. (2019). Macroeconomic Environment and Financial Performance of Manufacturers Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 7 (2): 321-327.
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  14. Mang’oka, A., Onyango J., Bartoo, P (2019 ). The Use of Lexical Cohesion in the English Written Texts of Hearing Impaired High School Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 4 (3): 63-73
  15. Maina, J. Kirigia, E and Onyango, J.O. (2019) Language and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: An Analysis of Communication among Trilingual Schizophrenics in Nakuru Level Five Hospital in Nakuru County, Kenya  Editon Consortium Journal of Literature and Linguistic Studies. 1(3): 36-44
  16. Maina., J. Kirigia, E.,  Onyango O  (2019 ). Perceptions of Communicative Behaviour of Schizophrenics by Relatives in Nakuru Level Five Hospital in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science. 4(5) 1373-1378.
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  1. Barnabas K. Kurgat, Evans Ngenoh, Hillary K. Bett, Silke Stöber, Samuel Mwonga, Hermann Lotze-Campen & Todd S. Rosenstock (2018): Drivers of sustainable intensification in Kenyan rural and peri-urban vegetable production, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. To link to this article:
  2. Barnabas K. Kurgat, Silke Stöber,Samuel Mwonga,Hermann Lotze-Campen and Todd S. Rosenstock (2018): Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production:
  3. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2018). “The Writer and Africa’s Postcolonial Crisis: Language and Representation in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s A Grain of Wheat,” Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences (JEHS), Vol. 7 (1), Dar Es Salaam University, pp. 58-75. ISSN No: 1821-7421.
  4. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2018). “Towards an Authentic African Literary Tradition: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Rewriting of The Pilgrim’s Progress in Devil on the Cross,” Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 59-68. ISSN 2523-6725.
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  8. Viata, J., Gesimba, P., & Mwaura, P. (2018). The effects of Customer Role Clarity on Emergent Change Preparedness among Firms in the Telecommunication Industry, in Nakuru Sub County, Kenya. Scholars Middle East Publishers 4 (7), 551-557, p-ISSN 2412-9771, e-  ISSN 2412-897X.
  9. Wambugu, F., & Mwaura, P. (2018). Effect of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction among Government Huduma Centers in Rift Valley Region, Kenya. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 23 (3), 55-62, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
  10. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2018).Influence of cultural factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,3(7),2853-286h2.ISSN: 2455-8834.
  11. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2018).Influence of school based factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,3(7),2843-2852.ISSN: 2455-8834.
  12. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2018).Relationship between parents’ attitude towards their children’s education and level of students’ discipline in public primary schools in Naivasha sub- county,Kenya.International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,6(4),274-281. ISSN:2321-3418.
  13. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2018).Relationship between teacher commitment to students learning needs and level of students’ discipline in public primary schools in Naivasha sub- county, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,6(4),274-281. ISSN:2321-3418.
  14. Mbuthi, J. M. & Kung’u, J. N. (2018). Influence of Start-up Capital on Operational Performance of Individual Bank Agents in Kenya, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 9 (5), 16 – 23.
  15. Ombuna J. G., Nzioki P. M., Koima J. K., Evaluation of Factors Influencing Small And Micro Enterprises’ Credit Worthiness by Commercial Banks in Nakuru Town, Kenya, International Journal of Business Management and Processes (IJBMP) Vol 4. Issue No. 2. November, 2018. PP 191-208. ISSN 2616-3209.
  16. Khaisie, J. W., Wandera, S. P. & Gwachi, J. M. (2018) Ubandikaji Majina na Majumlishi memeto kama mikakati ya Propaganda katika Midahalo ya Urais wa Kenya 2013 katika RUWAZA AFRIKA (Vol. 6) Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2225-7144 (Online)
  17. Wandera, S. P. (2018) Umuhimu wa Lugha za Kiasili katika kuendeleza Kiswahili na Utambulisho wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki katika RUWAZA AFRIKA (Vol. 6) ISSN 2225-7144
  18. Khaisie, J. W., Wandera, S. P. & Gwachi, J. M. (In press) Dhamira Fiche Katika Mdahalo Wa Urais Wa Kenya 2013 katika Jarida la Mwanga wa Lugha. Moi University Press.
  19. Khaisie, J. W., & Wandera, S. P (2018) “ Fear Mongering and Appeal to the Name of God as Propaganda Techniques in the Kenyan 2013 Presidential Debate katika Journal of Research Innovations and Implications in Education. ISSN 2520-7504 (online) Vol. 2. Iss.4 PP 1-6
  20. Muchenje, J. K., Wandera, S. P. & Onyango J. O. (2018) “Hegemonic Masculinity in Song Lyrics of Webuye Jua Kali Band, Kenya” katika Journal of Research Innovations and Implications in Education. ISSN 2520-7504 (online) Vol. 2. Iss.4
  21. Wandera, S. P. (2018) Mitalaa ya Shahada ya Uzamili ya Kiswahili: Mtazamo wa Urie Bronfenbrenner katika CORETRAIN Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. ISSN 2617-6432 (Online) Vol. 1
  22. Opunde, S., Wandera, S. P. & Nabea, W. K. (2018) Uchunguzi wa Masuala ya Kijinsia katika nyimbo za Daudi Kabaka na John Amutabi Nzenze katika CORETRAIN Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. ISSN 2617-6432 (Online) Vol. 1
  23. Malenya, M. M. & Wandera, S. P. (2018) Uchanganuzi wa Matini za Kifeministi katika Taarab Teule katika CORETRAIN Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. ISSN 2617-6432 (Online) Vol. 1
  24. Miricho, M., Wandera, S., Wanjala K., Naula, B., E. M., Mukundi, S. (2018) VISIONARY Mazoezi ya Kiswahili: Gredi ya 1. Mwongozo wa Mwalimu. Kenya Literature Bureau ISBN 978-9966-65-233-1
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  26. Wandera, S., Miricho, E. M., Lumwamu, P., Mukundi, S., na Madara (2018) SKILLGROW Mazoezi ya Lugha: Hatua ya 1. Mwongozo wa Mwalimu. Kenya Literature Bureau ISBN 978-9966-65-189-1
  27. Wandera, S., Miricho, M., Lumwamu, P., Mukundi, S. na Madara, D. (2018) SKILLGROW Mazoezi ya Lugha: Hatua ya 1. Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi. Kenya Literature Bureau ISBN 978-9966-65-188-4
  28. Wandera, S., Miricho, M., Lumwamu, P., Maina, D., Kilanga, B. na Mukundi, S. (2018) SKILLGROW Mazoezi ya Lugha: Hatua ya 2. Mwongozo wa Mwalimu. Kenya Literature Bureau ISBN 978-9966-65-202-7
  29. Wandera, S., Mukundi, S., Lumwamu, P., Miricho, M., Maina D. na Kilanga, B. (2018) SKILLGROW Mazoezi ya Lugha: Hatua ya 2. Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi. Kenya Literature Bureau ISBN 978-9966-65-201-0
  30. Kiiru S. M., Gathii J. K., Nzioki P. M., Effect of Budget Planning on Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru Town Central Business District, International Journal of Business Management and Processes (IJBMP) Vol 4. Issue No. 2. November, 2018. PP 79-88. ISSN 2616-3209.
  31. Chepkonga F. J., Nzioki P. M., Kiprop S., Influence of Independence of Internal Audit on Organizational Performance of Semi-Autonomous Agencies in the State Department of Energy in Nakuru County, Kenya, International Journal of Business Management and Processes (IJBMP) Vol 4. Issue No. 2. November, 2018. PP 209-217. ISSN 2616-3209.
  32. Rutere H. J., Gathii J. K., Nzioki P. M. Influence of Creative Accounting Practices on Tax Evasion amongst Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya, International Journal of Business Management and Processes, Vol. 4. Issue No. 2. November, 2018. PP 127-135 ISSN 2616-3209.
  33. B. Mobisa,1.G. O. Lawi, J.K.Nthiiri Modelling In Vivo HIV Dynamics under Combined Antiretroviral Treatment; HindawiJournal of Applied Mathematics: Revised 19 November 2018; Accepted 26 November 2018; Published 10 December 2018 
  1. Daniel  Pande,  Eugene  Madzokere,  Penelope  Hartnady,  Simona  Kraberger, James  Hadfield,  Karyna  Rosario,  Anja  Jäschke,  Adérito  L.  Monjane, Betty E.  Owor, Mathews M.  Dida, Dionne N.  Shepherd, Darren P.  Martin, Arvind Varsani, Gordon W.  Harkins, (2017).The  role  of  Kenya  in  the  trans-African  spread  of  maize  streak  virus strain  A. Virus  Research  232: 69–76
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  5. Goro Kamau (2017). The Devils of Menengai. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.  
  6.  Keyombe J.L., Malala O.J., Waithaka E.,  Lewo M.R.,  &  Obwanga B.O. (2017) Seasonal changes in length-weight relationship and condition factor of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cichlidae) in Lake Naivasha Kenya. Int. J. Aquat. Biol. 5(1): 7-11
  7. Kinuu, Caroline, Kirigia, Eliud, and Rutere, Albert. “Gender Differences in Acquisition of English Language Skills Among Students in Secondary Schools in Kenya” ” Scholars  Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 5. 11A (2017): 1588-1593. Print.
  8. Maoncha, J. & Ndambuki, J.M. (2017) Euphemism Use as a Mirror of the People’s World view: The Case of the Abagusii Dirges of Kenya. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS) Online. Vol 10 no. 1. March 2017, pp. 146-162.
  9. Mbaria, S., Ndambuki, J.M. & Ndoro, P. N. (2017) Code Alternation in the news Media: a Focus on Classic 105 Radio Station Morning Show callers in Nakuru County – Kenya. Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (JSSEH). Vol. 3. No. 1 pp. 138-150.
  10. Meeme, F. Ndambuki, J.M. & Yieke, F. (2017) The New Quota Admission Policy as a Discursive Force for Social Class Differentiation: Perceptions of Public and Private Primary School Actors in Isiolo Township Kenya. Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (JSSEH). Vol.3. No. 1 pp 87-99
  11. Mugo, J. W, Rutere. A.M & Khasandi-Telewa, V. The Utilization of Proverbial Wisdom in Devil on the CrossScholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 5.2 (2017):172-181. Print.
  12. Njangiru IK and Njeri LK (2017): Effects of Oral Administration of Aqueous Extract of Tridax Procumbens on Body Organs and Hematological Parameters. Cross Ref DOI:
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  14. Njeri L Kimani, Njangiru IK, Eliud NM Njagi1 and George O Orinda, (2017) Antidiabetic Activity of Administration of Aqueous Extract of Berberis Holstii.  Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism. DOI: 10.4172/2155-6156.1000774
  15. Njeri, B.,  Rutere, A.M and Yieke, F. “The Double Edged Role of Indigenous Languages in National Development: A Case Study of the Lower Primary Classrooms in Kenyan Schools” Journal of Environmental Sustainability Advancement Research  3 (2017):  57-63. Print.
  16. Obwanga, B., & Lewo, M.R., (2017). From aid to responsible trade: driving competitive aquaculture sector development in Kenya; Quick scan of robustness, reliability and resilience of the aquaculture sector. Wageningen, Wageningen University & Research, Report 2017-092 3R Kenya. 68 pp.; 5 fig.; 3 tab.; 64 ref. ISBN/ISSN: 978-94-6343-673-1
  17. Oseko, Winnie Nyaboke, J. Mayaka and Nicholas Kamau Goro (2017). “The Significance of Metaphor in Ekegusii Proverbs,” Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5 (8a), ISSN No. 2347-5374.
  18. Simona Kraberger, Salem Saumtally, Daniel Pande, Michel H.R. Khoodoo, Sonalall Dhayan, Asha Dookun-Saumtally, Dionne N. Shepherd, Penelope Hartnady, Richard Atkinson, Francisco M. Lakay, Britt Hanson, Devasha Redhi, Adérito L. Monjane, Oliver P. Windram, Matthew Walters, Sunday Oluwafemi, Jean Michel-Lett, Pierre Lefeuvre, Darren P. Martin, Arvind Varsani, (2017) .Molecular diversity, geographic distribution and host range of monocotinfecting mastreviruses in Africa and surrounding islands. Virus Research 238: 171-178.
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  20. Stephen Mutie and Nicholas Kamau Goro (2017). “Kenya’s Postcolonial Anomies: Critical Perspectives on Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye’s Writings,” Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH), Laikipia University, pp. 100-109. ISSN No. 2301-1010.
  21. Veronica Ngure, Francis Lelo, and Benson Obwanga (2017): Heavy Metal Pollution from Migori Gold Mining Area, Kenya: Health Implications for Consumers of Fish and Water. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Available online.  ISSN 2225-0921 (Online). Vol.7, No.6, 2017: 46
  22. Veronica, Ngure, Francis K. Lelo and Benson Obwanga (2017).  Gold mining activities' impact on Human and Environmental Health in Macalder , Migori, Kenya: Possible Interventions. Merit Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology (ISSN:  2350-2266). Vol.  5(1) pp.  001-008.
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  39. Kyaitha R. S. and Nzioki P. M. Corporate Governance Practices and Financial Performance of Housing Cooperatives in Kenya, European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, ISSN 2501-9530, ISSN-L 2501-9530. Issue 3, Vol. 2, 2017.
  40. Sirma K., Nzioki P. M.,  Machogu C. and Shisia A. The Deterrent Effect of Credit Reference Bureau as a Compliance Measure on Higher Education Loan Recovery in Kenya, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, ISSN 2348-0386, Vol V, Issue 10, October 2017.
  41. Sirma K., Machogu C., Nzioki P. M. and Shisia A. An Empirical Assessment of Monthly Default Penalties as a Deterrent Measures of Default on Higher Education Loan Recovery in Kenya, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, ISSN 2348-0386, Vol V, Issue 10, October 2017.
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  3. Benson Obwanga, Francis K. Lelo and Veronica Ngure (2016): Assessment of artisanal gold mining impact on male workers’ health in macalder gold mines, migori, Kenya.  Octa Journal of Environmental Research ( Oct. – Dec., 2016).  International Peer-Reviewed Journal ISSN 2321 3655 Oct. Jour. Env. Res. Vol. 4(4): 331-338 Available online
  4. Beru, P. W., Rutere, A. M., Yieke, F. (2016) Gendered Language in Nursery Classroom Discourse in Selected Schools in Nyahururu Town, Kenya. Ruwaza Afrika. Vol. 4. No.1.
  5. Beru, P.W, Rutere, A.M & Yieke, F.A. “Gendered Language in Nursery Classroom Discourse in Selected Schools in Nyahururu Town, Kenya” Ruwaza Afrika: Journal   of Contemporary Research in Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2016): 83-106. Print.
  6. Gitimu MR, Njangiru KI, Mutua ND, Waithaka KS, Juma KK, et al., (2016). Paediatric and Young Adults Reference Values for Renal, Cardiac and Pancreatic Function Tests for the Population of Taita Taveta County. Biochemistry and Analytical Biochemistry 5:295. doi: 10.4172/2161-1009.1000295.
  7. Gitu, Pamela Mukami, James Onyango Ogola and Nicholas Kamau Goro (2016). “Discursive Construction of Masculinities in Gikuyu Proverbs,” Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 4 (9a). ISSN No. 2347-9493.
  8. Goro Kamau (2016)Ghost and the Fortune Hunters. Nairobi: Longhorn Publishers.
  9.  Goro Kamau (2016). “Across New China Road.” In: Emilia Ilieva & Waveney Olembo (eds.) Making the Best of It. Nairobi: Longhorn Publishers, Pp.68 – 81. 
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  14. Kiarie, Moses Kamau, James Ogola, and Nicholas Kamau Goro (2016). “Analysis of Message and Stylistic Devices in Gikuyu Ogre Narratives.” Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 4 (10): 1226-1232. ISSN No. 2347-5374.
  15. Kioko K., Yieke, F., Ndonye, M.M. (2016) Reconstructing Cohesion through Radio Salaams Clubs’ ‘Imagined Communities’ in Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (SAS Publisher). 4(8A): 968-973. ISSN 2347-5374
  16. Kirigia, E. K, Kiugu, Gatambuki, M.G, & Rutere, A. M.  “The Last Shall become First: Gender Paradigm Shift in the Management of Small Scale Tea Farms in South Imenti District, Kenya” Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) 1.2 (2016):66-77. Print. 
  17. Musyoka, B.M.., Kirigia, E.K & Rutere. A.M. “The Role of Input Quality in the Acquisition of Past Tense Morphemes by Form One Students: A Case Study of Students in Kauwi Secondary School, Kitui West Sub County, Kenya” Ruwaza Afrika: Journal   of  Contemporary Research in Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2016): 43-52. Print.
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  19. Mwangi, W. W., Ho, K. W., Tey, B. T., & Chan, E-S. (2016). Effects of environmental factors on the physical stability of Pickering emulsions stabilized by chitosan particles. Food Hydrocolloids, 60, 543-550. Impact factor = 4.747; Q1
  20. Mwenzwa, E.M, Gatambuki, M.G &Rutere, A.M. “A Gender Perspective of University Examination Cheating Strategies among Undergraduates Students in Kenya”  Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE) 8.2(2016):141-154
  21. Mwithi, F. M., Ndambuki, J.M. & Nabea, W. (2016) Identity Presentation in Face Book Posts: the Kenyan Situation. Online Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. ISSN 2422-8435, Vol. 26.  Pp 48-59.
  22. Mwithi, F. M., Ndambuki, J.M. & Nabea, W. (2016) Language and Technology: Linguistic Features of Facebook in Kenya. Online Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. ISSN 2422-8435, Vol. 26. pp 67-78
  23. Ndambuki, J.M. (2016) Discursive Construction of Education in Women’s Groups: Implications of Political Education in Kenya. RUWAZA AFRICA: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 1 December. pp. 107-127
  24. Ndiritu, N, Ndambuki, J. & Ogola, J. (2016) Promoting Post-conflict Peaceful Co-existence in Multi-ethnic Communities: Lessons from Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS): Online. Vol 9 no. 10. December 2016, pp 122-140.
