Dr. Samuel Onyuma Profile

    Name of Staff: Samuel O. Onyuma, PhD

    Designation/Rank: Senior Lecturer

    Department: Commerce

   School: Business and Economics

   Email: sonyuma@laikipia.ac.ke


A    Educational Background/Qualification

  1. PhD in Business Administration-Finance (Securities Markets Development), Laikipia University, Kenya (2017)
  2. Master of Science in Food and Agricultural Sciences (Agribusiness Management), University of Maryland at Eastern Shore, United States of America (1998)
  3. Bachelor of Agribusiness Management (Hons.), Egerton University, Kenya (1995)

B    Brief Auto-biography

Samuel O. Onyuma holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Administration majoring in financial markets and investments. Prior to that, he attended University of Maryland at Eastern Shore – United States on a scholarship funded by USAID/UMES (1996) as part of academic staff development for Egerton University, during which he was featured in Who is Who in American Universities and Colleges (1997) as well as The National Deans List (1998). Upon completion of his MSc degree in Agribusiness Management, he joined Egerton University in 2000 where he taught undergraduate agribusiness finance and accounting courses.

Dr. Onyuma is currently the Director in charge of Planning and Performance Management, and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Business and Economics at Laikipia University, where he teaches both Undergraduate and Postgraduate finance, investments and capital markets courses. He is a trained auditor in QMS and ISMS based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013. He also trains organizations and investment groups on investments, portfolio construction and management, investment management, resource mobilization, financial empowerment, risk management and research methodology. He has been a Chairman of the Department of Business Studies and Economics at Egerton University, and Director of Naivasha Campus of Laikipia University. These administrative experiences have deepened his knowledge and skills in education institutional leadership and development. In addition to supervising several postgraduate theses to completion, he has also been an External Examiner for a number of Kenyan Public and Private Universities.

Over the years, Onyuma has won a number of Research Grants from research institutions including the World Bank and Worldwide Fund for Nature, and a Text Book writing project funding by Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) – a Pan-African research organization. He has authored three university-level text books in Capital markets development, and management accounting in addition to publishing several articles in peer-reviewed journals. Over the years, he has been involved in curriculum development and review, as well as serving in different committees for development of policies for resource mobilization, university endowment fund, internally generated funds, and strategic plan development and review. He has been a member of Board of Postgraduate Studies, and is currently serving as the Chair of the University Contract Implementation Committee, a member of Resource Mobilization and Investment Board, as well as Vice Chair of Budget Formulation and Implementation Committee. Occasionally, he has acted as the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration, Finance & Planning), as well as Dean School of Humanities and Development Studies. He has spoken at conferences and attended training workshops in finance, investments, financial market development as well as education reforms. He is a member of the Business Ethics Network – Africa (BEN-Africa). In 2010, he received a Presidential Recognition for Distinguished Service to the President’s Award – Kenya.

C     Research Interests

Analysis of securities market governance structures; capital market efficiency, market competition and integration, and securities market microstructure development in developing capital markets. Experienced in research designs, rural surveys, data processing and project reporting.

