Dr. Isaac King’ori Profile

  Name of Staff: Isaac W. Kingori

   Designation/Rank: Senior Lecturer

   Department: Psychology, Counselling & Educational Foundations

   School: Education

    Email: ikingori@laikipia.ac.ke



A    Educational Background/Qualification

  1. PhD in Educational Psychology, Laikipia University, Kenya (2013)
  2. Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling, Egerton University, Kenya (2007)
  3. Bachelor in Education (Arts) (Economics and Geography), Moi University, Kenya (1996)

B     Brief Auto-biography

Isaac is a Senior Lecturer in the department of Psychology at Laikipia University with over 15 years’ experience in teaching psychology courses. He has zeal and passionate in helping students achieve their full potential in academic and research. Isaac is deeply committed to supporting learners achieve their full potential through elaborate mentorship services and community engagement. He is also an accomplished researcher and has published numerous articles in recognized academic journals

C     Areas of Specialization

  1.  Educational and counselling psychology
  2. Research methods, Education assessment and evaluations.

D    Research Interest

  1.  Drug and substance abuse and mental health
  2. Family and Youth development

E    All Publications

  1. King’ori, I.W & Sindabi, A.M. (2011). Influence of counselling on the gender rate of drug abuse among secondary school students of Bahati Division, Nakuru County. Kenya Journal of Guidance, Counseling and Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1. Pp169-174
  2. King’ori, I.W. Kithuka,M. & Maina, J. (2014). Influence of excess pocket on drug abuse among secondary school in Laikipia, Nakuru and Kericho Counties, Kenya. International Journal of innovative research and Development. Vol. 3 No. 5 p. 774-782. ISSN-2213-1356
  3. Kingori, E. & King’ori I. W. (2014). Effect of parent influences on sexual behaviors among students in secondary schools in Nyahururu Division, Laikipia County. International Journal of Recent Research in Social Science and Humanities. Vol. 1 no. 2 p.7-11. ISSN 2349-7831
  4. Kingori, E. & King’ori I. W. (2014). Effects of peer influence on sexual behaviour among students in secondary schools in Nyahururu Sub -county, Laikipia County, Kenya International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 2 No 9  p. 241- 250. ISSN: 2201-6740
  5. Kingori, E. & King’ori I. W. (2016). Influence of gender on students’ sexual behaviour in secondary school in Nyahururu Sub-County, Laikipia County, Kenya. ISSN 2249-9482, Volume 6 Issue 05, May 2016, Page 65-73
  6. King’ori, I.W. & Ndung’u, M. W. (2016). Effect of availability of teaching resources on special education teachers’ job satisfaction in Nyandarua County, Kenya International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 4 No.5.  545-554. ISSN: 2411-5681
  7. King’ori, I.W. (2016). Influence of counselling on the management of drug abuse among students in Bahati Division. Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 4 No.5  555-564.  ISSN: 2411-5681
  8. Mbugua, R. M., Ngari, S. M. & King’ori, I. (2016). Influence of gender difference on drug abuse on marital stability among spouses in Murang’a County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Information Technology ,Vol II Issue IV, 489-503. ISSN 2412-0294
  9. Mbugua, R. M., Ngari, S. M. & King’ori, I. (2016). Influence of alcohol and drug abuse on marital stability among spouses in Murang’a County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Information Technology Vol II Issue IV, 475-488. ISSN 2412-0294
  10. Kariuki, J. M., Moturi W. N., Shivoga, W. A., Kingori I. W., & Kilonzi, C. M. (2016) Demand for, awareness on and constraints to proper solid waste management in Njoro Division, Nakuru, Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 11(2): 1-10. DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/25844.    ISSN: 2320-0227
  11. Musheru V.W., Kiumi, J. K. & Kingori, I. W. (2018). School social capital and pupils’ preparedness for upper primary in Nakuru County, Kenya. Research Journal of Education.  4(10): 155-160. ISSN(e): 2413-0540
  12. Waithera, E., Kingori, I. W. & Mukadi, B. E. (2018) Influence of mass media on sexual behavior among primary school learners in Wareng Sub- County, Kenya. International Journal of Creative Research and Studies. 2 (10) 55-73. ISSN-0249-4655
  13. Kingori, I. W. (2018). Students’ interaction with the community and drug abuse in urban and rural secondary schools in Laikipia, Nakuru and Kericho County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge. 2(11) 34-54 ISSN-2213-1356
  14. Kingori, E. & King’ori I. W. (2018). Parental level of education and students’ academic ambition-a case study of secondary schools in Laikipia County, Kenya. East African Scholars Multidisciplinary Bulletin. 1 34-40. ISSN - 2617-4413
  15. Chiuri, J.W., King’ori I. W., Obara P.O (2020). The influence of teacher-parent collaborative monitoring of school attendance on pupils’ academic performance in Nyahururu Sub-county Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research, 8(6) 367-375. DOI:10.12691/education-8-6-2. DOI:10.12691/education-8-6-2
  16. Kandagor V., Kingori I.W. & Mukadi B. E. (2021) Causes of child neglect among primary school pupils in Marigat Sub County, Kenya and its counselling implications. International Journal of Education and Research 9 (5) 71-86    ISSN: 2411-5681
  17. Njoroge J.M., Kingori I.W. & Mayabi J. (2021). Substance use implication on students’ vandalism in public day secondary schools in Nyahururu Sub-county, Laikipia County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research 9 (9)   ISSN: 2411-5681
  18. Njoroge J.M., Kingori I.W. & Mayabi J. (2021). Frequency of social media usage and students’ psychosocial wellbeing in Laikipia University, Kenya. American Journal of Sciences and Engineering Research 4(3) 128-133. E-ISSN - 2348 -703X
  19. Nyongesa S., Kiptoo T. & King’ori, I. W. (2023). Peer counsellors’ training effect on students’ behaviour management in public secondary schools in Mirangine Sub County, Nyandarua County, Kenya. 10 (9) 25-42. ISSN: 2411-5681
  20. Ngugi, P. K., Kingori I.W. & Kanjogu, J. & (2023). Age factor in teacher counsellors’ perception of ethical standards in counselling: The case of selected secondary schools in Kiambu-Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science 28 (7) 6-13. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2807040613. ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
  21. Ngugi, P. K., Kanjogu, J. & Kingori I.W. (2023). Gender differences in secondary school teacher counsellor’s perception of ethical standards in counselling in Kiambu County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice 14(21) 8-15. ISSN 2222-288X
  22. Daniel, K. G., Karimi, J. & Kingori I.W. (2024). Assessment of the influence of professional development on the retention of registered nurses in Public Hospitals in Kiambu County, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science 29 (1) 15-21. DOI:10.9790/0837-2901011521
  23. Daniel, K. G., Karimi, J. & Kingori I.W. (2024). Determination of the influence of working conditions on the retention of registered nurses in Public Hospitals in Kiambu County, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science 29 (1) 7-14. DOI:10.9790/0837-2901010714
  24. King’ori, I. W. & King’ori, E. W. (2024). A Nexus between school’s examination performance status and students’ academic determination in secondary schools, Laikipia County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 29 (7) 12-17. DOI:10.9790/0837-2901071217