  25. Ndiritu, N. Ogola, J.O. & Ndambuki, J.M. (2016) The Internally Displaced Persons’ Identity Crisis in Kenya. Scholars’ Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (SJAHSS) ISSN 2347-5374 (online) October 2016, Vol. 4, no. 10. pp 1364-1376.
  26. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2016). “Language, Politics and Representation: The         Making of the Gĩkũyũ Literary Tradition,” Ruwaza Afrika: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. 4, pp. 236-253. ISSN No: 2225-7144.
  27. Nyamete, Florence, Francis Aswani Buliba & Nicholas Kamau Goro (2016). “Ufafanuzi wa Vichocheo ya Kindoa kama Vinavyosawiriwa katika Riwaya ya Kidagaa Kimemwozea na Ken Walibora”, International Journal of Advanced Education Research, Vol.  1, No. 7, pp. 19-27. ISSN No. 2455-5746. 
  28. Obwanga B.O; Ngure V; Outa O and Ochieng K. (2016)  Role of HEI in sustainable use and protection of aquatic resources: Case study of Laikipia University and the Iguamiti Stream (JSAT) VOL 2
  29. P.J.Tarus, .C.Barngeny and L.Kurui. (2016). Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling: A Handbook for College and University Instruction. IISTE Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-151533400864 ISBN-10: 1533400865
  30. Rutere, A.M, Mwenzwa, E. M & Gatambuki, M.G. (2016) “The Resilience and Dynamism of   South Imenti Meru District Women in Business, Farming, Education, and Politics” Journal of   Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) 1.2(2016):105-120. Print.
  31. Yieke, F. (2016) Mainstreaming Gender in Literacy Materials for the Primary School Classroom in Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE), Egerton University. VOL 8, Issue 1. Pp 6-17. ISSN 1563-0188.
  32. JOHN Mathenge KING'AU, Catherine Ngendo Munyua, Babere K.Chacha(2016) Self-Reliance Projects: A Springboard for Rural Youth Livelihoods. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (AARJSH)
  33. John M. King’au, Catherine Ng’endo Munyua, Babere K. Chacha.(2016) Rural Youth Self-Reliance Projects in Kenya- Insights from Nakuru County, Central Rift Valley. Journal of  African Research and Development (JARD)
  34. Ndegwa, J., Gakobo, T. & Onyuma, S. (2016). Factors Influencing Performance of Insurance. Industry in Kenya: A Case of Small and Medium Insurance Companies in Nairobi County. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 1-21.
  35. Mburu, P., Njoroge, S. & Gakobo, T. (2016). Influence of Government Support on Performance of Women Run Small Enterprises in Kenya: Langata Sub-Count. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.8, No.21, 2016.
  36. Gakobo, T. & Mlenga, J. (2016). An application of the theory of planned behavior to predict intention to consume African indigenous foods in Kenya. British Food Journal, Vol. 118, No. 5, 2016 pp. 1268-1280.
  37. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2016).Effect of jigsaw cooperative learning strategy on students’ mathematics achievement in secondary schools in Laikipia county, Kenya. International  Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,1(8),1174-1189.ISSN:2455-8834.  
  38. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2016).Influence of community factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Laikipia West sub- county, Kenya. International  Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,1(8),1215-1224.ISSN:2455-8834.
  39. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2016). The Role of Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of Mathematics.  International Journal of Contemporary Research,3(1),185-188. ISSN:2393-8358.
  40. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2016).The Role of Feedback in the Learning of Mathematics. Anukriti: An International Refereed Research Journal,6(3),173-176.ISSN:2250-1193.
  41. Cherono, V., Karugu, W.N., and Njuguna, P.M. (2016). Influence of Customer Service and Firm- Level Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction among Large Retail Supermarkets in Kenya: Theoretical Framework. European Journal of Business and Management 8 (33), 179-194.  ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  42. Buluma, F.C.O., Cherere, T.W., and Njuguna, P.M. (2016). The Effect of Performance Benchmarks on the Relationship between Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction at Eldoret Law Courts. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management 4 (10), 517-539.  ISSN 2348-0386.
  43. Cherere, T.W., Buluma, F.C.O., and Njuguna, P.M. (2016). An Assessment of the Relationship between Service Quality Dimensions and Judicial Performance at Eldoret Law Courts. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management 4 (10), 725-756.  ISSN 2348-0386.
  44. Cherere, T.W., Buluma, F.C.O., and Njuguna, P.M. (2016). An Assessment of the Joint Effects of Service Quality Dimensions, and Performance Benchmarks on Customer Satisfaction at Eldoret Law Courts. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management 4 (10), 1126-1143.  ISSN 2348-0386.
  45. Kung’u, J. N. (2016). Effects of Inventory Control on Profitability of Industrial Firms and Allied Firms in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 7 (6), 9-15
  46. Kung’u, J. N. & Munyua, J. M. (2016). Relationship between Corporate Governance Practices and Agency Costs of Manufacturing and Allied Firms Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 7 (2), 58-68.
  47. Okumu L. O. and Nzioki P. M. Assessing the Effects of M-Shwari on Financial Inclusion among Muhoroni Factory Sugarcane Out-Growers’ Households in Muhoroni Sub-county, Kenya. - European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol. 8 No. 2016.
  48. Musyoka S. T. Ochieng I and Nzioki P. M. Factors Affecting Provision of Quality Service in the Public Health Sector: A Case of Nyahururu District Hospital, Kenya, International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSSN (e) 2395-7220 Vol. 2, Issue 9, September 2016.
  49. Khasandi, I. V & Wandera, S. P. (2016) Proverbs of Peace among the Luhya of Western Kenya and Swahili of the Coast in NGANO: The Journal of Eastern Africa Oral Literature. N0. 1 Pp 14-23 ISSN 2415-0002
  1. Barasa, M., Ndambuki J.M. and Khasandi-Telewa, V. (2015) The Discursive Strategies of the Principals in Kenya’s 2008 Post-Election Consultation Discourse. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) Volume 2, No. 1. PP 1-24.
  2. Gathigia, M.G., & Rutere, A. M. “Codeswitching as a pedagogic approach to the teaching of English as a second language: Teachers’ reflections”. In M. N. Amutabi (Ed.), Africa and the challenges of globalization: Opportunities and Prospects (2015):364-377. Nairobi, Kenya: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). ISBN978-9966-015-68-6. Print.
