Prof. Enos Barasa Profile

    Name of staff: Prof. Enos Barasa Mukadi (PhD)

    Designation/Rank: Associate Professor

    Department: Psychology, Counselling & Educational Foundations

    School: School of Education




A    Educational Background

  1. PhD in Educational Counselling Psychology, Kabarak University, Kenya (2013)
  2. Master of Education in Education Guidance and Counselling, Egerton University, Kenya (2009)
  3. Bachelor of Education Arts, Maseno University, Kenya, (2002)

B    Auto-biography

Prof. Enos Barasa Mukadi is the Dean of School of Education cum Teacher Educator in Laikipia University, Kenya. He is an Associate Professor of Educational Counselling Psychology, a very dedicated, well organized, action oriented and a problem solver who delights in offering unique solutions to issues plus being a team player with outstanding interpersonal and communication skills. Prof. Mukadi is a professional psychotherapist, counselling educator and has served as an external examiner at several universities for a number of years. He is experienced in teaching Inclusive Education, Counseling Psychology and has also an extensive understanding of child protection rights and Gender Based Issues. He has been contracted by World Vision, Kenya on numerous advocacy projects on school education in rural districts of Kenya. In addition to working with youths in the Kenya National Youth Service, he has also conducted studies with members of underprivileged and marginalized populations, such as women and children. Prof. Enos Barasa Mukadi began his academic/professional career as a secondary school teacher in Kenya, his native country. He attended National Youth Service (NYS) in Kenya, and subsequently Maseno University and Egerton University where he obtained his Bachelor of Education and Master of Education degrees respectively. Upon successful completion of M.Ed. degree in Guidance and Counseling, he joined Laikipia University where he taught Psychology and Guidance and Counseling courses as Assistant Lecturer. In 2013, he earned his PhD degree in Educational Counseling Psychology from Kabarak University. Thereafter in 2014, he was promoted to Lecturer grade while teaching at Laikipia University. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 2017 and Associate Professor in 2022 which is his current professional and academic status. Prof Mukadi has successfully served as a departmental Exam officer and Chair of Department for 4 years and is currently the Dean, School of Education. He teaches counselling psychology at postgraduate level and has supervised 20 masters and 9 PhD students to completion.  He has published 44 papers internationally refereed journals on Guidance and Counseling psychology profession.

C    Research Interest

Peer mentorship and counselling

D    Selected Publications

Book Publication

  1. Joab Malea Kinzi, Enos Barasa Mukadi, Janerose Mayabi and Rose Muraguri (2022). Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Handbook for University and College Instruction. Lambert Academic Publishing. Printed by Printforce, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-620-2-02383-2
  2. Prisca Kitoo-Tarus and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2021). The Psychology of Teaching and Learning Handbook for University and College Instruction. Royallite Publishers EA Limited, Nairobi. ISBN 978-1-9814-1195-5.
  3. Janet Auma Odhiambo and Enos Barasa Mukadi Mental Health Crisis in Higher Education IGI Global Publishers DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2833-0.ch019

