Dr. John Wahome Profile

   Name of Staff: Dr John Wahome

   Designation/Rank: Senior Lecturer

   Department: Mathematics

   School: Science and Applied Technology

   Email: jwahome@laikipia.ac.ke



A     Educational Background/Qualification:

  1. PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of Eldoret, Kenya (2012)
  2. Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, Egerton University, Kenya (2002)
  3. Bachelor of Education  (Science, Double Mathematics), Egerton University, Kenya (1994)

B    Brief Auto-biography

I, John Wahome (PhD) have worked in the education sectors all my life, amassing valuable experiences as a high school teacher (mathematics), university lecturer (applied mathematics) and now in a university management position (Director of Examinations and Timetabling). My community services include being the pioneering Chairman Board of Management, Dedan Kimathi Secondary School (formerly Mung’etho Secondary School) in Nyandarua County. I am also a columnist with one of Kenya’s daily newspapers.

C     Areas of Specialization

  1. Applied Mathematics (Differential Equations, Fluid Mechanics, Applied Computing)
  2. Science pedagogy
  3. Scientific writing

D    Research Interest 

  1. Open Channel Fluid Flow
  2. Modelling
  3. Computer Science

E    All Publications

  1. Dennis Brian Gichuru, John Wahome.  Influence of Tax Compliance Cost on Hostel Owners’ Compliance to Rental Income Tax in Laikipia West Sub County, Kenya. European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, Volume 6 │ Issue 1 │ 2022 https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=MVXFmMkAAAAJ&authuser=1&citation_for_view=MVXFmMkAAAAJ:2osOgNQ5qMEC
  2. Titus Tilu Maseki, James N. Kung’u, John Wahome N. Analysis of Selected Factors Influencing Financial Performance of Insurance Companies Listed at the NSE, Kenya. Volume 3 │ Issue 5 │ 2019 https://oapub.org/soc/index.php/EJEFR/article/view/647
  3. Wahome, J., Bitok, J.K., Lonyangapuo, J.K., Nyamai,B.M., and Kweyu,C. Using Mathematical Efficiency Criterion to Optimize a Triangular Open Channel for Stable Velocity during Storms" Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics,17(2): 183-193,2015. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276383051_Using_mathematical_efficiency_criterion_to_optimize_a_triangular_open_channel_for_stable_velocity_during_storms
  4. Kweyu,C., Nyamai, M., and Wahome, J. Hybrid Crank-Nicolson-Du Fort and Frankel(CN-DF) Scheme for the Numerical Solution of the 2-D Coupled Burgers' System" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263100253_Hybrid_Crank-Nicolson-Du_Fort_and_Frankel_CN-DF_Scheme_for_the_Numerical_Solution_of_the_2-D_Coupled_Burgers'_System  Applied Mathematical Sciences Journal, 48(8): 2353 - 2361, 2014.
  5. Wahome, J., Bitok, J.K., Lonyangapuo, J.K., Nyamai,B.M., and Kweyu,C. Optimizing a Trapezoidal Open-channel for Least Velocity Fluctuation during Overflow using Mathematical Efficiency Criterion" 2014. Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences,8(140): 6979-6987. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=MVXFmMkAAAAJ&authuser=1&citation_for_view=MVXFmMkAAAAJ:u-x6o8ySG0sC
  6. Kweyu, C., Nyamai, M.,and Wahome, J. Modified Crank-Nicolson Scheme  for the Numerical Solution of the 2-D Coupled Burgers' System " American Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2(2):185-191, 2013. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263104571_A_MODIFIED_CRANK-NICOLSON_SCHEME_FOR_THE_NUMERICAL_SOLUTION_OF_THE_2-D_COUPLED_BURGERS'_SYSTEM

F     Project/Thesis  Supervision

  1. Influence of capital structure and capital adequacy on profitability of government-based deposit-taking savings and credit co-operatives in Kenya. Student, Dennis Brian Gichuru, Laikipia University, 2019
  2. Influence of Micro-finance non-financial services on financial performance of small enterprises in Juja sub-county, Kenya. Student: Irungu David Mwangi, Laikipia University, 2019.
  3. Analysis of Selected Factors influencing Financial Performance of Insurance Companies listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Student: Titus Maseki, Laikipia University, 2019.


G    Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. Climate Change Conversation: From Realities to Transformative Action, Nyahururu, Kenya.

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