Prof. Nicholas Kamau Goro Profile

   Name of Faculty/Staff: Prof. Nicholas Kamau Goro

   Designation/Rank: Associate Professor (Literature)

   Laikipia University: School of Humanities & Development Studies




Educational Background:

  • PhD in Literature (Egerton University, Kenya, 2012)
  • Master of Arts in Literature (University of Nairobi, Kenya, 1993)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Literature (University of Nairobi, Kenya, 1989)

Brief Auto-biography of the Faculty/Staff

I started my working life as a writer/ editor with Jacaranda Designs, a publishing firm based in Nairobi before joining Egerton University as an Assistant Lecturer in Literature stationed at the then Laikipia Campus. Apart from teaching literature, I am a creative writer with a special interest in children’s and young adults’ literature. In addition, I currently also serve as the Director Research, Extension and Consultancy.

Selected Publications

  1. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2018). “The Writer and Africa’s Postcolonial Crisis: Language and Representation in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s A Grain of Wheat,” Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences (JEHS), Vol. 7 (1), College of Education, Dar Es Salaam University, pp. 58-75.
  2. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2018). “Towards an Authentic African Literary Tradition: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Rewriting of The Pilgrim’s Progress in Devil on the Cross,” Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), Vol. 2, No. 5, Pp. 59-68.
  3. Stephen Mutie and Nicholas Kamau Goro (2017). “Kenya’s Postcolonial Anomies: Critical Perspectives from Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye’s Writings,” Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, Laikipia University, pp. 100-109.
  4. Nicholas Kamau Goro and Emilia V. Ilieva (2014). “The Novel as an Oral Narrative Performance: The Delegitimisation of the Postcolonial Nation in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Matigari Ma Njiruungi.” African Literature Today, No. 32. Suffolk: James Currey. Pp. 7-19.
  5. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2011). “Rejection or Re-Appropriation?: Christian Allegory and the Critique of Postcolonial Public Culture in the Early Novels of Ngugi wa Thiong’o.” In: Harri Englund (ed.). Christianity and Public Culture in Africa. Ohio: Ohio University Press. Pp. 67- 85.
  6. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2010). “African Culture and the Language of Nationalist Imagination: The Reconfiguration of Christianity in The River Between and Weep Not Child.” Studies in World Christianity. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, Vol. 16.1. , Pp. 6-26.
  7. Nicholas Kamau Goro (2008). “Subaltern Histories, Politics, and Ngũgĩ’s Liberatory Aesthetic in Petals of Blood.” Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Vol. VII, No. 2 & 3. Pp. 17- 47.


  • (2017). “Wimbo wa Ndege.” In: Kosa La Nani na Hadithi Nyingine. Nairobi: Vide Muwa Publishers, Pp. 147 – 159.
  • (2017). The Devils of Menengai. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  • (2016). Ghost and the Fortune Hunters. Nairobi: Longhorn.
  • (2016). Sara and the Mermaid. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  • (2013). Let Her Be. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  • (2013). Sara and the Pirates. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  • (2011). “When the Sun Goes Down.” In: Emilia Ilieva & Waveney Olembo (eds.). When the Sun Goes Down and other Stories from Africa and Beyond. Nairobi: Longhorn Publishers, Pp.13-31.
  • (2010). Frogs for Sale. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  • (2010). The Visitors and Other Stories. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
  • (2006). Nyota’s Dream. Nairobi: Focus Publishers.


The Burt Award for African Literature, 2016 The Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature, 2017

Research Interest

The intersection between orality, language and public culture in African literature

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