Journal Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Asino Francisca Akeyo, Enos Barasa Mukadi, Naftal Nyanga’ra (2023). Counseling on social skills and its relationship on academic progression and psychological well-being of adolescent student mothers in public secondary schools in nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies. 10(3) ISSN 2394-6296   DOI:
  2. Francisca Akeyo Asino, Enos Barasa Mukadi and Naftal Nyanga’ra (2023). Influence of behavior change counseling on academic progression and psychological well-being of adolescent student mothers in public secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 (3) ISSN 2708-504X
  3. Enos Barasa Mukadi and Lydia Waiya (2022). Efficacy of Guidance and Counselling Programme in the Paramilitary Establishment among National Youth Service Trainees and Trainers in Gilgil Training College, Kenya. Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) 1(1) ISSN N0 2791-190X.
  4. Nguli Ruth Ndanu, Enos Barasa Mukadi and Prisca Kiptoo Tarus (2022). Effectiveness of Guidance and Counseling Programme in    Enhancing Students’ Retention in Public Day Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Sub-County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies(EJES) 9(2) 329-345 ISSN: 2501 - 1111 DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v9i2.4192.
  5. Maina Samuel Gitonga, Enos Barasa Mukadi and Prisca Tarus-Kiptoo (2021). The Influence of Administrators’ Perception of the Children Act 8 of 2001 on the Implementation of the Guidance and Counselling Programme in Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies(EJES) 8(11) 383-397 ISSN: 2501 - 1111 DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v7i8.3214.
  6. Maina Samuel Gitonga, Enos Barasa Mukadi and Prisca Tarus-Kiptoo (2021) Administrators’ Perception of the Wangai Task Force Report of 2001 and Its Influence on the Implementation of School Guidance and Counselling in Public Schools in Kenya. International Journal of Educational Research and Development. 3(3) 49-54 Online ISSN: 2664-7095, Print ISSN: 2664-7087.
  7. Vincent Kandagor, Kingori Isaac Wanjohi and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2021). Causes of Child Neglect among Primary School Pupils in Marigat Sub County, Kenya and its Counselling Implications. International Journal of Education and Research.  9(5) 71-86 ISSN: 2411-5681.
  8. Barasa Enos Mukadi and Muraguri Wangui Rose (2021). Teacher’s Behavior Influence on Integration of Pupils with Physical Disabilities in Public Primary Schools in Busia County. Kenya. International Journal of Educational Research and Development. 3(1) 01-04. Online ISSN: 2664-7095; Print ISSN: 2664-7087.
  9. Enos Barasa Mukadi (2021) Establishment of the Trends of Access to Basic Education by Primary School Children with Disabilities in Busia County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies(ISHSS), 9(2) 94-99 ISSN 2321 - 9203. DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2021/v9/i2/HS2102-033.
  10. Zephaniah Navangi Makokha, Enos Barasa Mukadi, Robert Mwebi Bisonga (2021).  Emotional Stability as a Predictor Factor of Drug Abuse Among Youths in Informal Settlements: A Case Study of Mathare Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Educational Research and Development. 3 (1) 25-29. Online ISSN: 2664-7095, Print ISSN: 2664-7087.
  11. Zephaniah Navangi Makokha, Enos Barasa Mukadi, Robert Mwebi Bisonga (2021). Psycho-social Factors Influencing Drug Abuse Among Youths in Informal Settlements: A Case Study of Mathare Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies. 6 (02), 20-36  (ISSN) 2501 – 8590.  DOI: 10.46827/ejsss.v6i2.998.
  12. Samuel Kamunge, Enos Barasa Mukadi and Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020). Occupational Demand and the Level of Stress among the Secondary School Administrators in Nakuru County, Kenya.The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies(ISHSS), 8(10) 40-45 ISSN 2321 - 9203. DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i10/HS2010-021.
  13.  Samuel Kamunge, Mbuthia Ngunjiri and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2020). School Type Influence on the Levels of Stress among the Secondary School Administrators in Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies. 7 (12), 154 – 167 (ISSN) 2501 – 1111. DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v7i12.3404.
  14. Grace W. Mwangi Ndung’u J. B. Ikenye and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2020). The Influence of Motive of Social Media Use on the Psychological Well-Being of the Youth in Nakuru County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies(ISHSS), 8(4) 414-423 ISSN 2321 - 9203. DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i4/HS2004-079.
