Name of Staff: Dr Pauline Nasesia Ndoro
Designation/Rank: Lecturer
Department: Literary and Communication Studies
School: Humanities and Communication Studies
A Educational Background/Qualification
- PhD in Communication, University of South Africa, South Africa (2011)
- Master’s Degree in Communication, Wheaton, Illinois, USA (1989)
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Wheaton Illinois, USA, (1989)
- Bachelor of Education Arts honours (English and Literature) Kenyatta University, Kenya, (1986)
B Brief Auto-biography
Pauline Ndoro is a communication expert and a lecturer with over 20 years of experience teaching at the university level. She is currently the acting chairperson of the Literary and Communication studies department in the school of Humanities and Development studies of Laikipia University. Her research interests are in the area of health communication, academic writing, gender development communication and cultural studies. She has supervised both undergraduate and postgraduate projects. She is also a member of several university committees.
C Areas of Specialization
- Health communication
- Cultural communication
- Public relations
D Research Interest
- Health communication
- Development communication
- Academic writing
E All Publications
- Muriungi, C.M., Yieke, F., Ndoro, P. (2022). Strategies used in teaching English language learners: A case of adult literacy centres in Imenti-North Sub-County Kenya. Editon Cons. j. literature and Linguistic studies 4(1) 220-230.
- Ndonye, M.M, Ndoro P, Yieke, AF. (2020). “Media, elections, and ethno-politics in Kenya: in the 2017 Elections reportage, ethnicity still mattered”. 2020-3547 AJMMC 10th FEB 2020.
- Ndonye, M.M, Ndoro P.N, Yieke, A.F. (2019). “Mediatised horserace political analysis: Interrogating the 2017 General Elections political propaganda in Kenya” CORETRAIN JOURNAL http:/ Coretrain Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social sciences and Education. Vol 1, No 1, 2019. pp 87-94.
- Ndonye, M.M, Yieke A.F, Ndoro, P. (2019). Emergence of ethno-political journalism in Kenya: Lessons from the 2017 televised political analyses shows. Editon. Cons.j. media commun. Stud., 1(1), pp 36-51.
- Mbaria, S.W, Ndambuki, J, Ndoro, P. (2017). Code alteration in the news media: Motivation for its use in Classic 105 FM Radio Station Morning show debate. Journal of social Sciences, Education and Humanities(JSSEH, 2017) Vol 3:No1 ISSN2309-1010
- Kariuki, G., Yieke, F., Ndoro, P.N. 2016. Graffiti on the wall: High school students in Kenya communicating their social issues. Journal of Applied linguistics and language
- Communication Skills manual for Odel, Laikipia University. | Comms 111- Communication Skills Module (1)-1 - 1 | P a g e Vision : A University for Valued - Studocu
- Ndoro P., Allais, Cilliers C.( 2014)Low levels of knowledge hinder Samburu women from protecting themselves from HIV/AIDS . African Communication Research.
F Project/Dissertation/Thesis Supervision (provide a sample)
- PHD Thesis Ndonye M.M 2019” Political economy of mass media reporting of the 2017 electoral process: towards ethnopolitical oligarchy construction in Kenya”
- Masters; Mbaria, S. W . 2017. “Code alteration in the news media: A case study of classic 105 radio station morning show callers in Nakuru in county, Kenya”
- PhD Thesis; Mahero E.O. 2015 “Traditional female initiation discourse and the perpetuation of female initiation among the Samburu of Samburu county, Kenya
- Masters; Marotse, S.V. 2015 “ An analysis of the influence of first language (LI) transfer on the spoken Englishin secondary schools in Mogotio Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya
G Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
- Trainer, Sports Management Workshop, August, 2019 Laikipia University. 2. 2.4th international conference Laikipia University (May 2018)
- 3rd International conference Laikipia University (May 2016)
- Commission for University Education, “Kenya Aids Strategic Framework (KASF) Dissemination workshop for the university sub-sector.” (Nairobi, 30th June, 2015)
- EACA Conference, Mukono, Uganda (August 2015)
- EACA Conference, Nairobi, Kenya (August 2014)
- Module writing workshop for Open and Distance Learning. Naivasha, Kenya (30th Sept-2nd October 2013)
- Sports Management Course, Laikipia University (May, 2012) (Facilitator)
- SAHARA Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (November, 2011)
H Consultancies
- External thesis examiner, Kabarak university .