D      Publications


  1. Ndung’u, D. T. & Onyuma, S. O. (2023). Emerging Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Reporting by Listed Companies in the Post-Corona Pandemic in Kenya. (Forthcoming in Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 2(1).
  2. Onyuma, S. O. (2023). Diaspora Remittances, Economic Growth and Securities Market Development in Kenya. (Forthcoming in African Journal of Banking, Finance and Money)
  3. Ndung’u, D. T. & Onyuma, S. O. (2022). Moderating Effect of Cost of Information Technology Adoption and Utilization on the Relationship Between Cost of Sugarcane and Food Production Among Farming Agribusinesses in Nyanza Region, Kenya. (Forthcoming in Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 2(1).
  4. Ochieng’ B . J  & Onyuma, S. O. (2023) Relationship between cost of production of Maize and Beans in Nyanza Region in Kenya: Application of Structural Equation Modelling. East African Social Science Research Review, 39(2): 46-63.
  5. Ndung’u, D. T. & Onyuma, S. O. (2022). Relationship between Property Diversification Attributes and Financial Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts in Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 1(2): 99-110. http://journals.laikipia.ac.ke/index.php/jsseh/article/view/16/20
  6. Ochieng’ B . J  O. & Onyuma, S. O. (2022) Relationship between Cost of Sugarcane Production and Cost of Maize Production among Farmers in Nyanza Region, Keny. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 1(2):1-15. http://journals.laikipia.ac.ke/index.php/jsseh/article/view/6
  7. Ochieng’ B . J  & Onyuma, S. O. (2022) Relationship between cost and production of Maize and Beans in Nyanza Region, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, 1(2): 1-15.
  8. Ndung’u, D. T. & Onyuma, S. O. (2022). Relationship between Property Type-Location Diversification and Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts in Kenya. European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 6(4): DOI: 10.46827/ejefr.v6i4.1305. https://oapub.org/soc/index.php/EJEFR/article/view/1357
  9. Musembi, M. S., Onyuma, S. O. & Kung’u, J. N.  (2022). Investor Characteristics and Their Effect on Investment Decisions among Public University Workers in Kenya. Journal of Economics and Public Finance, 8(2):179-209.  https://doi.org/10.22158/jepf.v8n2p179
  10. Onyuma, S. O. (2022). Re-modulating the Growth Enterprise Market Segment to Drive the Growth of SMEs in Kenya through Securities Market Financing. Journal of Social Sciences, Education & Humanities, 4(1): 110-123. http://repository.laikipia.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/123456789/93/35-7-PB.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  11. Onyuma, S. O. & Ndung’u, D. T. (2021). Financing SMEs Growth through the Capital Markets. African Growth Agenda, 18(3):4-6. www.africagrowthinstitute.com. https://journals.co.za/doi/pdf/10.10520/ejc-afgrow-v18-n3-a1.
  12. Wanyoike, H. W., Onyuma, S. O. & Kung’u, J. N. (2021) Working Capital Management Practices and Operational Performance of Selected Supermarkets with National Network: Evidence from Kenya. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 10(2): 72-85. https://www.ssbfnet.com/ojs/index.php/ijrbs/article/view/994
  13. Onyuma, S. O. & Ndung’u, D. T.  (2020). Financing Affordable Housing through Real Estate Investments Trusts in Africa. African Growth Agenda, 17(2), 14-15.  https://journals.co.za/doi/abs/10.10520/EJC-1f02531c3e
  14. Onyuma, S. O. (2020). Membership Characteristics and Financial Performance of Investment Groups Investing in Securities Market in Kenya. Journal of Economics &Sustainable Development, 11 (10):131-140. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Membership-Characteristics-and-Financial-of-Groups-Onyuma/07239beb34ef417caacf74d0183cb5e7a3636212
  15. Onyuma, S. O. (2020). Exchange Automation and Adaptive Efficiency of the Kenyan Securities Market. European Journal of Business Management, 12(15): 43-64.
  16. Onyuma, S. O. (2020). Organizational Structure and Financial Performance of Investment Groups Participating in Kenyan Capital Markets. Journal of Poverty, Investment & Development, 54: 43-51. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/327152351.pdf
  17. Mwangala, W. M., Onyuma, S. O. & Kung’u, J. N. (2019). Macroeconomic Environment and Financial Performance of Manufacturers Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 7 (2):321-327.
  18. Nzau, M. W., Kung’u, J. N., & Onyuma, S. O. (2019) Effect of Bond issues on Financial Performance of Listed Companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. International Journal Business & Management Review, 7(8):16-25. https://www.eajournals.org/journals/international-journal-of-business-and-management-review-ijbmr/vol-7-issue-8-december-2019/
  19. Kirui, R. & Onyuma, S. O. (2019). Effect of Group Composition and Formalization on Financial Performance of Investment Groups in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 7(2):65-73.
  20. Kapchanga, D. J., Owili, P. A. & Onyuma, S. O. (2018). Does Public Debt Moderates the Effect of Inflation Rate on Securities Market Returns? International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology, 6(12):824-836. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Does-Public-Debt-Moderate-the-Effect-of-Inflation-Kapchanga-Owili/d5bc4d7405c918c3b991c45ce2745f3b8eb791ff 
  21. Onyuma, S. O. & Ochieng, I. E. (2017). Moderating Effect of Economic Growth on the Relationship Between Foreign Private Capital Flows and Securities Market Development: Evidence from Kenya. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 7 (8): 1-13. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Moderating-Effect-of-Economic-Growth-on-the-Between-Onyuma-Ochieng/72001e7c7cdddbe0be832de00db5e85e5498d6f5
  22. Onyuma, S. O. & Kibet, L. K. (2017). Does Economic Growth Influence the Relationship Between Financial Intermediaries and Securities Market Development in Kenya? Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 8(16): 19-30. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Moderating-Effect-of-Economic-Growth-on-the-Between-Onyuma-Ochieng/72001e7c7cdddbe0be832de00db5e85e5498d6f5
  23. Onyuma, S. O. & Okumu, A. N. (2016) Testing Applicability of Capital Asset Pricing Model in the Kenyan Securities Market. European Journal of Business & Management, 7(26): 126-133. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Testing-Applicability-of-Capital-Asset-Pricing-in-Okumu-Onyuma/93a38de781ed4e210c1831f329e9973446b30bd0
  24. Onyuma, S. O., & Kariuki, R. K. (2015) Do Market Reforms Affect Securities Market Efficiency in Kenya? Application of the Adaptive Market Efficient Theory. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(17):81-90. https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RJFA/article/view/26112
  25. Makau, S. M., Onyuma, S. O. & Okumu, A. N. (2015) Impact of Cross-Border Listing on Stock Liquidity: Evidence from East African Community. Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 3(1): 10-18. https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo.aspx?journalid=171&doi=10.11648/j.jfa.20150301.12
  26. Inoti. G., Onyuma, S. O. & Muiru, M. W. (2014) Impact of Acquisitions on the Financial Performance of the Acquiring Companies in Kenya: A Case Study of Listed Acquiring Firms at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 2 (5):108-115. https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=171&doi=10.11648/j.jfa.20140205.12
  27. Karuitha, J. K. & Onyuma, S.O. (2013) Management of Financial Crises: Priorities for Rebuilding the Financial Architecture in Africa. African Management Development Review, Vol.10 (4): 34-49.
  28. Onyuma, S. O., Karuitha, J. K. & Mugo, R. (2013) Do Stock Splits Affect Ownership Concentration of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange? Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 4 (15): 105-117.
  29. Kakiya, G., Onyuma, S., Owuor, G., Mugo, R. & Bosire, M. (2013) Do Earnings Announcement Have an Effect on the Level of Efficiency of The Nairobi Securities Exchange? Research Journal of Finance & Accounting, Vol.4 (16):148-165.
  30. Owido, P. K., Onyuma, S. O. & Owuor, G. (2013) A GARCH Approach to Measuring Efficiency: A Case Study of Nairobi Securities Exchange. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol.4 (4): 1-16.
  31. Wabwire, J. M., Owuor, G., Onyuma, S. O. & Njuguna, A. (2013) The Effect of Initial Public Offer Announcements on Market Returns of Listed Stocks at The Nairobi Stock Exchange International Journal of Research in Management, Vol. 2(3):83-119.
  32. Onyuma, S. O., Mugo, R. K & Karuitha, J. K. (2012) Does Cross-Border Listing (Still) Improve Firm Financial Performance? Journal of Business Economics & Finance, Vol.1 (1): 92-109. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jbef/issue/32421/360533
  33. Onyuma, S. O. (2011) Developing the Management and Ownership Structures of African Stock Exchanges. African Management Development Review, Vol.10 (1): 35-66.
  34. Onyuma, S. O. (2009) Day-of-the-Week and Month-of-the-Year Effect on the Kenyan Stock Market Returns. East African Social Science Research Review, Vol. XXV (2) June: 53-74. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/315905/pdf
  35. Onyuma, S. O. (2008) Assumptions about Microenterprise Lending as a Precondition for Development: A Critical Review. East African Social Science Research Review, Vol. 24(1): 109-134.
  36. Onyuma, S. O. & A. O. Shem (2007) Reorganizing Corporate Governance Structures in African Stock Exchanges. African Journal of Business & Economic, Vol.2, No. 1:60-85.
  37. Onyuma, S. O., Cheruiyot, T. K  & A. N. Okumu (2007) Debt as a Tool for Monitoring and Controlling Firms in Emerging Economies: The Kenyan Experience. African Journal of Business & Economic, Vol.2, No.1:24-45.
  38. Onyuma, S. O (2006) Regional Integration of Stock Exchanges in Africa. African Review of Money Finance & Banking, Supplementary Issue of Savings & Development: 97-122. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23026343
  39. Onyuma, S. O., E.A. Birachi; T. K. Cheruiyot & E. Icart (2006) Effect of Management in Agricultural Production: Evidence from Kenya. African Journal of Business & Economic, 1(1):1-17.
  40. Cheruiyot, T. K; Kosgei, D. K; Birachi, E.A; Maru, L. C. & Onyuma, S. O (2006) Gender Related Profiles and Strategic Orientations of Micro Enterprises in Kerio Valley of Kenya. African Journal of Business & Economic, 1(2):23-37.
  41. Birachi, E. A; Owuor, G; Cheruiyot, T. K. & Onyuma, S. O. (2006) An Analysis of Milk & Derivatives Handling in Kenya: The Case of Smallholder Retail Outlets in Nakuru. African Journal of Business & Economic, 1(2):14-22.
  42. Owuor, G; Wangia, S. M; Onyuma, S. O; Mshenga, P; & Gamba, P. (2006) Self-help Group as a Social Capital for Agricultural Production. The Case of Smallholder Maize farmers in Siaya, Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Volume 6 No. 2&3:
  43. Onyuma, S. O. & A. O. Shem (2005) Myths of Microfinance as a Panacea for Poverty Reduction and Women Empowerment. Savings and Development, vol.No.2 (July): 199-222: 159-176. https://www.jstor.org/stable/25830894
  44. Onyuma, S. O. & Eric Icart (2005) Effects of Education on Labour Productivity of Small-scale Farmers in Kisii, Kenya. Journal of Education & Human Resources, 3, No. 2 (December):1-19.
  45. Onyuma, S. O., Icart, E., Wambua,T. Owuor, G. (2005) Testing market integration for Kenyan pineapples. Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development, 21 (1): pp. 23-33. DOI: 10.4314/eajrd.v21i1.28369


  1. Onyuma, S. O. (2023). Governance Structures in Securities Exchanges: Demutualization, Conflict of Interest & Regulatory Challenges. Chennai, India: Notion Press. ISBN 978-1-64899-321-3. https://notionpress.com/read/governance-structures-in-african-securities-exchanges
  2. Waweru, G., Onyuma, S. O. & Murumba, J. (2021). Research Methodology: Concepts, Theories & Practical Applications. Kolkata, India: 24by7 Publishing, pp.406.ISBN: 978-93-90979-38-7. https://golpapa.com/product/research-methodology-by-gabriel-waweru-samuel-o-onyuma-joan-w-murumba-research-paper/
  3. Onyuma, S. O. (2020). Securities Markets Development in Africa: Mobile Financial Services, Efficient Remittance Flows & Diaspora Investment Securities. Chennai, India: Notion Press. ISBN 9781648993213. https://notionpress.com/read/securities-markets-development-in-africa
  4. Onyuma, S.O. (2012) Capital Markets Development in Emerging Economies: Institutions, Macroeconomic & Microstructure Reforms Determining Stock Markets Development in Kenya. Saarbrucken, Germany: (ISBN 978-3-659-20882-9), 372 pp.
  5. Onyuma, S. O. & Njuguna, A. G. (2010) Cost Accounting: A Practical Approach. Fountain Publishers. ISBN 9966-7162-0-3.                                            
  6. Kirimi L., Mathengue M., Olwande J., Gamba, P., Onyuma, S.  O. & Lagat, J. (2010). Globalization and Structural Change in Rural Economies. World Bank RuralStruc Program– Phase II. February. Available Online at: https://documents.worldbank.org/pt/publication/documents-reports/documen...
  7. Gamba, P., S. Onyuma and J. Lagat, (2010) Structural Dimensions of Liberalisation in Agriculture and Rural Development in Kenya. World Bank RuralStruc Phase II National Report for Kenya. February, 225 pp.: World Bank. https://agritrop.cirad.fr/562893/1/document_562893.pdf

E     Thesis and Project Supervision

Doctoral Thesis:

  1. Ndung’u, Daniel Thuo (MDB35/4177/18). Analysis of Investor Sentiments, Property Type-Location Diversification and Investor Awareness Influencing Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts in Kenya. (PhD - Laikipia University (Graduated Dec 2022).
  2. Owuor, Charles Okeyo (CD11/1468/15). Influence of Selected Residential Housing Fundamental Determinants on Housing Price Volatility in Kenya. (PhD - Egerton University, ongoing).
  3. Kemboi, Kiplangat Titus (MDB35/4208/19). Public Finance Management Reforms and Financial Performance of Selected County Governments in Kenya. (PhD - Laikipia University, ongoing).
  4. Cheruiyot, Kipkemoi (MDB35/4207/19). Structural Reforms and Market Performance of Listed Firms at Nairobi Securities Exchange – Kenya (PhD - Laikipia University, ongoing).
  5. Waiharo, Damaris Wanjiku (MDB35/4002/15). Financial Literacy and Retirement Savings Behavior in the Kenyan Informal Sector (PhD - Laikipia University, ongoing).
  6.  Karume, Fredwilly Nderitu (MDB35/4208/19). Technology Infrastructure, Government Regulation, Consumer Perceived Risk, Digital Financial Literacy and their effect on Growth of Fintech Firms in Kenya. (PhD - Laikipia University, ongoing).

Master’s Thesis:

  1. Musembi, M. Samuel. (MB24/4177/18) Investor characteristics and their effect on investment decisions among public university workers in Kenya. (MBA - Laikipia University, Graduated).
  2. Wathira, Hellen Wanyoike (2021). Effects of Working Capital Management Practices on Operational Performance of Selected Supermarkets with National Network in Kenya. (MBA - Laikipia University, Graduated). 
  3. Mwangala, Wenslous (2019) effect of selected macroeconomic and firm specific factors on financial performance of manufacturing firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (MBA - Laikipia University, Graduated).
  4. Nzau, Mary (2019) effect of bond issues on financial performance of firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (MBA - Laikipia University, Graduated).         
  5. Kirui, Rose (2019). Effect of Composition and Formalization on Financial Performance of Investment Groups in Kenya. (MBA- Egerton University, Graduated).
  6. Kapchanga, David (2018). Effect of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on Securities Market returns at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (MBA-Laikipia University Graduated).
  7. Miring’u, Michael Kamau. Lending Policies and their effect on commercial loans performance in Kenya. (MBA-Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  8. Nyabiosi, Jaqueline Moraa (MB24/2317/14). Effect of Credit Risk management on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Nakuru, Kenya. (MBA - Laikipia University, ongoing).
  9. Ndiangúi, Samuel Githae. Influence of financial skills on the management of capitation and grants in national politechnics in Mount Kenya Region. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  10. Mbatia, Sharley Wambui. Effect of microeconomic factors on the financial performance of small and medium enterprises in Laikipia West Sub- County. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  11. Lulaba, Martin. Macroeconomic factors affecting financial performance of insurance companies in Kenya. (MBA-Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  12. Sakwa, Bonface Sammy. Moderating effect of exchange rate on the relationship between bank specific factors and financial performance of commercial banks listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  13. Abongo, Velington (EM16/00993/12) Effect of lending and credit risk management policies on performance of KCB. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  14. Karanja, Joyce Nduta. Effect of credit risk management on credit recovery in savings and credit cooperatives in Nyandarua County in Kenya. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  15. Langat, Denis. Influence of loan policy on financial performance of commercial banks in Nyahururu town. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  16. Loikitekwi, Dorica. Effect of capital structure and macroeconomic factors on value of listed agricultural firms at the securities exchange in Kenya. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  17. Ndurumo, Jane Nduta. Influence of selected factors on the financial performance of voluntary contribution pension schemes for NSSF employees in Kenya. (Ongoing - Laikipia University).
  18. Ndegwa, J. W (2018). Factors influencing performance of insurance industry in Kenya: A case of small and medium insurance companies in Nairobi County. (Graduated Laikipia University).
  19. Kirui, Rose (2018) Effect of group composition and formalization on financial performance of investment groups in Nakuru Town, Kenya (Egerton University. Graduated)
  20. Gituku, J. M. (2017) Effect of motivation strategies on employee turnover intentions among commercial banks in Naivasha (Laikipia University. Graduated).
  21. Kirui, Robert (2015) Effect of Mobile Money Services on the Sales of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru County. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  22. Mburu, E. W. (2015) Post merger and financial performance of listed commercial banks in Kenya (Egerton University. Graduated).
  23. Makau, Stephen M (2015) Impact of Cross Boarder Listing on Share Liquidity: A case of NSE Listed Firms Cross listed on other EAC Exchanges. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  24. Samuel Murage. (2015) An Analysis of Effect of Income Generating Units on Public University Financing: A Case Study of Egerton University. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  25. Edwin Odhiambo (2014) Constraints to the Use of Crowd Funding by SMEs in Nakuru Municipality. Laikipia University. Graduated).         
  26. Patrick K. Owido. (2013) Day of the Week Effect on Returns. A case Study of the Nairobi Securities Exchange.  (Egerton University. Graduated). 
  27. Boniface M. Kabue (2013) Performance Evaluation of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  28. Zena A. Maobe (2012) An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Operations of Stock Brokers in Kenya: The Case of the NSE. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  29. Robert T. Kariuki (2012) Effect of Reforms on Stock Market efficiency: The case of Nairobi Securities exchange. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  30. Paul M. Shavulimo (2011) Effect of Stock Liquidity on Returns of Firms at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  31. Robert M. Karungu (2010) Effect of Cross-listing of shares on Financial Performance of firms listed at the NSE. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  32. Grace Kakiya (2010) Effect of Earnings Announcement on Market Returns of Firms listed at the NSE. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  33. Alice Atogo (2010) Effect of Stock Split Announcement on the Shares Returns: A Case Study of the Companies Listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  34. Samuel Ngigi (2008) An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Budgeting Practices of Private Commercial Colleges in Nakuru. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  35. Koimur (2008) Budgeting Practices among Secondary Schools in Koibatek District. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  36. Doris Shianda Oneya (2007) An analysis of the Impact of Non-Performing Loans on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  37. Gaireth Shibira, (2007) Determinants of Bond Pricing at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  38. Omar Nagib Ali. (2007) Effect of Financial Planning on Business Performance: A Case Study of Small Businesses in Malindi District. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  39. Cheruiyot, (2006) Financial Performance of University Operated Agribusiness Farms. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  40. John K. Karuitha (2006) Effects of Stock Split on Firm Ownership Structure, Stock Liquidity and Market Capitalization. Egerton University. Graduated (Egerton University. Graduated) Firm’s Capital Structure and Dividend Payment: The Case of Companies Quoted at the NSE. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  41. Ezekiel O. Juma (2004) Factors Determining the Credit Accessibility by Small-scale Enterprises: The Case of Jua Kali Artisans in Nakuru Municipality. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  42. Kigen, W. K. (2003) Factors Affecting the Viability of Secondary Schools Income Generating Projects in Koibatek District. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  43. Yugi, Charles Tibbs (2003) Effect of Risk Diversification on Shareholders’ Returns. (Egerton University. Graduated).
  44. Nyoike, Esther Wanja (2003) Factors Influencing the Growth of Small-scale Restaurants in Nakuru Municipality. (Egerton University. Graduated)
  45. Mutiso, Josphine (2003) Constraints facing Women Small-scale Entrepreneurs in Accessing Formal Microcredit in Nakuru Municipality. (Egerton University. Graduated)

G    Conferences Attended and Papers Presented

  1. Corporate Accounting on the Horizon: Exploring the New Frontiers and Evolving Trends. Paper presented by Bulimu, A. L. & Onyuma, S. O. at the Makerere University Business School 27th Annual International Management Blended Conference Themed:  Leveraging Governance, Human Capital and Technology for Sustainability held at Silver Springs Hotel, Bugolobi – Uganda, September 25 – 27, 2023.
  2. Does Investors’ Risk Attitude Influence Investment Decision-Making Framework of Investors? The Kenyan Public University Employees Experience. Paper presented by Musembi, M. S & Onyuma, S. O. at the Makerere University Business School 27th Annual International Management Blended Conference Themed: Leveraging Governance, Human Capital and Technology for Sustainability held at Silver Springs Hotel, Bugolobi – Uganda, September 25 – 27, 2023.
  3. Transforming the Bottom Line: How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping the Future of Accounting and Finance. Paper presented by Bulimu, A. L. & Onyuma, S. O. at the 3rd University of Kabianga Annual Conference under the theme Innovation and Practices for Innovation and Practices for Research and Sustainable Development Goals in the 21st Century. 27th – 29th, September 2023 at the University Main Campus.
  4. Emerging Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Reporting by Listed Companies in the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic in Kenya. Paper presented by Ndung’u, D. T. & Onyuma, S. O. at the 5th Biennial International Conference on Climate Change Conversation: From Realities to Transformative Action held at Laikipia University, Kenya: 24-26th May 2023. https://laikipia.ac.ke/article/laikipia-university-5th-biennial-conference.
  5. Moderating Effect of Cost of Weather Information Adoption and Utilization on the Relationship Between Cost of Sugarcane and Food Production Among Farmers in Nyanza Region, Kenya. Paper presented Ochieng, B. J. & Onyuma, S. O. at the 5th Biennial International Conference on Climate Change Conversation: From Realities to Transformative Action held at Laikipia University, Kenya: 24-26th May 2023. https://laikipia.ac.ke/article/laikipia-university-5th-biennial-conference.
  6. Investor Sentiments, Property Diversification, Investor Awareness and their Influence on Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts in Kenya. Paper presented by Daniel T. Ndung’u, Samuel O. Onyuma & James N. Kung’u (2022) at the 3rd Annual Virtual International Research Conference. Theme: Building Resilience in Education and Social Sciences Research through Technology and Innovation. Conference organized by The Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK), on 24th November, 2022 Website: www.essrak.org.
  7. Investor Characteristics and their Effect on Investment Decisions among Public University Employees in Kenya. Paper presented by Mwaka S. Musembi, Samuel O. Onyuma & James N. Kung’u at the 3rd Annual Virtual International Research Conference. Theme: Building Resilience in Education and Social Sciences Research through Technology and Innovation. Conference organized by The Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK), on 24th November, 2022. Website: www.essrak.org.
  8. Making Public University Financially Sustainable through the Use of Capital Markets in Kenya. Paper Presented by Onyuma, S. O. at the 4th Annual Conference on Research and Innovation in Education – Theme: Post-Modern Trends for Education Transformation and Sustainable Development. 26th-27th October 2022, Nairobi University Kenya.
  9. Attended International Conference on Enhancing Education in Kenya – Theme: Co-creation of Curriculum, Training, Policy Development and Linking Education to Industry. Organized by Finland Ministry of Education & Culture/ Ministry of Education – Kenya/ MaxGlobal Group Ltd through the Education Tampere Cluster Stakeholders and Partners held at PrideInn Flamingo Resort in Shimo Latewa, Mombasa, 23rd – 26th August 2022. The objective was to raise awareness and share information about the reforms and transformation of education in Kenya (CBC/CBET) by building the capabilities of school teachers, tutors in TTCs/TVTs and university lecturers; co-creation of curriculum and linking education with industry to introduce entrepreneurship and traineeship; promoting research, innovation; and policy development as paralleled with the education system in Finland.
  10. Women Economic Empowerment: Achieving Financial Independence in the 21st Century Delivered a Public Lecture to Laikipia University Women Staff during the 2022 International Women’s Day celebration, organized by the Directorate of Research, Human Rights & Gender - Laikipia University, 8th March 2022.
  11. Financing Agricultural SMEs Value Chains through Capital Markets in Kenya.  Paper Presented a paper at the Early Career Research Leaders Fellowship Conference on Promoting Multidisciplinary Research Approaches for Sustainable Agricultural Development. Sponsored by Future Africa/Universiteit van Pretoria, Laikipia University, 6th-8th July 2021. https://www.futureafrica.science/images/content/whats_happening/2021/jul...
  12. Research Contribution Continuum. Paper Presented at the Postgraduate Virtual Research Workshop for PhD and Master’s Students on Proposal and Project/Thesis Writing, Organized by Laikipia University, 17-18th June 2021.
  13. Financing the Supply Chain: Value Chain Financing in Agriculture. Delivered an Online Guest Lecture to the Postgraduate Students enrolled in the CAER5142/LEK883/LEK788 through the AERC/CREA Collaborative Masters Program in Agricultural Economics at University of Pretoria, October 17th 2021; and 26th Oct. 2022
  14. Re-modulating the Growth Enterprise Market Segment at Nairobi Securities Exchange to Drive the Growth of SMEs in Kenya through Capital Market Financing. Paper Prepared for the 3rd International Conference on Enhancing Utilization of Research, Science & Technology for Innovation and Sustainable Development in Africa, Laikipia University, Kenya, 24-27th May 2020. (postponed due to Covid19).
  15. Does Economic Growth Moderates the Relationship Between Diaspora Remittances and Securities Market Development in Kenya? Paper Prepared for the 3rd International Conference on Enhancing Utilization of Research, Science & Technology for Innovation and Sustainable Development in Africa, Laikipia University, Nyahururu – Kenya, 24-27th May 2020. (postponed due to Covid19).
  16. Attended IMF Virtual Annual Macro-Financial Research Conference, on 16th September, 2020, aimed to stimulate discussion on macro-financial linkages focusing on macro-financial policy considerations in the time of COVID, macro-prudential policies, financial frictions, political economy, financial intermediation, monetary policy, credit market competition, and technology in lending. Key experts from across the IMF, Federal Reserve, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the University of Maryland, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Duke University, Harvard University, University of Virginia, University of Texas Austin, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Ohio State University, Georgetown University, Northwestern University, and Johns Hopkins University.
  17. Attended a Virtual Education Technology (EdTech) Lounge Webinar: An Educator’s Guide to Online Teaching over Zoom, August 19th, 2020, Wednesday 1:40 pm East Africa. The EdTech Lounge is a virtual space for AKU faculty members to share experiences of teaching and learning with technology.
  18.  Attended Association of African Universities Virtual Workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher & Tertiary Education Learner-Centered Teaching Skills: The Foundations of Education. Tuesday 15 September, 2020 at 2.45pm East African Countries Time, focusing on education psychology, philosophy, and sociology and how they dictate on focusing on the learners during university lectures. Attended by Higher & Tertiary Education (HTE) Stakeholders.
  19. Attended Association of African Universities Virtual QA Workshop In Research & Project Grants Proposals Writing. Thursday, 10 September, 2020. Focused on developing quality research proposals and how to identify and apply for Grants for Projects. Attended by Higher, Tertiary Education (HTE) and Research Stakeholders.
  20. Attended Association of African Universities (AAU) virtual workshop on Building the Quality Culture through the African Quality Rating Mechanism (AQRM) Institutional Assessment & Evaluation for Self-Improvement. Tuesday, August 4th, 2020, attended by Higher & Tertiary Education (HTE) Stakeholders.
  21. Attended Association of African Universities Virtual Workshop on Lecturers & Students' E-Teaching & Learning Experiences in Africa: The Edo University, Nigeria Case Study Confirmation, Jul 27, 2020.
  22. Onyuma, S. O., Okumu, A.N. & Karuitha, J. K. Effect of Automation on Efficiency of the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Paper Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Enhancing Utilization of Research, Science & Technology for Innovation and Sustainable Development in Africa, held at Laikipia University, Nyahururu – Kenya, 24-27th May 2016.
  23. Delivered a Public Guest Lecture at Kigali Institute of Management (KIM University) to Students and Faculty on “The Capital Markets Integration Process in Africa with Reference to East African Community”, 6th Sept 2013 at 2pm.     
  24. Karuitha, J. K. and Onyuma, S. O. Business Cycles, Financial Crisis and Financial System Regulation: Lessons for Africa. Paper Presented at the International Conference on Mediating Crisis held Laikipia University College 23-27th June 2012.         
  25. Kariuki, R. K. & Onyuma, S. O. Do Market Reforms Affect Securities Market Efficiency in Kenya? Application of the Adaptive Market Efficient Theory. Paper Presented at the International Conference on Mediating Crisis held at Laikipia University College 23-27th June 2012.
  26. Mugo, R. & Onyuma, S. O. (2011) Regional Cross - Listing and Firm’s Financial Performance in East Africa Community. Paper Presented at the 7th International Conference, Moi University: Eldoret.
  27. Karuitha, J. K & Onyuma, S. O. (2011) Stock Splits, Ownership Structure and Stock Liquidity of Listed Firms in Kenya. Paper Presented at the 5th International Conference & Research Week, Egerton University: Njoro.
  28. Onyuma, S. O. & Owuor, G. (2010) Are There Anomalies in the Kenyan Stock Market? Proceedings of the 2nd Egerton University Research Week & International Conference - Governance, Socio Economics & Culture: 381-389.
  29. Onyuma, S. O. Can African Stock Exchanges Merge into a Pan-African Securities Market? Paper presented at the HDS Faculty Seminar Series. Laikipia University College, 25th June 2010.
  30. Gudda, P. & S. O. Onyuma. The Role of Information Communication Technology: Determinants of Technology Adoption among Kenyan Manufacturers. Paper Presented at Kenya Institute of Management 2nd International Conference Held in Nairobi, 27th-29th October 2010,
  31. Atogo, A., Onyuma, S.O & Owuor, G. Impact of Stock Split on Stock Returns of Listed Firms in Kenya. Paper Presented at the 7th Annual Research Week and International Conference, Egerton University - ARC: Njoro, 15th – 17th September 2009.
  32. Onyuma, S. O. (2009) Can African Stock Exchanges Merge into a Pan African Market?  Paper Presented at the 5th International Conference, 4th – 8th August 2009, Moi University: Eldoret.
  33. Gamba, P. & Onyuma, S. O. Structural Dimensions of Liberalization in Agriculture and Rural Development: The Case of Kenya. Phase II RuralStruc Project Preliminary Research. Presented at the World Bank Workshop, 15-21st June 2008, Darkar- Goree, Senegal.
  34. Onyuma, S. O. Using Capital Markets in Making Kenyan Universities Financially Sustainable. Paper Presented at the CODESRIA Faculty Seminar Series on Higher Education in Africa: Need for Reforms & Transformation. Laikipia Campus (Egerton University), 7th April 2008.
  35. Onyuma, S. O. & Owuor, G. Are There Anomalies in the Kenyan Stock Market? Paper Presented at the Egerton University Research Week & International Conference, ARC-Hotel, Egerton University, Njoro, July 16-20th 2007.
  36. Onyuma, S. O. Effect of Morality on Managers’ Cost Allocation Behaviour. Presented at the 6th Annual Conference on the Business Ethics Network of Africa, 26-28th July 2006. University of Stellenbosch Business School, Bellville Park Campus, Cape Town, SA.
  37. Onyuma, S. O. Does Morality Shapes Cost Allocation Behaviour: Evidence from MBA Student-Managers in Kenya. Paper prepared for the International Conference on Business and Information, Intercontinental Hotel, Tokyo-Bay, Tokyo, Japan 10th-13th July 2007.
  38. Onyuma, S. O; Icart, E. & Owuor, G. Testing Market Integration for Fresh Pineapples in Kenya. Poster Paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economist Conference, Gold Coast, Gold Coast Conference & Exhibition Center Australia, August 12-18th 2006.
  39. Onyuma, S. O. Integration of African Stock Markets. 8th OSSREA Congress Workshop on International Aid, Trade & Development in Africa: The Search for New Development Paradigm, UN Conference Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia- 21-23 Nov., 2005.
  40. Owuor, G, & Onyuma, S. O. The Role of Business Organizations in Improving Access to Quality Education. 2nd ATWS International Conference on Africa Beyond Ignorance, Corruption, Conflict, Poverty and HIV/AIDS; Egerton University, September 17-19th 2001.
  41. Onyuma, S. O. Constraints to Competitive Food Markets and their Effect on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2nd ATWS International Conference on Africa Beyond Ignorance, Corruption, Conflict, Poverty and HIV/AIDS; Egerton University, September 17-19th 2001.
  42. Onyuma, S. O. & E. Birachi. Achieving Food Security in Kenya: Role of Education in Improving Productivity of Smallholder Farmers. 2nd ATWS International Conference on Africa Beyond Ignorance, Corruption, Conflict, Poverty and HIV/AIDS; Egerton University, September 17-19th 2001.
  43. Cheruiyot, K; Onyuma, S. O.  & E. Birachi. Impact of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Agribusiness Firms: A Comparative Study of Corporate Governance Systems in Kenya, USA, UK, Germany and Japan. 2nd ATWS International Conference on Africa Beyond Ignorance, Corruption, Conflict, Poverty and HIV/AIDS; Egerton University, September 17-19th 2001.
  44. E. Birachi, S. Onyuma & T. Cheruiyot. Role of Supply Chain Management in Horticultural Marketing: Towards a Framework for National Food Security. 2nd ATWS International Conference on Africa Beyond Ignorance, Corruption, Conflict, Poverty and HIV/AIDS; Egerton University, September 17-19th 2001.
  45. Onyuma, S. O. Misconception of Microcredit as a Panacea for Poverty Alleviation, Women Empowerment and Rural Growth. 1st ATWS International Conference, Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret, 2001.
  46. Onyuma, S. O. Empirical Analysis of the Factors Determining the Location of Manufacturing Firms in Rural Maryland. The 30th Southern Rural Sociological Association Conference, Little Rock, AR (USA), 1998.

H     Workshops & Seminars

  1. Trained on Organization/Employee Productivity Improvement and Measurement for Public Service. Organized and facilitated by Salaries & Remuneration Commission (SRC) in conjunction with National Productivity and Competitiveness Centre/Kenya School of Government, at KSG Mombasa Campus, 14th-18th November 2022. Topics covered: Performance management and productivity management; Factors influencing productivity; Building a productivity workplace culture; Development of productivity matrices; Productivity measurement, Strategies of for improving organizational productivity; Productivity monitoring, evaluation & reporting. Training Output: I developed Laikipia University Productivity Management Matrix Framework for discussion by UMB and prepared materials for sensitizing staff and management.
  2. Trained as Focal-Point Person on National Cohesion and Values and Principles of Governance organized by Directorate of Commission for National Cohesion and National Values (Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government – Kenya), held at Kenya School of Government, Mombasa, on 17th-22 October 2022. Topics covered: Prioritization and promotion of national interest, introduction to national cohesion and integration, Highlights of the Sessional Paper No. 9 of 2013 on National Cohesion and Integration, Strategies for promoting National Cohesion and Integration, National values and Principles of Governance (Art 10(2), Highlights of the Sessional Paper No. 8 of 2013 on National Values and Principles of Governance Performance Contracting on National Values and Principles of Governance, Role of National Values and Principles of Governance Committees in MDA, Highlights of the 9th Annual President’s Report on National Values and Principles of  Governance – 2021, Challenges and lessons learnt in the 9th Annual President’s Report on National Values and Principles of  Governance – 2021, and Roadmap on the 10th Annual President’s Report on National Values and Principles of Governance – 2022. Training Output: Better understanding of how to set NCV targets in the PC, revised our earlier targets, and became knowledgeable on writing the Report on National Values and Principles of Governance.
  3. Trained on Public Investment and Project Management Information System (PIMIS) organized by Government of Kenya - The National Treasury, Lake Naivasha Resort, Naivasha, 24th – 31st July 2022. Topics covered: Pre-Investment Stage: project concept note data capture, pre-feasibility, post-feasibility data capture and approvals, feasibility approvals, Pre-investment online hands-on and approval stages; Investment Stage– project pipeline, profile, and prioritization, Project budgeting, M&E data capture, reporting and mid-term evaluation; Post- Investment Stage: completion reporting approvals, Ex-post reporting and approvals; PIMIS Visualization: Investment reports both dynamic and GIS Maps; PIMIS Administration: profile management, Help desk and PIMIS manuals. Training Output: Having understood project conceptualization, Approvals, implementation, monitoring and evaluation using PIMIS, LU Team inputted the 6 Project Concept Notes earlier developed into the PIMIS System
  4. Attended Stakeholder Validation Forum for Proposed Building Regulations (National Building Code) 2022, and the Regulatory Impact Statement for the Code organized by the State Department of Public Works/National Construction Authority (NCA) – Kenya, held at Bomas of Kenya Nairobi, May 6th, 2022. Issues discussed included Overview of the formulation for the Draft Building Code Regulations (National Building Code) 2022; Regulatory Impact Statement for the Draft Building Code Regulations (National Building Code) 2022); the Draft Building Code Regulations (National Building Code) 2022; the Final Hazard Maps on Seismic, Volatility, Landslides and Subsidence; and Final Hazard aps on Windspeed and Floodmaps across Kenya. My Input during Plenary: – shared with experts the critical issues which needed to be incorporated within those legislations, based on LU experience with our project contractors and consultants.
  5. Attended Construction Research Dissemination Workshop organized by the National Construction Authority (NCA) – Kenya, held at Boma Resort, Nairobi, South C. 14th – 15th March 2022.
  6. Trained on Business Process Re-Engineering Transformation, and Rapid Results Initiatives.  Facilitated by the Republic of Kenya – Public Service Transformation Division, 19th – 21st January 2022.  Trained on Result Based Management, Rapid Results Initiative, and Business Process Re-engineering: project initiation, mapping current processes, and analysis of AS-IS processes.
  7. Trained (as Trade Union-UASU Bank Signatories) on Labour Regulations (Accounts), Regulations & Inspection of Books of Accounts by Trade Union Inspectors. Facilitated by Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, held at Tom Mboya Labour College, 1st – 3rd October 2020.
  8. Trained as Internal Auditors on Information Security Management System based on ISO 27001:2013 & ISO 19011: 2018, Laikipia University, Kenya, 30th April – 2nd May 2019.
  9. Attended (Represented Laikipia University) the Laikipia County Symposium - From Manifesto to Action: Revitalization of Agriculture & Manufacturing for Sustainable Development, Spurring Job Creation, and Enhancing Provision of Quality Healthcare in Laikipia County. Training facilitated by Kenya School of Government, 5th April 2019.
  10. Participated in Proposal Development Writeshop for Strengthening Higher Agricultural Education for Agri-Food Systems Transformation in Africa (SHAEA), facilitated by World Bank Group/RUFORUM, Naivasha Kenya, Oct 31st – Nov. 1st 2018.
  11. Attended (Represented Laikipia University) the Laikipia County Symposium for creation of Agribusiness Information HUB Creation, Dissemination & Management. Facilitated by SNV-Kenya, Laikipia County Agribusiness Stakeholders Forum, Nanyuki – Kenya, 17th July 2018.
  12. Trained on Anti-plagiarism for Academic Integrity - PlagScan User and Support Training, Facilitated by Dimension Education, Nakuru, 14-15th June 2018.
  13. Attended Pedagogy Workshop facilitated by School of Education, Laikipia University, 20th July 2018.
  14. Attended MOEST-EU Proposal Writing Workshop, Facilitated By Ministry of Education Science And Technology, Held At Laikipia University On February 6th 2018.
  15. Attended Capacity Building for Trade Unions, facilitated by Ministry of Labour/UASU at Tom Mboya Labour College, Kisumu., 15-17th November 2017.      
  16. Attended Self-Assessment at Program Level and Curriculum Review. Facilitated by the Directorate of Quality Assurance & Standards, Laikipia University, 6th-8th December, 2016.
  17. Attended Trade Union Sensitization Training Workshop for new Executive Officials, facilitated by UASU, 21 February 2015.
  18. Trained on Writing & Reviewing Open and Distance Learning Materials at Morendat Training Center. Facilitated by UoN, Directorate of CODEL, 30th Sept-2nd October 2013.  
  19. Attended workshop on Change Management in New Universities: facilitated by KCA University, 2009.
  20. Attended Stakeholder Workshop For Identification of Research Priority Areas For Egerton University Period 2010-2013, held 3rd December 2009                           
  21. Trained on Proposals Writing Workshop. Facilitated by the Division of Research & Extension, Egerton University, Njoro – ARC Hotel, 24-26 March 2009.                   
  22. Trained on Pedagogical Workshop on Teaching Methodology, facilitated by Faculty of Education, Egerton University, FASS Theatre, May 21-23rd 2007                               
  23. Trained on Strategic Planning for a University and Citizens’ Service Delivery Charter Workshop. Facilitated by Prime Minister’s Office, Cathey Hotel Nakuru, 31ST Marc 2009.
  24. Trained on Result Based Management through Performance Contracting and Reporting. Facilitated by Prime Minister’s Office, Cathey Hotel Nakuru, 2009.      
  25. 2009 Environmental Conservation Week, held in Egerton University Njoro 13 May 2009
  26. Trained on Unified Data Analysis using different Softwares - Training Workshop for RuralStruc, facilitated by World Bank/African Development Bank, 15-21st June 2008, Darkar- Goree, Senegal.
  27. Trained on Open & Distant Learning Material Authors Workshop, FASS Theatre 1, Egerton University, Njoro -13-22 November 2007.
  28. Attended Pedagogical Workshop on Test Development and Administration. Facilitated Faculty of Education held at ARC- Egerton University, 12th November, 2005.        
  29. Attended Workshop on Computational Tools in Use of Information Technology in Teaching and Research in Curriculum Reform of Undergraduate Education, 3rd June 2005.
  30. Trained on Writing Distance Learning Material, facilitated by University of South Africa (UNISA), Travelers’ Beach Hotel, October, 2003.
  31. Attended Pedagogical Workshop on Teaching Methodology, Held at FASS Theatre, Egerton University, 2002.
  32. Attended Academic Advising Workshop, Facilitated by Egerton University, 2002.

I      Consultancies

  1. Won a 3-year Research Grant funded by The World Bank worth $89,000 in 2008 with P. Gamba & J. Lagat. Title: Structural Dimensions of Liberalization in Agriculture and Rural Development: The Case of Kenya. Phase II RuralStruc Project. Completed.
  2. Won a TextBook Writing Grant funded by CODESREA, $ 10,000 – (September 2009 – July 2015).  Title: Paradigm Shift in Stock Exchanges: Automation, Governance, Competition, Integration & Regulation of Stock Exchanges in Africa. Completed.
  3. Won a 2-year internal Research Grant funded by Laikipia University, worth Ksh.400,000, with J. K. Karuitha and I.E Ochieng’. Title: Effect of Ownership Structure, Market Power and Competition on the Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Kenya. Research Project Funded by Research Division, Laikipia University, 2014.     
  4. Won a 2-year internal Research Grant funded by Laikipia University, worth Ksh.400,000, with A. Orawo. Title: A Cost Benefit Analysis of the Upstream Sellers’ Payment System for Environmental Conservation. Research Project Funded by Research Division, Laikipia University, 2013.
  5. Won a Research Grant funded by WWF/CARE-Kenya worth $ 6,000 in 2007, With P. Gamba & G. Owuor. Title: Downstream Payment System for Environmental & Biodiversity Conservation Project.

Part of a Team who consulted County Government of Laikipia on School Management: Developed the Curriculum for Induction of Board of Management in Secondary Schools in Laikipia County (May-October 2019) for training over 6,000 BoM members in schools within the County

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