  3. Karia, C. Ndambuki, J.M. and Khasandi-Telewa,V. (2015) Code-Switching in the Pentecostal Sermon: a Case Study of the Mukurweini Gospel Outreach Church, Nyeri County-Kenya. JSSEH 2309 1010. Volume 2, No.1.pp 221-242.
  4. Khaemba, J. M., Yieke, F., and Ogola, J. O. (2015) Endorsing Hegemonic Masculinities among the Bukusu through Khuvita Riual. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and social Sciences (SJAHSS) Vol 3, Issue 5A. 990-996
  5. Kirigia, E.K, Kiugu, R.K and Rutere, A.M. “Appraisal of Mother Tongue Education in Kenya: A Case Study of Its Execution in South Imenti, Meru”   Ruwaza Afrika: Journal of  Contemporary Research in Humanities & Social Sciences 3.1(2015):108-116. Print.
  6. Kodak, B and Yieke F. (2015) The Role of Visual Semiotics in Shaping HIV and AIDS Discourses in Kenyan Print Media: A Case Study of a Newspaper Advertisement.
  7. Mavura, H. K. M., Ngure, R. M., Mwangi, W. W., Karori, S. M., & Murilla, G. (2015). Haematological changes in sheep (Ovis aries) infected with human infective Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. International Journal of Medical & Pharma Research, 4, 41-48.
  8. Ndonye, M., Yieke, F. and Ogola, J. O. (2015) Ethnicity as Discursive Construct in Kenyan Television Comedy: Humorous Harm? The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS) Vol. 2, No. 8. 44-60
  9. Obwanga B.O., Ngure V., Outa O., and Ochieng K (2015) Effects of unmanaged aquatic resource utilization: Case study of Igwamiti Stream of Laikipia County in the Rift Valley Kenya. Journal of Science and Technology Vol 2 No 1pg 32
  10. Oguzie. B and Rutere, A. M. “Achebe and Ngugi’s Affirmative Views on Construction of Modern African Literature”   Ruwaza Afrika: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities & Social Sciences 3.1(2015):219-229. Print.
  11. Veronica Ngure, Noah Sitati, Silvanus Shisia,and  Geoffrey Kinuthia (2015). Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in Urban Soils and the Implications to Consumers Health. Journal of Natural Sciences Research,  ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) Vol.5, No.17, Pg. 75-83.
  12. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2015). The Role of Examples in the learning of Mathematics. Shodh Drishti- An International Refereed Journal 6(3), 133-136.ISSN: 0976-6650
  13. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2015). Teaching mathematics effectively: What works. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research, 2 (1), 55-60. ISSN; 2393-8358
  14. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2015).Language and the learning of mathematics. Anukriti-An International Refereed Research Journal ,5(3) , 1-6.ISSN:2250-1193
  15. Njuguna, P.M. (2015). A Comparison of Consumerism activity amongst Household consumers in Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management 7 (29), 1-7.  ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  16. Osumba, A.O., Ochieng, I., and Njuguna, P.M. (2015). Effect of motivation on performance of employees in privately owned firms: A case study of Mt. Longonot medical services ltd, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management 7 (29), 131-149.  ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  17. Njuguna, P.M., Oloko, M., and Oyugi, L. (2015). Effect of Consumer discontent on consumerism in Kenya: A survey of Household consumers in Nakuru County. European Journal of Business and Management Vol. 7, No 5, pp 41-46, ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  18. Kimani, A.M., Njuguna, P.M., and Buluma, F. (2015). Assessment of the contribution of government strategies towards youth self-employment: Case of youth groups in Naivasha Sub County. European Journal of Business and Management Vol. 7, No 4, pp 29-33, ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  19. Iyaya, R. M. & Wandera, S. P. (2015) Misingi ya Mawasiliano katika Matangazo ya Biashara. Zeed ‘N’ Cee Publishers Limited. ISBN 978-9966-1829-0-6
  20. John Wahome, J.K. Bitok, J.K. Lonyangapuo Benjamin Nyamai (Feb, 2015). Using mathematical efficiency criterion to optimize a triangular open channel for stable velocity during storms Optimizing a Trapezoidal Open-channel for Least Velocity Fluctuation during Overflow Using Mathematical Efficiency Criterion, Journal of  Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics Volume 17, Number 2, 2015, Pages 183-193
  1. Adérito Monjane, Darren Martin, Francisco Lakay, Brejnev Muhire, Daniel Pande, Arvind Varsani, Gordon Harkins, Dionne Shepherd, and Ed Rybicki, (2014). Extensive recombination-induced disruption of genetic interactions is highly deleterious but can be partially reversed by small numbers of secondary-recombination events (JVI00709-14R1).
  2. Fanuel Kawaka, Benson Obwanga, Daniel Miyawa and Humphrey Gaya (2014) Epiphytic Orchids of Kericho Forest, Kenya Advances in Research 2014_AIR_9665
  3. Geoffrey K Kinuthia, Ephantus W. Kabiru, Christopher O. Anjili, Elizabeth M. Kigondu, Veronica N. Ngure, Johnstone M. Ingonga, and Nicholas K. Gikonyo. (2014). Efficacy of crude methanolic extracts of Allium sativum L. and Moringa stenopetala (Baker F.) Cufod. against Leishmania major. International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 4 (1): 16 – 25.
  4. Khaemba, J. M., Yieke, F., and Ogola, J. O. (2015) Endorsing Hegemonic Masculinities among the Bukusu through Khuvita Riual. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and social Sciences (SJAHSS) Vol 3, Issue 5A. 990-996
  5. Kodak, B and Yieke F. (2015) The Role of Visual Semiotics in Shaping HIV and AIDS Discourses in Kenyan Print Media: A Case Study of a Newspaper Advertisement. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences (MAJESS) Vol. 3, Issue 1
  6. Mubia, Mary, Yieke Felicia, Mahero Evelyn and Ndegwa Francis (2014) Utilization of Interlanguage Strategies by Multilingual Learners in Nursery School Classroom in Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. 1 (11), 23-46. ISSN 2307-6305
  7. Mwangi, W. W., Nguta, C. M., & Muriuki, B. G. (2014). Levels of aflatoxin contamination in selected spice preparations in the Nyahururu retail market, Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 3, 917-923.
