Name of Faculty/Staff: Philip Maina Mugo
Designation/Rank: Senior Tutorial Fellow
Laikipia University: School of Education
Educational Background:
- PhD (Educational Foundations) (On going), University of Nairobi, Kenya M.Ed (Sociology of Education), University of Nairobi, Kenya
- B.Ed (Arts), Egerton University , Kenya
Selected Publications
- Philip M. Mugo and Prof. Lucy W. Kibera. (2014). Factors affecting motivation and academic expectations, aspirations of students in secondary schools: Laikipia- West district, Laikipia county, Kenya, International Journal of Scientific Research and Technology. Vol. 1, Issue 3, Pp 30-37
- Eshphan W. King’ori and Philip M. Mugo. (2015) Relationship between sources of information and sexual behavior among students in public secondary schools: Laikipia-West, Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education. Vol.2, Issue 1, ISSN: 2394- 2975(Online)
- Philip M. Mugo. (2015). Effects of Selected Socio-Cultural Factors on Students Motivation to Learn Among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Sub-County, Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research in Allied Sciences. Issue 2, Pp. 123-134.
1. Mugo P.M. (2015). Girls and Boys Motivation and aspiration. Berlin, Lambert Academic Publishers.
Research Interest: