Name of Staff: Dr. Benard Aswani Ouna
Designation/Rank: Lecturer
Laikipia University: School of Science and Applied Technology
Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry
A Educational Background/Qualification
- Dr. rer nat. (DSc) (Molecular Biology), ZMBH, Universität Heidelberg, Germany (2012)
- Master of Science in Biochemistry, Egerton University, Kenya (2007)
- Bachelor of Science (Chemistry and Biochemistry) Egerton University, Kenya (2001)
B Brief Auto-biography
Dr. Ouna is a biochemist and molecular biologist with experience in genetic manipulation using various biochemical, molecular and bioinformatics research tools. He also has knowledge and exposure to various chemistry analytical tools used in toxicological analyses and quality control. In addition to research, he has experience in university teaching, supervision and programme management.
C Areas of Specialization
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
D Research Interest
I am interested in omic studies and the general area of biochemistry and molecular biology
- Gaiti M., Ouna B., Kinyuru J. and Mapesa J. (2018). Detection of cu, cd And cr In Sugarcane Grown Along ngong Tributary of Nairobi River. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 12(2)I , PP 63-71.
- Ouna B. A., Nyambega B., Manful T., Helbig C., Males M., Fadda A. and Clayton C. (2012). Depletion of trypanosome CTR9 leads to gene expression defects. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34256.
- Ouna B. A., Stewart M., Helbig C. and Clayton C. (2012).The Trypanosoma brucei CCCH zinc finger proteins ZC3H12 and ZC3H13. Molecular & biochemical parasitology 183(2), 184-188.
- Benz C., Mulindwa J., Ouna B. and Clayton C. (2011). The Trypanosoma brucei zinc finger protein ZC3H18 is involved in differentiation. Molecular & biochemical parasitology, 177(2), 148-151.
Project Supervision
- Study of heavy metal bioaccumulation in sugarcane planted along Nairobi River- LU internal grant.
NRF- Kenya: Multidisciplinary research grant (2019/2020 FY)
- Qualitative and safety analysis of rice bran supplemented foods
- Immune profiling, metabolomic and gut microflora metagenomics of infants on rice bran supplementary feeding
Conferences Attended
Oral presentation
- Ouna B. A., (July 24th, 2006). African sheep Y chromosome diversity. Egerton University, Research Week Conference, Njoro, Kenya.
- Ouna B. A., Stewart M. and Clayton C. (2011). Functional characterization of Trypanosoma brucei ZC3H12 and ZC3H13 zinc finger proteins. HBIGS annual meeting, Heidelberg Germany.
- Ouna B. A., Stewart M. and Clayton C. (2010). Functional characterization of the Trypanosoma brucei CCCH zinc finger protein ZC3H12. 1st Cellular Networks Conference, Heidelberg Germany.
- Ouna B. A., Kijas J., Meadows J.I.S., Limo M., Hanotte O. and Mburu D. (2006). Analysis of genetic diversity and relationships of African male sheep using two Y chromosome specific markers. pp 25. ISBN; 85-85584-02-5 (site
Workshops & Seminars
- Mass Spectrometry (MS), Sankara Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya 28/11/2014
- Microscopy; Nikon Imaging Center at Heidelberg University, Germany Nov. 23-27, 2009
- Cytometry; Becton Dickinson and company (BD), Heidelberg Oct. 5-7, 2009
- Bioinformatics; ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. 14th-16th August 2006 and Nov., 2005.
- Molecular and protein techniques; University of Nairobi, Kenya and University of Hertfordshire, U.K, Feb. 28- Mar11, 2005 and Aug. 2 – 6, 2004.