Prof. John Kanjogu Profile

   Name of Staff: Prof. John Kanjogu Kiumi

   Designation/Rank: Associate Professor

   Department: Curriculum and Educational Management.

   School: Education




A  Educational Background/Qualification

  1. PhD in Educational Administration and Planning, Egerton University, Kenya (2008)
  2. Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning, University of Nairobi, Kenya (1999)
  3. Bachelor of Education (Arts) (Geography and History), University of Nairobi, Kenya (1994)
  4. Primary Teacher Education, Ministry of Education, Kamwenja Teachers College, Kenya (1985)

B  Brief Auto-biography

Prof. Kanjogu is a dedicated Associate professor with a teaching and research experience at the university level spanning over twenty (20) years. He has a passion for unlocking students’ potential with a view to not only enhance their capacity to solve real life problems but also seize emerging opportunities within and outside their local environments. This is the motivation behind his unwavering endeavour to create a supporting learning environment in which every opportunity is availed to all learners to so as to get the best out of the multiple intelligences they possess. Prof Kanjogu is an accomplished researcher as evidenced by his numerous publications in referred academic journals, including university level textbooks and book chapters.

C   Areas of Specialization

  1. Teacher Education

D   Research Interest

  1. Education Management and Administration.
  2. Planning and Economics of Education.
  3. Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation of Educational Policies.

E   Publications

Papers Published in Referred Academic Journals


P. Muchemi, & J. Kanjogu (2022). Influence of Co-curricular Activities Provided in a school on students level of self – esteem: Case of Public Secondary Schools in Nyandarua West Sub – County, Kenya. East African Journal of Education Studies.5(1) 217-229. Print ISSN :2707-3939. Online ISSN:2707-3947. DOI: Https://


J.K. Orina, J. Kanjogu Kiumi & P.G. Kaboro ( 2020). Determinants of Teachers’ Motivation and Professional Development in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies,14(1), 46-52. ISSN:2141-6656. DOI: 10.5897/IJEAPS2021.0702.


J.G. Ndei, P.G. Kaboro, & J. Kanjogu Kiumi (2020). Impact of Constituency Development Fund in Financing Secondary Education in Ndaragwa Constituency, Kenya. International Journal of Education , Humanities and Social Science, 3(2),148-159. ISSN:2582-0745.


J. Kanjogu Kiumi.(2021).Gender and School size: Do they influence Principals Inclusion of Teachers in School Organization Management? Cape Comorin Journal,3(7),84-91 ISSN:2582-1962.


J.O. Orina, J. Kanjogu Kiumi, &P. Kaboro Githae (2021).Work  Environment as a Predictor of Teacher Motivation in Kenya. International Journals  of Education and Research,9(3),131-144. ISSN:2411-5681.


N.P. Kamande., Kingori, I.W., & J. Kanjogu (2023).  Age  factor  in Teacher Counsellors perception of Ethical Standards in Counseling: The case of selected Secondary Schools in Kiambu- Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 28(7), 6-13 Print ISSN:2279-0845 Online ISSN:2279-0837.


J.M. Mbugua ., N.W. Gikonyo., & J. Kanjogu (2021). System  Approach  and Implementation of the Education  Programme in Kenya .Kenya Policy Briefs  Journal, 2(2),77-78.


M. Maina., J. Kanjogu Kiumi., & P.Githae (2020).Gender  Factor in Public Secondary  School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction  in Nakuru County, Kenya. British Journal of Education,9(1),59-67 Print ISSN:2054-6351  Online ISSN: 2054-636x.


V.W. Mucheru., J. Kanjogu Kiumi., & I. K. Wanjohi (2018).School Social  Capital and Pupils Preparedness for Upper  Primary in Nakuru  County, Kenya .Research Journal  of Education, 4(10),  155-160. Online ISSN:2413-0540 PrintISSN:2413-8886. URL:


E.W. Kingori., J. Kanjogu Kiumi., & I. Wanjohi Kingori (2018). Relationship between school characteristics and students’ Academic Aspirations. The case of Public Secondary Schools in Laikipia County – Kenya. East  African Scholars  Journal  of Education, Humanities and Literature,1(2), 62-69.Print ISSN:2617-443x. Online ISSN:2617-7250


M. Maina., J. Kanjogu Kiumi., & P. Githae (2021). Academic Qualification and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal  of education Studies, 72,87-91. Print ISSN:2413-886. Online ISSN:2413-0540. DOI:


N.P. Kamande., J. Kanjogu., & I. W. Kingori (2023). Gender Differences in Secondary School Teacher Counsellors Perception of Ethical Standards in Counseling in Kiambu County, Kenya. Journal  of Education and Practice, 14(21),8-15. Print ISSN:2222-1735. Online ISSN:2222-288x. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-21-02


G.S.K .Mwaniki., M. Ngunjiri., & J. Kanjogu Kiumi (2018). Relationship between Parents’ Commitment to their Children’s’ Education and Level  of Students’ Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Naivasha Sub – County , Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research  and Management (IJSRM), 6(3),169-178.  Online ISSN: 2321-3418. DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v6i3.el08


W.E. Wekesa., Kanjogu , J.K.,&T.S. Thuku (2019). Influence  of Selected School Factors  on Pupils Progression in public Primary Schools in Trans-Nzoia Sub-County, Kenya. Journal  of Advances in Education and Philosophy,3(9),309-2665. Print ISSN:2523-315. Online ISSN:2523-2223 DOI:10.21276/jaep.2019.3.9.?


P. Muchemi., & J. Kanjogu Kiumi (2017). Age Difference in Secondary Traumatic Stress Levels among Judges and Magistrates in Rift Valley Region, Kenya. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(14), 68-78. Print ISSN:2224-5766. Online ISSN:2225-0484.


Kiumi, J. Kanjogu., & Maina, M.(August 2016). Relationship between Local Culture , Parental Support and Effective Implementation of Free Secondary Education in Njoro Sub – County, Kenya. Journal of Africa Studies in Educational Management and Leadership,.7(1),8-36. Online ISSN:2078-7650.


E.W. Kingori., & J. Kanjogu Kiumi (2018). School  Location, School Type and Students’ Academic Aspiration: The Case of Public  Secondary Schools in Laikipia County – Kenya. International  Journal Education and Research,6 (8),325-338. Online ISSN:2411-5681.


V. Wepukhulu., J.K. Kanjogu., & M. Ngunjiri (2019). Principals’ Perception of Challenges Undermining Effective Implementation  of Free Secondary  Education in Likuyani Sub – County, Kenya. European  Journal  of Education Studies,6(6), 137-145. Online ISSN:2501-111 Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3445474


M.W. Maina ., J. Kanjogu Kiumi., & P. Githae (2020). Age and  job satisfaction among Public Secondary School Teachers in Nakuru County, Kenya. International  Journal  of Innovative Research  and Development,9(12),30-34 Online  ISSN:2278-0211

  1. DOI No. :10.24940/ijird/2020/v9/i12/DEC20029

C.M Gichuru., J.K. Kanjogu., &J. Mayabi (2019). Influence of Sexual and Reproductive Health  Knowledge  on Risky  Sexual Behaviour among  Female Students attending Teacher Training Colleges in  Kenya .Editon of Consortium Journal of Psychology ,Guidance and Counseling (ECJPGC),1(3),102-111 ISSN:2664-0112


C.M. Gichuru., J. Mayabi., & J.K .Kanjogu (2019).  Sexual Self –Esteem as a Predicator of Risky  Sexual Behaviour among Female Students Attending  Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya. Edition Consortium Journal of Curriculum and Educational studies (ECJES),1(3),106-114. Online ISSN:2663-9319.


J.O. Orina., J. Kanjogu Kiumi., & P.K. Githae (2021). Recognition as a Determinant of Teacher Motivation in Public  Secondary Schools in Kwale County, Kenya. Review of Education Studies,1(1),47-56. Online ISSN:2770-9779.


J.G. Ndei., J. Kanjogu Kiumi & P.G. Kaboro (2018) Influence of Selected Institutional Factors on the Impact  of Constituency Development Fund in Financing Education in Public Secondary Schools in Ndaragwa Constituency, Kenya. Journal of Education and Development, 2(3). Print ISSN:2529-7996. Online ISSN:2591-7250. Doi:10.20849/jed.v2i3.502


Mwaniki, G. S. K., Ngunjiri, M., & Kiumi , J.K. (2018). Relationship between parents’ commitment to their children education and level of students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 6 (3), 169-176. ISSN (e) :2321-3418.


Gatere, W.J., Kiumi. J.K, & Ngugi, M. (2018). To determine the influence of selected school-based factors on girls’ participation rate in public day secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 6 (7), 528 – 540. ISSN (e): 2321 – 3418.


Muchemi, P., & Kanjogu, J. K. (2017). Age differences in secondary traumatic stress levels among judges and magistrates in Rift Valley region, Kenya. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 7 (14), 68-78, ISSN: 2224-5766 (print). ISSN :2225-0484(Online).


Kiumi, J.K. (2017). Headteachers’ preferred parent-school conflict management style in public primary schools in Nyahururu sub-county, Kenya. The effect of gender and headship experience. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 3(1), 40-51. ISSN: 2309 – 1010.


Muchemi, P., & Kanjogu, J. K. (2017). Secondary traumatic stress levels among judges and magistrates in Rift Valley region, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 3(1), 1-13. ISSN: 2309-1010.


Mwaniki, G. S. K., Ngunjiri, M.,& Kanjogu, J.K. (Sept. 2016). Influence of teacher-student relationship on students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya. 10SR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (10SR-JHSS), 21 (9), 30-37. ISSN (e): 2279-0837, ISSN (P): 2279-0845.


Kiumi, J.K., & Maina, M. (August, 2016). Relationship between local culture, parental support, and effective implementation of free secondary education in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 7 (2), 8-36. ISSN (online): 2078-7650.


Mwangi, P. M., Kanjogu, J.K., Ngunjiri, M. (2016). Extent family’s socio-economic factors influence pupils transition from primary to secondary schools in Laikipia West Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 1(8), 1225-1236. ISSN: 2455-8834. DOI:10.18535/ijsrm/v6i10.el05


Mwangi, P. M., Kanjogu, J.K., & Ngunjiri, M. (2016). Influence of community factors on pupil’s transition from primary to secondary schools in Laikipia West Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 1 (8), 1215-1224. ISSN: 2455-8834.


Kanjogu, J. K., Ngunjiri, M., & Maina, M. (2014). Relationship between teacher supply, parental support and effective implementation of free secondary education in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) 1(9) 40-51. ISSN :2349-0373 (print), ISSN :2349-0381(online).


Kanjogu, J. K. (2013). Relationship between school-size, school location, and parental support in public secondary schools in Nyahururu and Laikipia West District, Kenya. Kenya Journal of Educational Planning, Economics & Management, 6(1), 1-15. ISSN: 2074-5400.


Kanjogu, J. K. (2013). Parent school conflict management in Kenya: Insights from Thomas and Kilman’s Theory. Crown Research in Education, 2(1), 1-5. ISSN: 2276-7436.


Kanjogu, J. K., Mukunga, S. K., & Nganga, W. (2013). Influence of pupil-teacher ratio and school location on pupils performance in exit examination in Kenya’s free primary education program. International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, 2(6), 423-431. ISSN: 2306-7276.


Kiumi, J. K., Wanyoike, S.N., & Kibe, S.M (2013). The influence of school-type and school category on parental support in public secondary schools in Nyahururu and Laikipia West Districts, Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(2), 169-186. ISSN (Print): 2225-8590; ISSN (Online):2227-5452.


Kiumi, J.K. (2012). Personal and school-based factors as predictors of principals’ inclusiveness in students discipline management: The case of public secondary schools in Nyandarua and Laikipia districts, Kenya. Universal Journal of Education and General Studies, 1 (3), 049-054. ISSN(P):2277-0984. Corpus ID:130350293.


Kiumi, J.K., & Bosire, J. (2012). Relationship between type of school, principals’ management approaches and level of students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Nyandarua and Laikipia Districts, Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 1(2), 261-279. ISSN. (Print): 2225-8590. ISSN (online): 227-5452.


Kiumi, J. K. (2009). External degree programme graduates’ perception of students support services in the faculty of external studies, University of Nairobi. African Research Review, 3(4), 208-226. ISSN (print): 1994-9057; ISSN (online):2070-0083.


Kiumi, J. K. (2009). Relationship between principals’ management approaches and students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Nyandarua and Laikipia Districts, Kenya. Global Journal of Educational Research. 8 (182), 29-38. ISSN: 1596-6224.


Bosire, J., Sang, A. K., Kiumi, J. K., & Mungai, V.C. (2009). The relationship between principals’ managerial approaches and student discipline in secondary schools in Kenya. Africa Research Review, 3 (3), 339-413. ISSN (print): 1994-9057; ISSN (online): 2070-0083.


Kiumi, J. K. (2006). The influence of head teachers’ managerial approaches on teachers and parental input in students’ discipline. Egerton Journal: Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 6 (2&3). 260-273. ISSN: 1021-1128.


Kiumi, J. K. (2008). Students’ perception of the effectiveness of support services. The case of external bachelor of education degree programme at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 7 (2&3), 184-201.  ISSN: 1021-1128.


Mwebi, R.B., Kiumi , J.K., & Wachira, G.M.(2016). Influence of social –cultural  factors on students’ wastage levels in public  secondary schools in Nyandarua county , Kenya. Research  Journal of Education ,4(3),1-10.ISSN :2347-8225


Kanjogu, J.K., Chemnjor, C., & Macharia, K. (2014). Determinants of teacher involvement in decision making process by secondary school principals in Nyahururu Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Modern Education Research, 1 (3), 53-60.ISSN:2618-6209.

Published University Level Textbooks


Kiumi, J.K. (2022).Distance Education  and Students – Support  Services :The Case of University  of Nairobi – Kenya .(in press)-Egerton University Press


Kiumi, J.K. (2019).Parent School  conflict  Management :Research , Theory and Practice. Publisher: IPR Journals  & Books Publishers. IBSN: 978-9966- 1993-9-9.


Kiumi , J.K.(2012).Principals  Management  Styles and students  discipline  in schools. Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing .ISBN:978-3-8473-7349-0


Chiuri, L.W., & Kiumi, J. K. (2005). Planning and economics of education. Publisher: Pangolin Publishers. ISBN: 9966-9819-7-7.

Published Book Chapters


Kiumi, J.K.(2021).Legal  and policy  frameworks governing  Basic  Education sector in Kenya .In F. Yieke (Ed.). A Handbook  of School Management  in Kenya :The Role  of  Boards of Management , pp.1-14.


Kiumi, J.K.(2021).Board of management  and school  governance  In F. Yieke (Ed.).A Handbook  of  School Management in Kenya :The role of Boards  of Management , pp.15-28

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