Name of Staff: Ms. Mary Mang’eli
Designation/Rank: Tutorial Fellow
Department: Economics
School: School of Business and Economics
Google Scholar Link:
Research Gate link:
A Educational Background/Qualification:
- PhD in Economics, Kenyatta University, Kenya (Ongoing)
- Master of Economics (Econometrics), Kenyatta University, Kenya (2016)
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Kenyatta University, Kenya (2013)
B Brief Auto-biography of the Faculty/Staff
Mary Mangeli has experience as an Econometrics and Applied Economics lecturer. She is a researcher in public sector economics. Highly skilled in research skills, data collection and analysis, Microsoft office, taxation issues and entrepreneurship. She previously worked at Kenya Revenue Authority as a data analyst in the Domestic taxes department and also as a research assistant at the Centre for economic and Social Research.
C Areas of Specialization
- Econometrics
- Public sector Economics
D Research Interests
- Public Sector Economics.
- Climate change adaptation and Mitigation.
- Development Economics.
E All Publications
- Diaspora Remittances, Human Capital investment and Economic Growth in Kenya, Master’s thesis (2016)
- An Analysis of Government Expenditure Components, Regime change and Private Investment in Kenya. (ongoing PhD Thesis)
F Project/Dissertation/Thesis Supervision
None at the moment
G Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
- 14th April, 2023. Climate change and the gender earnings gap: Evidence from flood-prone areas in Urban Kenya, Young Scholars Matchmaking Workshop (2023) Oxford University, United Kingdom
- 19th September, 2023. Role of Institutions in Promoting Technological Development and Innovation, World Inter-displinary Network of Institutional Research Conference, University of Catania, Italy.
H Consultancies
Costing of government functions as a research assistant at Center for economic and social research Nairobi Kenya.