Name of Staff: James Ogola Onyango
Designation/Rank: Professor of Applied Linguistics
Department: Literary and Communication Studies
School: Humanities and Development Studies School
A Educational Background/Qualification:
- PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna Austria (2003)
- Master of Arts in Applied Sociolinguistics, Kenyatta University, Kenya (1990)
- Bachelor of Education (Arts), Kenyatta University, Kenya (1988)
B Brief Auto-biography
Prof. Onyango started his teaching career in a secondary school in Kenya in May, 1988. He taught for five months, and then joined Kenyatta University (Kenya) as a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Kiswahili and African Languages in October of the same year. He completed his MA degree and graduated in August 1990. He was then appointed a Tutorial Fellow in the same Department. He joined Egerton University (Kenya) as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. In 1992, he was appointed as a Lecturer in the same Department. In 1999-2003 he was at the University of Vienna (Austria) for doctoral studies. He got his PhD in June, 2003. In From 2006 to 2007, he was at the University of Vienna on Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship. In 2007, he was appointed Senior Lecturer in the Department Literature, Languages and Linguistics of Laikipia University Campus of Egerton University. In 2011, he was appointed Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Literary and Communication Studies, Laikipia University. In 2019, he was appointed Professor of Applied Linguistics in the same Department.
He has received the following scholarships: 1985-1988, Government of Kenya scholarship for Undergraduate studies; 1988-1990, Kenyatta University Merit Scholarship for MA studies; 1999-2003: Oesterreichischer Austauschdienst Scholarship for PhD studies, 2006-2007, Oesterreichischer Austauschdienst Scholarship for Post-Doctoral Fellowship. In 2006 he won CODESRIA’s Advanced Researchers’ Fellowship. In 2019, he was awarded Laikipia University Research Grant. He has supervised more than 37 Master’s Students, both Kenyans and International. and 16 PhD students and continues to do so.
He has attended academic institutes and academic assemblies in Senegal (Gender Institute 2005), South Africa (University of Cape Town- Short Stories Across Africa, 2005), Malaysia (CODESRIA APISA CLACSO institute in 2007), Cameroon (CODESRIA’s General Assembly in 2008). He has presented academic papers in many local and international conferences. He has been acting chair of department (9 months in 2005); Dean of Students (Laikipia University, 2011-2014); Director of Laikipia University, Nakuru Campus (2015-2019); Acting Director of Research Human Rights and Gender (whole of 2023); and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration, Finance and Planning (1st January 2024 to present).
He has served as an External Examiner in 5 Kenyan universities and one Ugandan university. He speaks Kiluhya (mother tongue), Kiswahili (very proficient), English (very proficient), German (four years of learning and living in a German speaking country, Austria (with certificates), French (three years of learning with a certificate from Alliance Francaise) and Japanese (three years of learning with two certificates).
C Areas of Specialization
- Applied Linguistics
- Applied Sociolinguistics
D Research Interest (e.g., Computer Science, Informatics, Data Science)
- Language and Politics
- Argumentation in Discourse
- Health Communication
E All Publications
- (2022). Wangila, J.S.W. Simwa-Wandera, S & Onyango, J.O. Umuhimu wa Mafumbo yanayotumika katika Miktadha ya Wosia wa Babu kwa Wavulana Miongoni mwa Wabukusu wa Kenya. Eastern Africa Journal of Kiswahili. 1(1).
- (2021a) Mbogo, L., W., Ndonye, M. & Onyango, J.O. Ideological Framing of Somali Refugees’ Repatriation in the News Reports in Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Media and Communication Studies (3) 1.
- (2021b). Ntabo, V.O., Onyango, J.O. & Ndiritu, N. N. The Value of Conceptual Metaphor Spaces in Structuring Man as Food in Ekegusii. Advances in Language and Literary Studies.
- (2021c). Ntabo, V.O., Onyango, J.O. & Ndiritu, N. N. Significance of Container Image Schema in Conceptualization of Selected Ekegusii Male Metaphors. International Journal of English and Translation Studies.