Book Published

  1. King’ori, I. W. (2013). Guidance and counselling services- its role on management of drug abuse among high school students. Berlin, LAP Lambert publishers.  ISBN 978-3-659-39866-7
  2. King’ori, I. W. (2020). New horizons in education and social studies. Counselling services and management of drug abuse among students in Bahati Division, Kenya. Book Publisher International. DOI: 10.9734/bpi/nhess/v1. ISBN: 978-93-90149-20-9
  3. King’ori, I. W. (2023). Measurement and evaluation in education and psychology. LAP Lambert publishers. ISBN: 978-620-6-75570-8

F    Project/Dissertation/Thesis Supervision 

PhD Thesis

  1. LDG32/1337/11 King’ori, Esphan Waweru, 2018
  2. LDG32/1338/11 Musheru Virginia Wangari, 2018
  3. LDG32/1119/14 Mbugua, Rachael Muthoni, 2018
  4. LDG32/1200/15 Ngugi Peter Kamande, 2023

Master’s Thesis

  1. LG22/1120/13     Eunice Waithera, 2018
  2. LG22/1047/13     Kandagor Vincent Joel Kipruto, 2022
  3. LG22/1131/14     Njoroge Maina James, 2022
  4. LG22/1368/16     Njoroge James Mwangi, 2022
  5. MECS/2016/60200 Jane Wangu Chiuri, 2023
  6. LG22/1084/13     Nyongesa Sarah, 2023

G   Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. Gender Influence on Sexual Behaviors among Students Public Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Sub-county, Laikipia County at Maasai Mara University on 11th-14th November 2014 at 1st International Conference. Kenya
  2. Influence of Excess Pocket Money on Drug Abuse among Secondary Schools in Laikipia, Nakuru and Kericho, Counties, Kenya.  On 20th- 23rd MAY 2014 at 2ND international Conference at Laikipia University. Kenya
  3. Drug abuse Management Mechanism in Schools. Presented at Mt. Kenya University on 16th-18th October 2013 at 5th Academic Conference. Kenya
  4. Drug Abuse Management Mechanism in Schools. Presented at Kabarak University on 16th-18th October 2012 at 2nd annual Kabarak University International Conference. Kenya
  5. Drug abuse Management Mechanism in Schools. Presented at Egerton University on 26th-28th September 2012 at 7th International  Conference
  6. Drug abuse Crisis among Secondary Schools Students: a counseling need. Presented at Laikipia University on 20th-23rdjune 2012 at 1st International Conference. Kenya
  7. influence of Counseling on the Management of Drug abuse among Students in Bahati Division on 16th-17th December 2011 at the 2nd National Guidance and counseling & Psychology Conference at Egerton University. Kenya
  8. Influence of Counseling on the Gender rate of Drug abuse Secondary School Students in Bahati Division. Presented at Egerton University on 21st-23rd September 2011 at 6th International Conference. Kenya
  9. Choosing the right career- presented at a secondary school’s symposium for Laikipia East schools at Mweiga (2010). Kenya
  10. The role of discipline in secondary schools in Kenya presented at Mweiga (2010). Kenya
  11. Qualities and responsibilities of prefects and leaders in schools- presented in a symposium in Laikipia East District (2010). Kenya
  12. Evaluation of Learning Outcome presented at pedagogy training workshop at Laikipia university (2018). Kenya
  13. Referencing Styles presented at the School of Education, Research Method Workshop 25th February 2019, Laikipia University. Kenya
  14. Linking statement of the problems, objectives, conceptual/theoretical, research design and tools in research.  17th to18 June ,2021, Laikipia University. Kenya
  15. Psychological preparedness for teaching practice presented at a teaching practice workshop on 12th October 2021, Laikipia University. Kenya
  16. Influence of teacher-parent joint decision marking on pupils’ achievement in pre-primary schools in Laikipia county at Mount Kenya university 8th internation conference held in march 29th-31st 2023 main campus Thika. Kenya
  17. Extroversion personality traits stress management and attitude towards climate change among teacher counsellors in secondary schools in Kakamega County Kenya. Held at the Laikipia University main campus from May 24th -26th ,2023.  Kenya

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