  15.  Enos Barasa Mukadi and Oketch Aketchi Evelyne (2020). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders Influence on Sexually Abused Adolescents’ Emotional Stability – A Case of Rescue Centers in Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies(EJES) 7(8) 292-301 ISSN: 2501 - 1111 DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v7i8.3214.
  16.  Enos Barasa Mukadi (2020). Correlate between the Influence of FGM Practice and Early Marriage: A Case Study of the Illchamus Community in Baringo County, Kenya. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science (EJPE) 6(9) 2501-1235 ISSN: 2501 - 1235 DOI: 10.46827/ejpe.v6i9.3501.
  17.  Muraguri Wangui Rose, Barasa Enos and Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020). Teaching Experience of Teachers and its Influence on the Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counseling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 11 (3) 1225 – 1240 (ISSN) 2229-5518.
  18.  Muraguri Wangui Rose and Barasa Enos Mukadi (2020). The Influence of Professional Qualifications of Teachers and their Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counseling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub County, Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 9(7) 1272-1276 ISSN: 2319-7064.  DOI: 10.21275/SR20713192552.
  19.  Karen Anyango Ogada, Dr. Enos Barasa Mukadi, Prof. Ndungu J. B. Ikenye (2019) Psychosocial Factors Influencing Help Seeking Behaviors among Caregivers of Mental Health Patients in Public Hospitals: A Case of Gilgil Sub County Hospital, Nakuru County, Kenya IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 24(6) 22-33 (e-ISSN) 2279-0837, (p-ISSN) 2279-0845.   DOI: 10.9790/0837-2406092233.
  20.  Karen Anyango Ogada, Ndungu J. B. Ikenye and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2019). Influence of Beliefs on Help-Seeking Behaviour among Caregivers of Mental Health Patients in Gilgil Sub County Hospital, Nakuru County, Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Psychology, Guidance, and Counseling (ECJPGC), 1(3), 62-74 (ISSN) 2664-0112.
  21.  Lucy Wangechi Mureithi, Enos Barasa and Ngunjiri Mbuthia (2019). Evaluating the Impact of Awareness Programme on Substance Use among Female Undergraduates in Universities in Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication (IJORAS), 2 (1) 32- 50, (PRINT ISSN) 2415 – 6949.
  22.  Lucy Wangechi Mureithi, Enos Barasa and Ngunjiri Mbuthia (2019). Impact of Counselling Programme on Substance Use among Female Undergraduate Students in Universities in Nairobi County, Kenya Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (NJHS), 3(2) 88-102 (ISSN) 2523-0948 (Online) ISSN 2520-4009 (Print).
  23.  Muraguri Wangui Rose, Barasa Enos and Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2019). Teachers’ Awareness of the Rights of the Child and its Influence on the Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counselling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub County, Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,10 (10), 1018 - 1033 (ISSN) 2229-5518.
  24.  Muraguri Wangui Rose, Barasa Enos and Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2019). Teachers’ Gender and Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counselling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10 (9), 880 - 893 (ISSN) 2229-5518.
  25.  Waruiru Nancy, Ndung’u J. B. Ikenye and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2019). Effects of Family Financial Management on Marital Stability of Persons in Lanet/Umoja Ward in Nakuru-North Sub-County, Nakuru. Editon Consortium Journal of Psychology,Guidance and Counseling (ECJPGC), 1(3), 84 - 91 (ISSN) 2664-0112.
  26.  Lydia Wambui Mwangi Waiya , Enos M. Barasa  and Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2019) The Moderating Influence of Quality Counselling on the  Relationship between Stress Coping Strategies Adopted by Students’ Athletes and Student Athletes’ Track Performance in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(9) 192 – 200 (ISSN) 2321–8916, doi No.: 10.24940/theijbm/2019/v7/i9/BM1907-025.
  27.  Lydia Wambui Mwangi Waiya, Ngunjiri Mbuthia and Enos Barasa (2019). The Mediating Influence of Games Teachers Motivation on the Relationship between Instructional Related Stress and Student Athletes’ Track Performance in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 4 (5) 90 – 97 (ISSN) 2455-4197.
  28.  Wanga Patrick Wambunya, Prof. Ndung’u J. B Ikenye and Enos Mukadi Barasa (2019). Effect of Women Economic Empowerment on Family Stability in Imenti North Sub-County, Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Psychology, Guidance, and Counseling (ECJPGC), 1(3), 113-120 (ISSN) 2664-0112.
  29.  Nyangenya Abel Musorewa, Mbuthia Ngunjiri and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2018). The Influence of the Availability of Facilities and Resources in the Effective Provision of Guidance and Counselling Services in Secondary Schools in Gesusu Ward, Masaba South Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6(10), 573-577 (ISSN) 2320-5407 doi: 10.21474/IJAR01/7841.
  30.  Virginia Wangare Musheru, J. Kanjogu Kiumi, E. Mukadi Barasa (2018). Family-Level Cultural Capital and Pupils’ Preparedness for Upper Primary in Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies. 5 (3), 252 – 262 (ISSN) 2501 – 1111  doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1467594.
  31. Eunice Waithera, King’ori Isaac and Enos Barasa Mukadi (2018). Influence of Mass Media on Sexual Behaviour in Wareng Sub County, Kenya. International Journal of Creative Research and Studies, 7 (1), 78 – 85 (ISSN) 2226 – 0552.
  32. Nancy Njoki Irungu, Barasa Enos, Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2018). Ageing and Self-Esteem among the Elderly in Maina (an Informal Settlement) in Nyahururu Municipality, Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(10): 2021-2024ISSN 2347-5374(Online) ISSN 2347-9493(Print) DOI: 10.21276/sjahss.2018.6.10.17.
  33.  Eileen Obure and Enos B. Mukadi (2017). Influence of Psychosocial Factor on Persistence of Female Genital Mutilation among Women of Abagusii Community in Kenya. Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 6 (1) 89 – 96 (ISSN) 2226 - 0552.
  34.  Enos Barasa Mukadi (2017). Challenges Faced in the Eradication of the Female Genital Mutilation Practice among Women: A Case Study of the Tugen Community in Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches, 4 (6) 199-209 (ISSN) 2308-1365.
  35.  Peter Muchemi and Enos Barasa (2017). Influence of Teacher Classroom Management Style on Students Level of Self- Esteem Case of Public Secondary Schools in Nyandarua West Sub- County. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(8) 963- 973 (ISSN) 2347-5374, Online (ISSN) 2347-9493 Print.
  36.  Enos Barasa Mukadi (2017). Correlate between the Effects of FGM Practice and Women’s Sexual Life. A Case Study of the Tugen Community in Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 8(7) 1998-2014 (ISSN) 2229-5518.
  37. Enos Barasa Mukadi (2017). Influence of Female Genital Mutilation on Girl Child’s Education Participation in Primary Schools: A Case Study of the Tugen Community in Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches, 4 (6) 188-198 (ISSN) 2308-1365.
  38.  Nancy Njoki Irungu, Kinzi J. Malea and Barasa Enos (2016). Relationship between Ageing and Self-Worth of the Elderly in Maina Village, Nyahururu, Kenya, Journal of Research on Humanities and social sciences, Vol. 6, No. 18, P 75, ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484.
  39.  Susan N. Wachira and Enos B. Mukadi (2016). Influence of Integration on Self-Esteem of Pupils with Physical Disabilities in Integrated Public Primary Schools in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 6 (1) 89 – 96 (ISSN) 2226 - 0552.
  40.  Enos Barasa Mukadi, Gladys J. Kiptiony and Aggrey M. Sindabi (2015). Tugen Men and Women’s Perception on FGM in relation to their Participation in Household and Community Socioeconomic Development Activities in Baringo County. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 3 (1) 21-31 (ISSN) 2305-784X.
  41.  Enos B. Mukadi, Gladys J. Kiptiony and Joab M. Kinzi (2014). Youth and Adults’ Level of Awareness on Effect of Female Genital Mutilation on Girls-Child and Maternal Health among the Tugen in Baringo County, Kenya. Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 4 (1) 45 – 61 (ISSN) 2226 - 0552.
  42. Aggrey. M. Sindabi, Joab M. Kinzi and Enos M. Barasa (2013). The Marriage Role Expectation among Youth Adults. Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology. 2(1), 141 - 151 (ISSN) 2226 - 0552.
  43.  Enos B. Mukadi, Gladys J. Kiptiony, and A.M. Sindabi (2012). Factors Influencing the Persistence of Female Genital Mutilation in Tugen community a Case of Baringo County. Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 2 (1), 79 – 96 (ISSN) 2226-0552.
  44.  Enos B. Mukadi, Mary W. Kariuki and Aggrey M. Sindabi (2011). Recruits’ and Officers’ Perception of the Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Programme in the Paramilitary Training. A case of National Youth Service, Gilgil. Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 1 (1) 133 - 145 (ISSN) 2226

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