- (2021d). Wangila, J.S.W. Simwa-Wandera, S & Onyango, J.O. Uainishaji wa Mafumbo ya Wosia wa Babu kwa Wavulna Miongonimwa Wabukusu wa Kenya Editon Consortium Journal of Kiswahili 3(1) 2021
- (2021 e). Akaka, L. Simwa-Wandera, S & Onyango, J.O. Maudhui katika Bembelezi za wanawake Watikuu Nchini Kenya Editon Consortium Journal of Kiswahilili 3(1) 2021 5 (1).
- (2020a). Maina, J, Kirigia, E.K. & Onyango J.O. Semantic and Pragmatic Interpretation of Figures of Speech in Trilingual Schizophrenics in Nakuru Level Five Hospital in Nakuru County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology.
- (2020b). Akaka, L. Simwa-Wandera, S & Onyango, J.O. Sitiari katika Bembelezi za Watikuu. Taaluma: Jarida la Chakita
- (2020c). Maithya, J.K., Nabea, W. & Onyango, J.O. Mbinu za Lugha Zinazotumiwa katika Matangazo ya Kampuni ya Safaricom. Editon Consortium Journal of Kiswahili.
- (2020d) Malenya, M. M. & Wandera, S. P. & Onyango, J. O. (2020) Itikadi na Uwezo wa Kijinsia katika Nyimbo za Taarab. Editon Consortium .Journal of Kiswahili, 2 (1).
- (2020e). Mugambi, C.M, Yieke, F. & Onyango, J.O. Multiple and Unstable Masculinities: A critical Discourse Analysis of Identities in Pull Out Magazines in Kenya. Language, Text, Society Journal
- Malenya, M. M. & Wandera, S. P. & Ogola, J. O. (2020) Itikadi na Uwezo wa Kijinsia katika Nyimbo za Taarab. Editon Consortium .Journal .Kiswahili, 2 (1), 48-60.
- (2019a). Mang’oka, A.S, Onyango, J. O & Bartoo, P. An Interrogation of the Types of Grammatical Cohesive Devices that are Prominent in the Writing of Hearing Impaired Learners. Editon Consortium Journal of Literature and Linguistic Studies.
- (2019 b). Mang’oka, A.S, Onyango, J. O & Bartoo, P. The Use of Lexical Cohesion in the English Written Texts of Hearing-Impaired High School Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
- (2019b). Maina, J. Kirigia, E and Onyango, J.O. Language and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: An Analysis of Communication among Trilingual Schizophrenics in Nakuru Level Five Hospital in Nakuru County, Kenya Editon Consortium Journal of Literature and Linguistic Studies.
- (2019 c). Maina, J. Kirigia, E & Onyango, J.O. Perceptions of Communicative Behaviour of Schizophrenics by Relatives in Nakuru Level Five Hospital in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science.
- (2019 Nkumbo, D., Wandera-Simwa, S. P., & Onyango, J. O. (2019) Critical Discourse Analysis: Ideological Supremacy of Durex Adverts on Facebook Fan Page Kenya. Editon Cons. J. Lit. Linguist. Stud. 1(2), 63-77
- Nkumbo, D., Wandera-Simwa, S. P., & Onyango, J. O. (2019) Uchambuzi wa Maudhui katika Matangazo ya Ngono Salama kwenye Ukurasa wa Shabili wa Durex Facebook. Editon Cons. J. Kiswahili, 1(1), 25-33
- (2018a). Onyango, J.O. From Social history to Language Attitudes towards Use of Kiswahili in Kenya, Coretrain Journal.
- (2018b). Nkumbo, D., Onyango, J.O. & Mayaka, J.G. Usawiri wa jinsia katika Lugha Mwiko nay a Tafsida Miongoni mwa Jamii ya Ameru Kenya. Coretrain Journal.
- (2018 c.) Khakasa, J.M., Wandera, S.P. & Onyango, J.O. Hegemonic Masculinity in Song Lyrics of Webuye Jua Kali Band. Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education.
- (2018 d). Okere, B., Onyango, J.O. & Chai, F. Linguistic Challenges of Translating Song of Lawino From English to Kiswahili. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation.
- (2017a.). Langat, A., Bartoo, P. & Onyango, J.O. On Gender and Apology Strategies: ESL Kabianga University Students”. Mara Research Journals.
- (2017b). Langat, A., Onyango, J.O. & Bartoo, P. A Study of Apology Strategies used by Kenyan ESL Kabianga University Students”. Mara Research Journals.
- (2017c) Onyango, J.O. The National language and the Question of Identity in Kenya”. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Laikipia University.
- (2017d). Gitu, P., Onyango, J.O. & Goro, K.I. Discursive Construction of Masculinities in Gikuyu Proverbs. Scholars Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2016 a). Onyango, J.O. Talking Peace in Kenyan Children’s Literature: A Call for Paradigm Shift Ngano, Journal of Eastern African Oral Literature.
- (2016 b). Onyango, J.O. Land Antecedent Discourses in Kenya’s Ethnic Conflict. Scholars Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2016c).Ndegwa, F.M., Khaemba, J.M., & Onyango, J.O. Examining Linguistic Interpretative Features of Football reporting in Kenyan Newspapers. Scholars Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2016 d). Ndiritu, N.N., Onyango, J.O. & Ndambuki, J.M. The Internally Displaced Persons’ Identity Crisis in Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2016e). Ndiritu, N.N., Ndambuki, J.M., & Onyango, J.O. Promoting Post Conflict Peaceful Coexistence in Multiethnic Communities: Lessons from Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies.
- (2016f). Chege, A.N., Onyango, J.O. & Mayaka, J.G. Gender Portrayal in sexual Euphemisms used in Programme Connect of K 24 Television in Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2015a). Onyango, J.O. Masculine Discourse and Sexuality in Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Laikipia University.
- (2016b). Onyango, J.O. & Yassini, M.S. The Portrayal of Masculinities in A Kiswahili Novel: The Case of Mohammed Suleiman Mohamed’s Nyota ya Rehema. Islamic University in Uganda Journal.
- (2015c). King’oina, V.B., & Onyango, J.O. Gender Differentiation: The Woman’s Place in the Kenyan Print Media Coverage of Moscow 2013 IAAF Championship” in Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2015 d). King’oina, V.B., & Onyango, J.O. Cultivating Male Hegemony: Analysis of Print Media Coverage of Moscow 2013 IAAF Championship. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2015e). Onyango, J.O. Discursive Masculinities and Beer Commercials in Kenya. In P. Anreiter, C. Posch and Elisabeth Mairhofer (eds.) Argumenta.
- (2015f). Yassini, M, S., Beja, S.K., Chai, F. & Onyango, J.O. Nyayo za Mwalimu Nyerere. International Journal of Literacy Development.
- (2015g). Ndonye, M.M., Yieke, F.A & Onyango, J.O. Ethnicity as Discursive Construct in Kenyan Televised Comedy: Humuorous Harm? The Journal of Pan African Studies.
- (2015h). Ndonye, M.M., Onyango, J.O. & Yieke, F.A. Mediatised Governance: Analysis of 2013 Presidential Debate in Kenya”. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- (2015i.) Onyango, J.O. The Indigenous and “Foreigners” Discourse in Kenya’s Ethnic Conflict” in Verena Krausneker and Marie-Luise Volgger (eds.) Mein Sprachen, Meine Forschung und Ich: SprachwissenchaftlerInnen Reflekterien Ueber Ihre Arbeit: Festschrift fuer Rudolf de Cillia.
- (2015 j). Khaemba, J.M., Yieke, F.A. & Onyango, J.O. Endorsing Hegemonic Masculinities Among the Bukusu through Khuvita Ritual. Scholars Journal of Arts and Humanities.
- (2015 k) Wanjau, R., Wamutitu, J.M & Onyango, J.O. Effects of Mastery Learning Approach in Secondary Schools Student Achievement in Kiswahili, Kenya. Journal of Faculty of Education, Egerton University.
