Name of Staff: Prof. Robert Bisonga Mwebi
Designation/Rank: Associate Professor
Department/School: Education/Registrar
A Educational Background/Qualification
- PhD in Teacher Education, University of Pune, India (2013)
- Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management): Sikkim Manipal University, India (2009)
- Master of Education in Curriculum Studies, University of Pune, India (2007)
- Bachelor of Education (First Class Honours), Maths/Business Studies; Egerton University Kenya (2001)
B Brief Auto-biography
Professor Robert Bisonga Mwebi, is currently the Registrar of Academic Affairs and an Associate Professor of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education at Laikipia University. He is the immediate former Director in charge of Quality Assurance and Standards and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Education Management of Laikipia University. Prof. Mwebi is a beneficiary of the Indo-Kenya Cultural Exchange Programme scholarship (2006) and the Pune University PhD scholarship Award (2009). Prof Mwebi also holds an MBA degree in Human Resource Management and is a lead auditor in Quality Management Systems (QMS) as well as Information Management Systems (ISMS) based on the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 systems of standards respectively. He is a Job Analyst, an expert in Tracer Studies as well as an expert in Monitoring and Evaluation.
For a couple of years, Prof Mwebi has been involved in monitoring and evaluation of programmes for various organizations and coordinating the review and development of policies and development of curricular in universities. Prof Mwebi has trained for various organizations both in the private and public sectors such as the Danish Refugee Council, Care International - Kenya, The Commission for Administration of Justice (the Ombudsman- Kenya), International Organization for Migration (IOM), KEPSA/World Bank (KYEP), public and private universities. Some of the areas he trains in are; Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, Social Entrepreneurship, Proposal Writing, Strategic Management, Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects, Project Management, Leadership and Governance as well as Resource Mobilization. Prof Mwebi has served as a member of various university committees and Boards including the Board of Postgraduate Studies; Coordinator for Policy Development and Review, chairman for COVID 19 mitigation committee, Promotion and review committee, Career Establishment committees among others. He has on various occasions acted as DVC in charge of Administration and Finance at the University. He is currently a member of TVET Board at Laikipia University and Board member at St. Anatole Secondary.
Prof Mwebi is an external examiner for various Universities. He has supervised several Masters and PhD students to completion and attracted development funds. His research interests are in the areas of Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, Monitoring and Evaluation. Prof Mwebi is a motivated, energetic, and outgoing individual with strengths in Training Needs Analysis, Research, Applied Statistics and data analysis. He is focused, well organized, action oriented and a problem solver who thrives in providing innovative solutions to challenges besides being a team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
C Areas of Specialization
- Teacher Education
- Curriculum Studies
- Human Resources Management
D Research Interests
- Curriculum Studies
- Teacher Education,
- Monitoring and Evaluation.
E All Publications
- Mwebi R.B (2021). Nelson Mandela’s Educational Philosophy and Implication on School Curriculum. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education Vol. 9 , No. 6, September, 2021 ISSN 2347-8225
- Mwebi R.B (2021). Gender Orientation: Reinforcing Inequalities Through Textbooks. International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 9 No. 7 July 2021
- Mwebi R.B. (2021). Coronavirus and Education Crisis in Kenya: Lessons Learnt. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy. ISSN: 2736-4534, DOI :10.24018/ejedu.2021.2.3.99
- Navangi Z.M, Baraza E.M & Mwebi R.B (2021). Psychosocial Factors Influencing Drug Abuse Among Youths In Informal Settlements: A Case Study of Mathare Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. European Jounal of social science studies. Vol 6 issue 2, ISSN 2501-8590. DOI:
- Navangi Z.M, Baraza E.M & Mwebi R.B (2021). Emotional stability as a predictor factor of drug abuse among youths in informal settlements: A case study of Mathare slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Educational Research and Development. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021, Page No. 25-29Online ISSN: 2664-7095, Print ISSN: 2664-7087
- Mwebi R. B (2020). Role of Curriculum Development on the Integrity of Evaluation Systems In Kenyan Universities. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education Vol. 8 , No. 10, December 2020 ISSN 2347-8225
- Mwebi R. B (2020). Student Preference on Choice of Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Laikipia University, Kenya. World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR), ISSN: 2454-8236, Volume-9, Issue-3, October 2020 Pages 60-65
- Mwebi R. B & Nzioki P.M (2020, Jan,). Does University Education Produce “Half-Baked” Graduates? Perspectives From Graduates of a Kenyan University. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research (AMJR) . ISSN 2518-2986
- Ndekei J. N , Mwebi, R.B (2018, Oct). Gender difference in mathematics achievement among students exposed to Embedded Mathematics Language Factor (EMLF) Teaching in Secondary School in Nakuru County, Kenya, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp: (432-452), ISSN 2348-3156 (Print); ISSN 2348-3164 (online)
- Mbatia, M; Ngunjiri, M & Mwebi R.B (2018, July). Influence of school based factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. International journal of social sciences and economic research, 3(7), ISSN 2843-2852.
