Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

  Dr. Emily Cheshari, PhD
  Ag. Chairperson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry





Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the School of Science and Applied Technology, Laikipia University. The Department boasts of a rich curriculum for Bachelor of Science with combinations such as Chemistry/Botany, Chemistry/Zoology, Chemistry/Mathematics, Chemistry/Physics, Botany/Zoology, Double Mathematics/Biology, Mathematics/Physics. The department has three well equipped and spacious laboratories of which two of them are shared with Biological and Physics

The Chemistry core areas include analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry and Biochemistry. The Department implements the mission of the University by carrying out research and disseminating results through conferences locally and internationally. It has dedicated well trained and qualified staff in different specializations. It has engaged in income generating activities such as soap and detergent making which is sold within and outside the university. The department derives its strength from the location of the University which is a catchment for many students from upper Rift valley North eastern and Eastern regions of the country. 

The Academic Staff include:

  1. Dr.. Emily Cheshari
  2. Prof. Charles Nguta
  3. Dr. Benard Ouna
  4. Dr. Esther Kinuthia

Academic Programmes:

  • Bachelor of Science (Physics, Botany/Zoology, Chemistry, Mathematics)
  • Bachelor of Science Biochemistry
  • Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology

Additionally, the Department offers Chemistry courses to students undertaking Bachelor of Education (B,ED-Science), Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences and Technology (BMED), Bachelor of Science Agricultural Economics (AGEC) and Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education (AGED) .




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