- (2014a). Meitamei, A.S., Chai, F. & Onyango, J.O. Phonological Processes Across Maasai Dialects. International Journal of Science and Research.
- (2014b). Maina, K.W., Chai, J.F., & Onyango, J.O. Between Rocks and Hard Places: Gender, Power and Ideologies that Bind Kikuyu Marriages in Kenya, in V.N. Ubanako and J. Anderson (eds.) Crossing Linguistic Borders in Post Colonial Anglophone Africa.
- (2014 c). Ayodi, N.K., Beja, S.K. & Onyango, J.O. “Tashtiti na Wanatashtiti: Maana, Umuhimu na Vipengele vyake katika Fasihi” in Mulokozi, M.M. (mh. ) Mulika.
- (2013a). Onyango, J.O. and Kuta, P.O. Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Discourse in Kenya: A Discourse –Historical Approach Perspective. Ruwaza Afrika Journal.
- (2013 b). Yassini, M, S., Chai, F. & Onyango, J.O. Uchanganuzi wa Hotuba za Mwalimu Nyerere Kama Kielelezo cha Kuendeleza Lugha ya Kiswahili”. Islamic University In Uganda Journal.
- (2011). Onyango, J.O. Imagery as a Pervasive Feature of Style: The Case of Ebrahim Hussein’s Mashetani (1971)”. In J.K.S. Makokha, E. Kabaji and D. Dipio (eds.) East African Literature: Essays on Written and Oral Traditions.
- (2010a) Onyango, J.O. Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Democratic Practice in Kenya In B. Howe, V.Popovski and M. Notoras (eds.) Democracy in the South: Participation, State and the People.
- (2010b): Onyango, J.O. & Chai, J.F. A Discourse-Historical Approach Analysis of Hate Speech in 2007 Elections’ Campaigns in Kenya. Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Journal.
- (2010c) Onyango, J.O. Politics of Language in the Parliament of Kenya: A Discourse-Historical Approach Perspective.” In R. de Cillia, H.Gruber, M.Krzyanowski and F.Menz eds) Discourse, Politics and Identity.
- (2010d). Onyango, J.O. The National Language Policy Implementation and Experience: The Case of Kiswahili in the Parliament of Kenya. (In D.O. Orwenjo and J.O.Ogone eds.) Language and Politics in Africa: Contemporary Issues and Critical Perspectives.
- (2009). Onyango, J.O. & Odebero, S.O. Data Analysis for Education and Social Science Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Journal of Educational Planning and Management of Kenya.
- (2008a) Onyango, J.O. Masculine Discursive Construction of Rape in the Kenyan Press, by CODESRIA. In E,Uchendu (ed.) Masculinities in Contemporary Africa.
- (2008b). Onyango, J.O. The Presidency as a National Language Academy: The Case of Kiswahili in Kenya.” in Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
- (2008c). Mwangi, D., Ndirangu, N. & Onyango, J.O. Psychometric Quality of Continuous Assessment Tests and their Suitability to Contribute to the Final Examination. Egerton University Journal Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
- (2007a). Onyango, J.O., Ogola, F. & Odebero, S.O. Multilingual Literacy in Kenya: Past Problems, Present Challenges and Future Prospects.” S.O. In Journal of Faculty of Education.
- (2007b). Onyango, J.O. Masculinities Question in Kiswahili Children’s Literature in Kenya.” In Beck, R, Diegner, L., Vierke, C., Geider, T. and Reuster-Jahn, U. Swahili Forum.
- (2006a). Onyango, J.O. The Dark Shadow of Masculinities in Women’s Emancipation Agenda. In Olukoshi, A and Nyamnjoh, F. (eds). CODESRIA BULLETIN.
- (2005). Onyango, J.O. Issues in National Language Terminology Development in Kenya. In Beck, R, Diegner, L., Dittemer, C., Geider, T. and Reuster-Jahn, U. Swahili Forum.
- 2012. Discursive Masculinities and the War Against HIV/AIDS: The Kenyan Experience. Egerton: Egerton University Book Series No. 3.
F Project/Thesis Supervision
- Mwangi, D.M. The Quality of Teacher Made Tests: The Case of Kiswahili Texts in Bahati Division, Nakuru, Kenya. Graduated in 2006.
- Marube, N.W. Commercial Advertising Discourse in the Print Media and Its Role in the Construction of Social Identities. Graduated in 2006.
- Chomba, E, N. Taswira ya Mwanamke katika Methali ya Kikuyu. Graduated in 2007.
- Kirobi, J.T. Uchanganuzi wa Jazanda katika Wimbo Bora. Graduated in 2007.
- Achieng’, B. Multiple Interpretations in Political Discourse in Kenya. Graduated in 2007.
- Riro, S.M. Uchanganuzi wa Nyiso za Tohara za Wakuria, Kenya. Graduated in 2007.
- Ong’au, E. Uchunguzi wa Mawasiliano baina ya Maafisa wa Kilimo wa Nyanjani na Wakulima Katika Taarafa ya Njoro, Kenya. Graduated in 2007.
- Gachieya, R. M. Jinsi Ukabila na Mielekeo ya Wanafunzi Huathiri Uteuzi na Matumizi ya Lugha Vyuoni: Mfano wa Chuo Kikuu cha Egerton, Kenya. Graduated in 2007.
- Muturi, E.W. The Relevance of English Text Book Input on the Learners’ Acquisition of Cohesion in Grammar in Secondary Schools in Kenya. Graduated in 2007.
- Kyeu, D.W. Uchanganuzi wa Mwitikio katika Fasihi ya Watoto. Graduated in 2008.
- Mbugua, L.K. The Effect of Engsh on English Writing Skills Among Secondary School Students in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Graduated in 2009.
- Mang’oka, S. Lexico-Semantic Errors in the Written Texts of Hearing Impaired: A Case Study of Ngala Special School for the Deaf, Nakuru, Kenya. Graduated in 2009.
- Meitamei, A.S. Verb Extensions in Maasai: The Case of the Maasai Dialect Spoken in Suswa, Mosiro and Ilkerin-Loita Narok, Kenya. Graduated in 2009.
- Mbaka, N. Language Policy Implementation and Experience in Selected Primary Schools in Chuka Division, Kenya. Graduated, May 2010.
- Simachew, M.A. An Analysis of Language Use and Content in Communicating Agricultural technologies to Farmers in Ethiopia. Graduated, May 2011.
- Magato, W.K. Uchanganuzi wa Usemi katika Nyimbo za Ukeketaji wa Wanawake katika Jamii ya Abagusii Nchini Kenya. Graduated, May 2011.
- Nyaribo, L. Uchunguzi wa Ukuzaji Huria wa Istilahi: Mfano wa Istilahi za Utafiti katika Vyuo Vikuu Nchini Kenya. Graduate in May 2012.
- Manyura, G.O. Kiswahili Kinavyotumika Baina ya Maafisa wa Kilimo Nyanjani na akulima katika Taarafa ya Mosocho, Kenya. Graduating on 21st December, 2012.
- Nkumbo, D. Lugha katika Muktadha: Dhima ya Tafsida katika Jamii ya Ameru. Graduated in 2013.
- Kundu, L. Uchanganuzi wa Tukio-Neni na Nyiso za Jando ya Sioyaye ya Jamii ya Babukusu ya Magharibi mwa Kenya. Graduated 2013.
- Mshenga, P. Effects of Mastery Learning on Teaching of Oral Literature in Select Secondary Schools Kilifi County. Graduated in 2013.
- Ngige, P. Uchanganuzi wa Wahusika Vijana katika Tamthilia za Chacha Nyaigotti Chacha. Graduated in 2013.
- Habuko, J. Uchanganuzi wa Mikakati ya Usemi Kuhusu Ngano za Watoto za Wapokomo. Graduated in 2013.
- Kasuma, R. Uchanganuzi wa Uhusiano wa kijinsia katika Vipengele vya Tamthilia vya Kilio cha Haki na Sudana. Graduated in 2014.
- Wanjau, R.W. Effects of Mastery Learning Approach on Secondary School Students’ Motivation and Achievement in Kiswahili in Marangushu Zone of Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya. Graduated in 2014.
- Waiganjo, J.W. Uchambuzi wa Upeketevu wa Wanawake katika Riwaya za Said Ahmed Mohamed. Graduated in 2014.
- Bosibori, V. Differential Portrayal of Male Athletes in the Mainstream Kenyan Print Media. Graduated in 2015.
- Chebet, J. Language and Sexuality in Contemporary Music of the Kipsigis Community, Kenya. Graduated in 2015.
- Ndegwa, FM. Language of Violence in Football Reporting in Kenyan Newspapers. Graduated in 2015
- Ogutu, H.M. Changamoto zinazowakabili Vijana katika Riwaya za Ken Walibora. Graduated in 2015
- Kamau, M.K. Taashira katika Ngano za Mazimwi za Wagikuyu, Kenya. Graduated in 2016.
- Chege, A, N. Matumizi ya Tasfida za Kujamianana Usawiri wa Jinsia katika Kipindi cha Connect cha K-24. Graduated in 2016.
- Gitu. P.M. Discursive Construction of Masculinities in Gikuyu Proverbs. Graduated in 2016
- Kipsang, S. The Construction of Gendered Ideology in Alcohol, Bhang and Sex referenced Kenyan Popular Music. Graduated in 2016.
- Muchenje, J.K. Uchanganuzi wa Ubabe Dume katika Nyimbo za Bendi ya Jua Kali Webuye, Kenya. Graduated in 2018.
- Kago, A.W. Matumizi ya Taashira kuangaza Utandawazi katika Tamthilia za Zilizala na Sudana. Graduated in 2019.
- Tonui, J. Uchanganuzi wa Wahusika wa Kisaikopatholojia kwa Kurejelea Wahusika Teule katika Riwaya za Said Ahmed Mohamed. He graduated in 2019.
PhD Supervision
- Ontieri, J.O. Uchanganuzi wa Makosa katika Insha za Wanafunzi wa Shule za Upili: Mfano wa Wilaya ya Nakuru, Kenya. Graduated in December 2010.
- Ayodi, N.K. Matumizi ya Tashtiti katika Tamthilia Teule za Kiswahili. Graduated in December 2011.
- Khaemba, J. M. Hegemonic Masculinities in Bukusu Ritual Discourse, Kenya. Graduated in 2013.
- Ngumo, C.M. Discursive Construction of Gendered Identities in Pull out Magazines in Kenyan Newspapers. Graduated in 2014.
- Meitamei, A, S. Mofofonolojia ya Wamaasai Waishio Nchini Kenya na Tanzania. Graduated in 2015
- Ndiritu, N. N. Discursive Construction of Self Identity Among Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya in 2007 Post-Election Violence. Graduated in 2015.
- Riro, S.M. Uchanganuzi wa Ubabe-Dume katika Majigambo (Amaibako) ya Abakuria. Graduated in 2015.
- Kariithi, F.M. Ulinganuzi wa Usemi wa kisiasa katika Kampeini za Urais Nchini Kenya Miezi Mitano Kabla ya Chaguzi za Mwaka wa 2007 na 2013. Graduated in 2015.
- Sawe, S. Mshikamano na Muwala katika Diskosi za Wingi-Lugha: Hali katika Vyuo Vikuu Nchini Kenya. Graduated in 2015
- Yasini, M.S. Uchanganuzi wa Hotuba za Mwalimu Nyerere kwa Mkabala wa Nadharia ya Balagha. Graduated in June 2016.
- Langat, A. Pragmatic Strategies of Kenyan English Language Users: Speech Act of Apology by English as a Second Language Students of the University of Kabianga, Kenya. Graduated in 2017.
- Nkoumbo , D. Uchanganuzi wa Matangazo ya Ngono Salama katika Mitandao: Mfano wa Durex Facebook Page Kenya. He graduated in 2019.
- Mangoka, A. S. Cohesion in the Written English Texts of Hearing Impaired Learners in Selected High Schools for the Deaf in Kenya. He graduated in 2019.
- Ntabo V.O. The Metaphorical Conceptualization of Males in Ekegusii: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach. He graduated in 2022.
- Akaka, L. Sitiari katika Bembelezi za Watikuu. She graduated in 2022.
- Malenya, M. Uchanganuzi wa Kifeministi wa Mwanamke wa Kisasa katika Nyimbo Teule za Taarab. She graduated in 2022.
G Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
- 2005 (May): Attended and presented a paper on Issues in National Language Terminology Development in Kenya, at Bayreuth University, Germany.
- 2005 ( May): Attended a Short Stories Across Africa workshop in Cape Town University, South Africa.
- 2005 (July-August): was a Laureate at the Gender Institute, Dakar, Senegal. I presented a proposal called: Masculine Discursive Construction of Rape in the Kenyan Press.
- 2005 (Nov-Dec.): Attended and presented a paper in Vienna on: Discursive Masculinities and the War Against HIV/AIDS in Kenya.
- 2006: Presented a paper at Egerton Research week called: Discursive Masculinities and the Conceptualisation of Sex in Kenya.
- 2007 (July-August) was a laureate at APISA, CLACSO CODESRIA conference in Kuala Lumpur and presented a proposal on Language and democracy in Kenya. Presented a proposal called: Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Democratic Practice in Kenya.
- 2007 (September): Presented a paper at Egerton University Research week called: Language Problem and ICT Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- 2008 (September): Presented a paper called: Talking Peace in Children’s Literature and Peace: a Call for Paradigm Shift at Kenya Oral Literature Conference at Diani, Mombasa, Kenya.
- 2008 (November): Presented a paper at CODESRIA’s General Assembly in Yaounde Cameroon and presented a paper called: Ethnic Discourse on Contentious Issues after the 2007 General Elections in Kenya.
- 2010 (April): Attended a Supervisors’ Consultative Meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The candidate’s research topic: Analysis of Language Use and Content Communicating Agricultural Terminologies to Farmers in Ethiopia.
- 2012 (June): Presented a paper at Laikipia University International Conference. The title of the paper was: Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Discourse in Kenya: A Discourse-Historical Approach Perspective.
- 2014 (May): Presented a paper at Laikipia University’s international conference. The title of the paper was: Masculine Discourse and sexuality in Kenya.
- 2014 (September): Presented a paper at international workshop at Jacaranda Hotel (23rd to 28th September) in Nairobi on Dictionary Writing. The title of my paper was: Namna ya Ukuzaji, Uendelezwaji na Mwingiliano wa Msamiati wa Kisasa na wa Kikale katika Kamusi.
- 2016: Presented a paper at CORETRAIN conference called: Data Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.
- 2017: Presented a paper at CORETRAIN conference called: From Social History to Language Attitudes Towards the Use of Kiswahili in Kenya.
- 2019: Attended a conference on Chotro indigenous Knowledge by an Indian Scholar In Egerton University.
- 2023: Presented a paper during the 5th Laikipia International Conference called The Discourse-Historical Approach Configuration of Mau Forests Complex Conservation Debate in Kenya.
H Consultancies
- (2009): Translated the Diocesan Synod for the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru. From English to Kiswahili.
- (2013): Translated Focused Group Discussions on International Research on HIV /AIDS. The research is based at Toronto University, Canada from Kiswahili to English.
- (2013): was the lead translator Laikipia University Service Charter: I was appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration, Finance and Development).
- (2015): Translated Research results for CAPRO research project.
- (2015): I rendered subject expert services to South Eastern Kenya University for their MA Kiswahili Programme.
- (2016): I rendered subject expert services to Maasai Mara University for their BA Kiswahili and Media Programme.