- Mbatia, M; Ngunjiri, M & Mwebi R.B (2018, July). Influence of cultural factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. International journal of social sciences and economic research, 3(7), ISSN 2843-2852.
- Mita, G. O., Ochieng’, I. & Mwebi, R. (2017). Influence of generic strategies on performance of metal works SME businesses in Naivasha town. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 2(3), 477-500, ISSN 2518-2374
- Obiero E.O; Mwebi B.R &Nyang’ara N.M (2017). Factors Influencing Teacher Absenteeism in Public Secondary Schools in Borabu Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol 5 No 7. 2017; ISSN:2411-5681 pp 123- 138
- Waweru F. K; Mwebi B.R &Kirimi E.M (2017). Influence of School based Quality Assurance Practices on Performance of Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Subulia Sub County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 20 No. 1 Apr. 2017, pp. 251-266 © 2017 Innovative Space of Scientific Research Journals
- Mbacho N.M & Mwebi B.R (2016). Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy and Students Self Concept in Mathematics. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research. Vol 1 issue 9, 2016 ISSN 2455-8834 PP 1317-1332.
- Mwebi B.R & Kamau C.N (2016). Relationship between Class Repetition and Academic Performance among Lower Primary Schoolers in Kenya. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-7, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362,
- Mwebi, B.R (2016). A critical Examination of the Professional Status of Teachers in Kenya. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362.
- Mwebi, B.R; Kanjogu.J.K &Mwangi W.G (2016). Influence Of Social-cultural Factors On Students Wastage Levels In Public Secondary Schools In Nyandarua County, Kenya .Research Journal of Education Vo.l 4 No.3 ISSN 2347-8225(Online)
- Mwebi, B.R & Maithya, R. (2016). Perceptions of Parents on the Practice of Private Tuition in Public Learning Institutions in Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice Vol.7, No.4, ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
- Mwebi B.R (2015).Curriculum Design, Implementation and its Effect on Quality Evaluation of Students Learning Outcomes at the University Level in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol 3 No 6. 2015; ISSN:2411-5681 pp 317-326
- Wanjohi R.N; Mwebi, B.R & Nyang’ara, N.M (2015). Self-Regulation of Facebook usage and Academic Performance of Students in Kenyan Universities. Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol 6 No. 14( 2015) pp 109-113
- Mwebi, B.R & Sonawane S (2012): Teacher Education In Kenya: Current practices, issues and future projections: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-10 : 3659282065; ISBN-13 : 978-3659282065
F Project/Thesis Supervision
- Makokha Navangi Zaphaniah, Psychosocial Factors Influencing Drug Abuse Among Youths in Informal Settlements: A Case Study of Mathare Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya, PhD
- Ndekei James, N Effects of Gender and Embedding Mathematics Language Factor Teaching Strategy on Learners’ Understanding and Achievement in Secondary School Mathematics in Nakuru County, Kenya , PhD
- Mbatia, W. , Jane Influence of Selected Community and School Based Factors on Pupils Transition from Primary to Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya, PhD
- Mbacho, Naomi, Effect of Jig Saw Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students Mathematics Self Concept and Achievement in Secondary Schools in Laikipia County, Kenya, PhD
- Njeru Peter Mwangi, Influence of selected factors on secondary school science teachers perceptions on SMASSE strategy for teaching math and science in Nyandarua west sub county, Kenya. Masters
- Wachira George Mwangi, Socio-cultural and economic factors leading to wastage among public secondary school students in Nyandarua west sub-county Masters
- Charles Kamamia, Influence of selected school teacher-based factors on the use of ICT in teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Nyandarua south sub county, Kenya Masters
- Hannah Ngeche, Factors influencing teachers’ perceptions of school principals’ leadership styles in public secondary schools in Nyandarua North sub county, Kenya Masters
- James Gate, Analysis of effects of selected textbook management challenges on attainment of recommended textbook pupil ratio in public primary schools in Rumuruti division, Laikipia West sub county, Kenya Masters
- Rahab Warigi Mambo, The Influence of Selected School Factors on Teachers Perceptions on Private Tuition in Public Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Sub-County, Kenya Masters
G Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
- Attended the 11th East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network Forum 20th – 23rd September 2022, Dar Es Salaam, United Republic Of Tanzania
- Attended in the 2nd annual Information security management systems conference organized by KEBS
- GATo- CO2 Pan African international Conference at Laikipia University, 23rd -25th June, 2021
- Facilitated in a workshop on proposal and thesis writing workshop for postgraduate students organized by the Graduate school- Laikipia University, 17th-18th June,2021
- Participated in a research and proposal grants writing workshop organised by the association of African universities February, 2021
- Facilitated in a workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation organized by the Kenya National commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM)
- Participated in the 3rd Biennial Conference on the state of higher education in kenya organized by the Commission for University Education (CUE)
- Participated in a workshop on public procurement and asset disposal regulations, 2020 organised by the global procument academy- 8th-24th September 2020
- Attended The Academia-Public-Private Partnerships Forum and the 1st East African Community Science Technology And Innovation Conference Held At Munyonyo Uganda In Oct, 2019
- Attended the East Africa Quality Assurance Network Forum held in Uganda in May, 2019.
- Presented a paper titled Does University Education Produce “Half-Baked” Graduates? Perspectives From Graduates of a Kenyan University at the East Africa Quality Assurance Network held in Tanzania
- Attended a DAAD- UNITRACE workshop course held on 1st – 5th February, 2016 at Moi University
- Attended a DAAD- UNITRACE workshop course held on 22nd -30th October, 2015 at Moi University
- Participated in a Monitoring and Evaluation workshop held on 4th-14th, October, 2015 at hotel waterbuck, Nakuru; organized by MED (Ministry of Devolution)
- Presented a paper titled “Influence of Social- Cultutral and Economic Factors on Wastage Rates in Public Secondary Schools in Nyandarua County, Kenya” in the 5th annual Kabarak International Research Conference held on 14th-17th July, 2015.
- Facilitated during a Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop held at Causeway Institute of Professional Studies on MOHEST Reforms and Pedagogy on 22-23rd June, 2015
- Participated in a UASU workshop organized by Laikipia university chapter at Nuru- Palace Hotel ON 21st February, 2015.
- Facilitated during a Post Graduate Students Research Workshop held on 12th August, 2014 at Maasai Mara University.
- Presented a paper on “Quality Evaluation in University Education in Kenya” in the 2nd International conference held on 20th-23rd may, 2014 at Laikipia University.
- Participated in a pedagogy workshop held at Laikipia University on 12th February, 2014.
- Facilitator: in an entrepreneurship workshop organized by KEPSA/World Bank on the Kenya youth empowerment project in June 2014
- Attended an intensive distance learning workshop organized by the institute of open and distance learning at Africa Nazarene university on 6th, July 2013.
- Lead trainer: in a scheduled workshop organized by Commission for Administration of Justice (the Ombudsman) for training sectional directors on project management, work plan development and report writing and participatory monitoring and evaluation of projects in May 2013.
- Lead Trainer: In a scheduled workshop organized by Kenya Institute of Social Work on Training of Trainers/ Facilitators workshop for 41 participants drawn from Danish Refugee Council from 15th March to 19th March 2013
- Lead Trainer: In a scheduled workshop organized by Kenya Institute of Social Work on management of Small Business Management Skills workshop for 40 participants drawn from Community Based Organizations from 16th September to 20th September 2013 at KISWCD
- Lead trainer: In a scheduled workshop organized by Mizpah on Training of Trainers/ Facilitators workshop for 30 participants drawn from the Rift Valley region at Nakuru ( Cool Rivers Resort) from 16th to 20th August 2012
- Lead Trainer: In a scheduled workshop organized by Kenya Institute of Social Work on Strategic Planning and Management of Projects workshop for 17 participants drawn from Care International from 20th September to 24th September 2012 at KISWCD - County House Branch
- Research assistant: lead Research Assistant in data collection on road safety assignment scheduled by KIPPRA in western province , Kenya in June 2012.
- Lead Trainer: In a scheduled workshop organized by Kenya Institute of Social Work on Strategic management Skills workshop for 28 participants drawn from Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports from 27th May to 31st May 2011 at KISWCD - County House Branch
- Facilitator: In a scheduled workshop organized by Kenya Institute of Social Work on management of Small Business Management Skills workshop for 33 participants drawn from Newdan NGO from 9th August to 13th May 2011 at KISWCD - County House Branch
- Lead Facilitaor in a Scheduled Workshop for the Kenya Youth Empowerment Project (KYEP) sponsored by World Bank and the Government of Kenya
- Facilitator: In a scheduled workshop organized by Kenya Institute of Social Work on Procurement and Logistics Skills workshop for 31 participants drawn from various organization in Kenya from 25th March to 29th March 2011 at KISWCD - County House Branch
I Consultancies
- External Examiner for African Nazarene University Department of Education
- 2021: Facilitated in a Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop For Postgraduate Students at Laikipia University
- 2020: Facilitated in a workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation organized by the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM)
- 2018: Trained Kabarak University Faculty on Graduate Tracer Studies
- 2012: Research Assistant- Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)
- 2012: Training consultancy for the Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT)