Leah Lentuta Profile

   Name of Staff: Ms. Leah Letunta

   Designation/Rank:  Administrative Assistant

   Department: Directorate of Planning and Performance Management

   Email: lletunta@laikipia.ac.ke



1. Educational Background/Qualification:

  • Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management), Laikipia University, Kenya (On-Going)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Finance) Laikipia University, Kenya (2015)
  • Diploma in Business Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya (2012)
  • Diploma in Information Communication Technology, IMIS, UK (2005)
  • KCSE: Kisima Girls High School, Kenya (1999)
  • KCPE: Lodokejek Primary School, Kenya (1995)

2. Professional Courses

 CPS at intermediate level

3. Brief Auto-biography

Leah is a highly competent administrative assistant. She has 12 years’ experience in Administrative Work in the following departments; former Maralal Campus, University Library, Central Registry. She  currently works in the directorate of planning and performance management.

  1. Trainings /Seminars/ Conferences Attended
  1. Performance Management by the Directorate of PSMMU
  2. ISO Implementer Training by Laikipia University
  3. Minutes Writing and Conducts of Meeting, KSG
  4. Zero tolerance to Corruption by PSASB
  5. Role of Audit Committee in the Public Sector, PSASB
  6. Interpretation of Financial Statements, PSASB


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