  8. Ndonye, M., Yieke, F. and Ogola, J. O. (2015) Ethnicity as Discursive Construct in Kenyan Television Comedy: Humorous Harm? The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS) Vol. 2, No. 8. 44-60
  9. Nicholas Kamau Goro and Emilia V. Ilieva (2014). “The Novel as an Oral Narrative Performance: The Delegitimisation of the Postcolonial Nation in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Matigari Ma Njiruungi.” African Literature Today, No. 32. Suffolk: James Currey, pp. 7-19.  ISBN No: 978-1-84701-097-1.  
  10. Rutere, Albert Mugambi and Eliud Kiruji Kirigia. “Selected Meru Adult Conversational Songs: The Hidden Instructional Value in Performers’ Pragmatic Rivalry” Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH). 1.1 (2014): 26-46. Print.
  11. Rutere, Albert Mugambi. “Editorial” “Contemporary Issues on Theory and Practice of Training and Management of Education Personnel in Kenya and Beyond” Journal of African Studies in Education Management and Leadership 4.1 (2014):3-5. Print.
  12. Shisia K. Silvanus,  Ngure Veronica, Nyambaka Hudson, Jumba Isaac, Oduor Fredrick; (2014) Assessment of mineral deficiencies among grazing areas in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences; 3(2): 44-48, Published online February 20, 2014 ( doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140302.15
  13. Shisia K.Silvanus, Ngure Veronica, Nyambaka Hudson;( 2014): Mineral-Mineral Interactions as a possible limiting factor to livestock production in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya (2014). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, March-2014 1236 ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER © 2014
  14. V. Ngure, T. Davies, G. Kinuthia, N. Sitati, S. Shisia and E. Oyoo-Okoth (2014). Concentration levels of potentially harmful elements from gold mining in Lake Victoria region, Kenya: environmental and health implications. Journal of Geochemical Explorations. Volume 144, Part C, September 2014, Pages 511–516
  15. Yieke, F. (2015) Expanding Gender Spaces in a Democratic Developmental African Project. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH), Volume 2, Issue 1 [ISSN 2309-1010] (In Press)
  16. Yieke, F., Chacha, B., and Nyakwaka, D (2014) The Bologna Process as Lessons on Quality Management of University Education in Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. ISSN 1021-1128.
  17. Mbuthia Ngunjiri et al.(2014) Relationship between teacher supply, parental support and education in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 1(9), 40-45. ISSN: 2349-0381
  18. Njuguna, P.M., Oloko, M., and Oyugi, L. (2014). Attitudes towards marketing practices and its effect on consumerism in Kenya: A survey of Household consumers in Nakuru County. European Journal of Business and Management Vol. 6, No 21, pp 23-27, ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  19. Njuguna, P.M., Oloko, M., and Oyugi, L. (2014). Consumer rights awareness and its effect on consumerism in Kenya: A survey of Household consumers in Nakuru County. European Journal of Business and Management Vol. 6, No 15, pp 13-17, ISSN 2222-1905 (paper), ISSN 2222-2839(online).
  20. Kosgey, I. S., Anyieni, A. G., Lagat, A. C. & Gakobo, T. W. (2014). Role of employee capacity in the strategic positioning of newly chartered public universities in Kenya: The case of Laikipia University. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1 (12), 393-403.
  21. Kosgey, I. S., Anyieni, A. G., Lagat, A. C. & Gakobo, T. W. (2014). Role of Senior Management Support and Leadership in the Strategic Positioning of Newly Chartered Public Universities in Kenya: The Case of Laikipia University. European Journal of Business and Management  6 (23).
  22. Kimani, A., and Njuguna, P.M. (2014). Assessment of the contribution of government strategies towards youth self-employment: Case of youth groups in Naivasha Sub County. Laikipia University 2nd annual Conference paper held on 20th -23rd May, 2014.
  23. Kung’u, J. N., Njui, W. N. G. & Kimani, L. W. (2014). Working Capital Management in Government Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 5 (5), 134-142
  24. Kung’u, J. N. & Mwangi, J. K. (2014). Effects of Working Capital Management Practices of Financial Performance in CDF Funded Water Projects in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 5 (3), 53-60
  25. Kung’u, J. N., Wanjau, K., Gekera, G. & Waititu, A. G. (2014). Effect of Credit Policies on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(4), 1 - 7
  26. Kung’u, J. N., Wanjau, K., Gekera, G. & Waititu, A. G. (2014). Influence of Aggressiveness and Conservativeness in Investing and Financing Policies on Performance of Industrial Firms in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 5 (5), 27-32
  27. Nzioki P. M. and Osebe R.P. Analysis of Factors affecting Tax Compliance in Real Estate Sector: A Case of Real Estate Owners in Nakuru Town, Kenya – Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online), Vol. 5, No. 11, December 2014.
  28. John Wahome, J.K. Bitok, J.K. Lonyangapuo Benjamin Nyamai, Kweyu Cleophas (Jan, 2014). Optimizing a Trapezoidal Open-channel for Least Velocity Fluctuation during Overflow Using Mathematical Efficiency Criterion, Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, 2014, no. 140, pages 6979 – 6987
  29. Kweyu Cleophas, Nyamai Benjamin, Wahome John (Feb, 2014). Hybrid Crank-Nicolson-Du Fort and Frankel (CN-DF) Scheme for the Numerical Solution of the 2-D Coupled Burgers' System, Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, 2014, no. 48, 2353 - 2361
  30. Kweyu Cleophas, Nyamai Benjamin, Wahome John (Feb, 2014). A modified Crank-Nicolson Scheme for the Numerical Solution of the 2-D Coupled Burgers' System, American Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 2, No. 2, July-December 2013, Pp. 185– 191
  1. Elijah Oyoo-Okoth, Wim Admiraal, Odipo Osano, David Manguya-Lusega, Veronica Ngure, Michiel H S Kraak, Victoria Chepkirui-Boit, Judith Makwali (2013) : Contribution of soil, water and food consumption to metal exposure of children from geological enriched environments in the coastal zone of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Int J Hyg Environ Health  Jan 13;216(1):8-16. Epub 2012 Jun 13.
  2. Goro Kamau (2013). Let Her Be. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  3. Goro Kamau (2013). Sara and the Pirates. Nairobi:  Kenya Literature Bureau.
  4. J.Makokha and P. Tarus. (2013). The Response of Counselor Training to The Changing Social  Environment, Lambert Publishers, ISSN-978-3-656-35927-9
  5. Kiugu, Raphael Kiogora, Lydia Cherono Kipkoech and Albert Mugambi Rutere. “The Implication of Metamorphic Paradigm of Kenya’s Education System Since 1963” In M. N. Amutabi (Ed.), Studies in Culture, Gender & Education in Africa (pp.304-314). Nairobi, Kenya: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). 2013. Print.
  6. Kodak, Benard, Yieke, Felicia and Adams Yakub (2013) The Semiotics of HIV/AIDS Advertisements in Kenyan Newspapers. MAJELS Vol. 2 No. 3
  7. Ndambuki, J. M. (2013) Local Community Leaders’ Constructions of Women’s Interests and Needs: Inhibiting Developmental Crisis Resolution in Kenya’s Development Crisis. pp 239-272. In Eds. Antoon de Rycker and Zuraidah Mohd Don ‘Discourse and Crisis’. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  8. Ndambuki, J. M. (2013) The Focus Group Discussion as a Preferred Method in Gender and Women Research. In Eds. Khamasi, J., Longman, C. and van Haegendoren, M. W. Gender Practices and Challenges: A Call for Accountability. pp 1-17.
  9. Ndambuki, J.M. (2013) A Socio-historical Analysis of Women’s Political Participation in Kenya. Ed. Amutabi, M.N. “Studies in Culture, Gender and Education in Africa”, pp. 411-425 Nairobi: Department of Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
  10. Ndambuki, J.M. (2013) Going beyond Numbers: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Understanding Women’s Political Participation. Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (JSSEH). ISSN 2309 1010. Vol. 1.No. 1 pp 149-169.
  11. Obwanga B.O.; Liti D.M.; Wathuta E.M.; Magana A.M. (2013) Effects of selected plant materials on the whole body compositions and hepatosomatic index of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)  Journal of Science and applied technology (JSAT) Vol 1 No1 (10)
  12. Rutere, A.M., Gathigia, M. G., & Mirigi, S. (2013). “The Glaring Deficiency of Logical Connectors in the Writings of Kenyan Secondary School Students”. Nairobi, Kenya. In M. N. Amutabi (Ed.), Studies in Culture, Gender & Education in Africa (pp.361-372). Nairobi, Kenya: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Print.
  13. Rutere, A.M., Gathigia, M. G., and Mirigi, S. (2013). “The Pedagogy of Teaching Literature: Where the Rains Started Beating Us?” In M. N. Amutabi (Ed.), Education and Counselling in Schools in Africa (pp. 351-358). Nairobi, Kenya: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Print.
  14. Rutere, Albert Mugambi. Foreword. Ruwaza Afrika: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2.1 (2013):3-8.. Print.
  15. Rutere, Mugambi Albert and Kirigia, Eliud Kiruji “By Any Other Name a Rose in the Meru Community of Kenya Does Not Smell As Sweet!” In Wanjiku J. Khamasi et al. Eds. Gender Practices and Challenges: A Call for Accountability: Eldoret: Moi  University Press. (2013):19-27. Print.
  16. Veronica Ngure, Noah Sitati, Silvanus Shisia, Gelas Simiyu, Geoffrey Kinuthia, and Festus Kelonye. (2013). Health Implications of heavy metals in soil, scalp hair and selected food crops within Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR - JESTFT), e-ISSN: 2319 – 2402, p-ISSN: 2319 - 2399; 7(3): 47 – 55.
  17. Yieke, Felicia (2013) ‘Electronic Devices in Fieldwork’. In C. Kitetu and M. Mukuthuria (ed.) Research in Social Sciences: Field Work. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers, Kenya. ISBN 978-3-659-41330-8. Pp 43 – 51.
  18. Yieke, Felicia (2013) ‘Enforcement Mechanisms in Kenya’. In Yieke and Chacha (ed.) HURI 111: Human Rights. Published by Laikipia University with the support of United Nations OHCHR. ISBN 9966-1709 -2-7. Pp 135-152 (A Refereed Learning Module)
  19. Yieke, Felicia (2013) ‘What is Fieldwork?’ In C. Kitetu and M. Mukuthuria (ed.) Research in Social Sciences: Field Work. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers, Kenya. ISBN 978-3-659-41330-8. Pp 1 – 13.
  20. John Kingau (2013).  Effects of interaction of Graduates in Empowering Rural Communities through Training programmes. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) Laikipia University.
  21. Nzioki P. M., Taragon G. and Kalio A. M., Utilization of Micro-Finance Institutions’ Funds by Borrowers in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya – Journal of Business, Economics and Finance, ISSN 2146-7943, Year 2013, Vol: 2 Issue: 1.
  22. Nzioki P. M. et al, Management of Working Capital and its effect on Profitability of Manufacturing Companies listed on Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), Kenya – International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research, ISSN 2053-1842, Year 2013, Vol: 1 Issue 4.
  1. Aberi G., E., Bichanga W., Felicia Yieke (2012) Semantic Derogation in Ekegusii Language: Implications for Girl Education. Journal of Education and Social Sciences. Vol 1. No 2. May 2012. ISSN 2220 – 4091. Pp 72-98
  2. Aderito L. monjane, Daniel Pande, Freancisco lakey, Dionne Shepherd, Eric Van der Walt, Pierre Lefeuvre, Jean-Michel Lett, Arvind Varsani, Edward P. Rybicki and Darren P. Martin, (2012). Adaptive evolution by recombination is not associated with increased mutation rates in maize streak virus. BMC evolutionary Biology12:252.
  3. Daniel Pande, Simona Kraberger, Pierre Lefeuvre, Jean-Michel Lett, Dionne N. Shepherd, Arvind Varsani, Darren P. Martin, (2012). A novel maize-infecting mastrevirus from La Réunion Island. Archives of Virology. DOI 10.1007/s00705-012-1314-y        
  4. Elijah Oyoo-Okoth, Wim Admiraal, Odipo Osano, Michiel H S Kraak, Pamela J A Were-Kogogo, John Gichuki, Veronica Ngure, Judith Makwali, Caleb Ogwai (2012): Dynamics of metal uptake and depuration in a parasitized cyprinid fish (Rastrineobola argentea). Aquat Toxicol 2012 Nov 25;124-125:34-40. Epub 2012 Jul 25.
  5. James Hadfield, John E. Thomas, Mark W. Schwinghamer, Judith N. Parry, Simona Kraberger, Daisy Stainton, Anisha Dayaram, Daniel Pande, Darren P. Martin, Arvind Varsani, (2012). Molecular characterisation of dicot-infecting mastreviruses from Australia. Virus Research 166: 13-22.
  6. Kinuthia, GK., Afolayan, FID., Ngure, V. & Anjili, CO. (2012). Selected practices among rural residents versus the prevalence of Amoebiasis and Giardiasis in Njoro District, Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences; 20 (1 – 2): p 10 – 20.
  7. Kinuthia, Jane, Felicia Yieke and Furaha Tchai (2012) The Impact of HIV/AIDS Message in Kenyan Primary School Text Books: A Linguistic Perspective. International Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2012. ISSN 1948-5425. Pp 73-86
  8. P.J.Tarus and S.Toroitich. (2012).Attitudes of Academically Talented Students on Academic Performance, Lambert Academic Publishers, ISSN 978-3-659-26968-4.
  9. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2012). Self-Concept: Its Relation with student outcomes in mathematics. Journal of All Research, 3(3) ,241-246. ISSN: 0976-6650
  10. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2012) Problem solving in mathematics. Journal of Indian Cultural, Social and Philosophical Stream, Vol. XIIII, III. ISSN: 0973-8762
  11. Mbuthia Ngunjiri(2012). Teacher Self-Efficacy-Its relation with Instructional student outcomes. The Opinion, 1(1), II-14. ISSN: 2277-9124
  12. Mbuthia Ngunjiri and P.N. Singh(2012). The Relationship between students’ motivation to learn and teachers self-efficacy in mathematics among secondary school students in Kenya. Journal of Indian Cultural, Social and Philosophical Stream, vol 23, 33-42. ISSN:8762.
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  2. Kinuthia, Jane, Furaha Tchai and Felicia Yieke (2011) A Linguistic Analysis of HIV/AIDS Messages in Kenyan Primary School Text Books. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Vol. X, 117-137. ISSN 1021-1128
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  7. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2011). “Rejection or Re-Appropriation?: Christian Allegory and the Critique of Postcolonial Public Culture in the Early Novels of Ngugi wa Thiong’o.” In: Harri Englund (ed.).  Christianity and Public Culture in Africa. Ohio:  Ohio University Press. Pp. 67-85.  
  8. Rutere, Mugambi Albert and Zacharia Nyantiso Samjumi. Classification and Functionality of Hausa and Meru Proverbs: Retention/Utilization of African Proverbial Wisdom in Literary Construction and of Religious Instruction.  Lagos: Gazubu Prints, 2011. Print.
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  10. Rutere, Mugambi Albert.  “Gikuyu Female Circumcision and Woman-Woman Marriage in Patriarchy.” Journal of Arts and Humanities 8.2 (2011): 48-52, Nigeria. Print.
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  12. Rutere, Mugambi Albert.  “Resilience of Female Protagonists in a Intrusive Male Oppression in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.” UNAD Studies in Language and Literature (USILL) 4.1 (Jun.2011): 149-156. Nigeria. Print.
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  16. Wanjiku, Khamasi and Albert Rutere. Perspective on Selected Critical Gender Issues in Kenya and Beyond. Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2011. Print.
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  18. Yieke, Felicia (2011) Ethnicity and Development in Kenya: Lessons from the 2007 General Elections. Kenya Studies Review: 3, 3, 5-16. ISSN: 2150-5764
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  2. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2010). “African Culture and the Language of Nationalist Imagination: The Reconfiguration of Christianity in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s The River Between and Weep Not Child.” Studies in World Christianity. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, Vol. 16.1. , pp. 6-26.
  3. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2010). “The Agency of Drama and Theatre: Postcoloniality, History and the Culture of Justice in Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s The Trial of Dedan Kimathi.” Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Vol. IX, pp. 110-131.
  4. Rutere, Mugambi Albert. “A Marxist Literary Approach to Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s Petals of Blood.Journal of Arts and Culture   5.1 (2010):87-92. Nigeria. Print.
  5. Rutere, Mugambi Albert. “Frantz Fanon's Developing Views regarding Colonial Rule, 1945-1965.” Journal of Arts and Humanities  7.2 (2010):93-98. Nigeria. Print.
  6. Rutere, Mugambi Albert. “Ngugi’s Perspective on Women’s Marginalization in Post colonial Kenya.” Journal of Arts and Humanities  7.1 (2010):13-18. Nigeria. Print.
  7. Rutere, Mugambi Albert. “Women’s Reaction to Patriarchy in Colonial and Postcolonial Anglophone and Francophone Africa.” International Journal of Arts and Culture in Society  2.2 (2010):108-115. Nigeria. Print.
  8. Rutere, Mugambi Albert. “Women’s Resilience to Patriarchal Power and Oppression in King Solomon’s Mines by Henry Haggard and The Rape of Shavi by Buchi Emecheta.” Journal of Arts and Culture 5.1 (2010):81-86. Nigeria. Print.
  9. Rutere, Mugambi Albert. Women and Patriarchal Power in Selected Novels of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o. Baltimore: Black Academy Press, 2010. Print.
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  13. Wandera, S. P., Kilanga, B. S., Madara, D. A., Lumwamu, P. V. na Gitiha, P. M. (2010) ALPHA Hatua ya Tatu. Kitabu cha Wanafunzi. Kenya Literature Bureau ISBN 978-9966-44-889-7

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