Name of Staff: Dr. Kiptoo-Tarus, Prisca
Designation/Rank: Lecturer
Department: Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations
School: Education
A Educational Background/Qualification:
1. PhD in Educational Psychology, Egerton University, Kenya (2016)
2. Master of Education in Educational Psychology, Moi University, Kenya (2009)
3. Bachelor of Arts, University of Nairobi, Kenya (2000)
B Brief Auto-biography
Dr. Kiptoo-Tarus has a wide range of experience in student mentorship and advisory both in secondary school and university level. She has served in Laikipia University since January, 2018 where she was appointed to the position of an Examination Officer in 2019 and a chair of the Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations in January 2020 and has served to date. Dr. Kiptoo-Tarus is a member of various committees in Laikipia University including; Institutional Ethics Review Committee, Research Committee as well as a trained internal auditor. She has worked in various secondary schools in Kenya since 1991 providing instructional and counseling services where she made a great impact in student academic performance and overall learner behavior modification. Kiptoo-Tarus served in Mount Kenya University as a school coordinator, Management Information Systems Auditor and researcher for eight years.
C Areas of Specialization
Educational Psychology
D Research Interest
- Student Mentorship
- Gender Mainstreaming in Education
- Girl Child Education
- Gifted and Talented
- Disability Studies
E All Publications
- Nguli R.N, Mukadi, E.B ad Kiptoo-Tarus, P. (2022 )Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Programme I Enhancing Students’ Retention I Public Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Sub-County, Kenya. ISSN/ISBN : 2501-1111, Journal of Education Studies European
- Kiptoo-Tarus, P. (2022 ) Psycho-Economic Factors Fueling Gender Inequalities I Women’s Access to Extension and Financial Services in Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.: ISSN/ISBN:2617-48044, International Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences
- Lydia Nyagaka, Janerose Mayabi and Prisca K. Tarus. (2022 )Influence of school Infrastructure on Drug Abuse among Secondary School students In Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya ISSN/ISBN : 2791-190X, Laikipia University Journal of Social Science, Education and Humanities.
- Maina , S.G., Mukadi, E. and Kiptoo-Tarus, P (2021).Administrator’s Perception of the Wangai Task Force Report of 2001 and Its Influence on the Implementation of School Guidance and Counselling in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: ISSN/ISBN: 2664-7095; International Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences.
- Letting, J.K, Kosgei, Z and Kiptoo-Tarus, P.(2021) Factors Influencing Parental Financial Contribution on Student’s Academic Performance I Nandi East Sub-County Secondary Schools: ISSN/ISBN: 1569-9986; Journal of Education.
- Maina, S.G., Mukadi, E. ad Kiptoo-Tarus, P.(2021) The Influence of Administrators’ Perception of the Children’s Act 8 of 2001 o the Implementation of the Guidance and Counselling Programme in Public Primary Schools I East Pokot Su-County, Baringo County, Kenya: ISSN/ISBN: 2501-11; European Journal of Education Studies.
- Kiptoo-Tarus, P and Mburu, G. K (2021).Teacher Counselors’ Role in Facilitating Student Career Decision Making in Secondary School: A case of Eldoret Town, Kenya, ISSN/ISBN: 2617-48044(4); International Journal of Research I Education and Social Sciences.
- Kiptoo-Tarus, P. (2021)The Psychology of Mother Tongue: Diversity or Adversity? Towards Peace Building and Cohesion among Ethnic Groups in Kenya, ISSN/ISBN: 2707-2150; Hybrid Journal of Psychology.
- Kiptoo-Tarus, P. (2020) Teenage Pregnancy: A Psychological Burden on Girl Child Education in Kenya, ISSN/ISBN: 2708-5953; Research Journal I Advanced Humanities.
- Keverenge, E. M, Kipusu, R.C., Kiptoo-Tarus, P and Karimi. J. (2020). The Relationship between Premarital Counselling and Marital Harmony among Families in Lugari, Kakamega County, Kenya; ISSN/ISBN: 1473-3145, Counselling and Psychotherapy Studies.
- Kurgat, S., Michira, N.N and Kiptoo-Tarus, P. (2020). An Assessment on the Relationship between Individual counselling Services and Students’ Academic Performance in Nandi South S-County, Kenya: ISSN/ISBN: e-2523-0948; Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Ndunelo, S.C and Kiptoo-Tarus, P.(2019 ) Strategies for the Promotion and Prevention of Metal Health Issues I Secondary Schools: Towards Realization of Sustainable Goals: What Works, ISSN/ISBN: 2415-6949; International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication
- Mombinya, B. and Kiptoo-Tarus, P (2018 )Analysis of Gender Inequalities on Agricultural Value Chains in Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. ISSN/ISBN: 2617-4804; International Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences
- Kiptoo-Tarus, P and Mukadi, E. B.(2020) The Psychology of Teaching and Learning: A Handbook for College and University Instruction, ISSN/ISBN: 978-1981411955; Royallite Publishers(EA) LTD
- P .J. Kiptoo-Tarus. (2022). Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling: A Handbook for College and University Instruction. IISTE Publishers, ISBN-13: 978- 151533400864 ISBN-10: 1533400865
- J. Makokha and P. Tarus .(2013). The Response of Counselor Training to The Changing Social Environment, Lambert Publishers. ISSN-978-3-656-35927-9
- P. J .Tarus and S. Toroitich. (2012). Attitudes of Academically Talented Students on Academic Performance, Lambert Academic Publishers, ISSN 978-3-659-26968-4
Book Chapters
- P J. Tarus. ( 2019 )Gender Equality and Development in Africa; The Bloom Publications
- .P J. Tarus. (2011). Gender Mainstreaming in Kenya’s Public Organizations; Kenya’s Experience in The Book, “Engaging Patriarchy” ISBN: 9966-854-69-X.
F Project/Thesis Supervision (provide a sample list)
- Effects of selected family conflicts on pupils’ emotional behaviour in public primary schools in nakuru north sub-county, nakuru county, kenya
- Relationship Between Selected Counselling Services And Students’ Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Nandi South Sub-County, Kenya
- The effectiveness of peer counselling programme on students’ behaviour management in public secondary schools in Mirangine Sub-County, Nyandarua County, Kenya
- The school-based factors influencing drug abuse among secondary school students of Naivasha Sub County in Kenya
G Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
- February 2022: Facilitated Research Training of Research Committee Members of The Eldoret National Polytechnic, Eldoret, Kenya.
- February 2022: Dissemination of Research Projects 2020/2021 Preliminary Findings.
- February 2022: Presented on the topic “Continuous and Summative Evaluation of Learning” during a Pedagogy Workshop held on 10th February, 2022. Laikipia University
- February, 2020; Presented a paper on “The Psychology of Mother Language: Diversity or Adversity; Towards Peace Building and Cohesion among Ethnic Communities in Kenya. Masinde Muliro University
- August 2020: Organized the Research Methods Workshop and presented on “Requirements for Postgraduate students in Research Data collection and Analysis”.
- August 2019: Made a presentation during the Pedagogy Workshop on the topic “Creating and Developing Interest through Learning Theories”. Laikipia University
- February 2019: Made a presentation during a Research Methodology Workshop on the topic “Research Methodologies” Laikipia University
- November 2018: Made a presentation during the 1st International Conference on Mental Health on Strategies for the Promotion and Prevention of Mental Health Issues in Secondary Schools; Towards Realization of Sustainable Development Goals: What Works. Maseno University
- February 2022: Resource Person during a Pedagogy Workshop and made a presentation on “Continuous and Summative Evaluation of Learning”. Laikipia University
- March 2017 : Presented a paper during The Fourth Annual Educational Research and Evaluation Conference (SEREK) on Gender Mainstreaming and Teacher Education; Towards Creating Child Friendly Schools. Kisumu, Kenya
- March 2017 : Presented a paper during The English Language in Education and Research Conference 2017(ELER 2017) Rwanda on The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition and Use in Secondary Schools in Kenya; Trends, Prevalence and Effects
- October 2016 :Presented a paper during the 2ND JARD international Conference, Baraton University on Influence of Socio- Cultural Support Services on Personal Development of Youth with Disabilities in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
- October 2016 : 2nd JARD Conference Presented a paper on “Hidden Curriculum Undermining the Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in Secondary Schools in Kenya” Baraton University
- July 2016 :Presented a paper at the OASIS consultation Limited Conference at ALPHAX COLLEGE on Personal Therapy: Towards Sustainability and Capacity Building among Workers in Organizations
- October 2015: Presented a paper at the Great Learners of Africa Conference at Baraton University, Kenya on Teenage Motherhood: A double tragedy – towards institutional Gender Mainstreaming in secondary schools in Kenya.
- July 2015 : Participated in the Launch of Psychological Society of Kenya at Moi University, School of Health Sciences; officiated by Professor Saths Cooper; President of the International Union of Psychological Science.
- Nov. 2013 : Presented a Paper at Eastern Africa Regional Conference of Psychology (EARCP) 2013 at Silver Springs Hotel, Kampala- Uganda on Gender Mainstreaming in Education on Secondary School Girls” Career Aspirations in Selected Counties in Kenya.
- January 2010 : Presented a paper in the 1st International Gender Symposium at Moi University on “Attitudes of Academically Talented Students: Implications for Development of Socio-Economic Stability in Kenya”.
H Consultancies
- Peer Counselling Training
- Psychological Counselling