Dr. Janerose Mayabi Profile

   Name of Staff: Dr. Janerose Mulamba Mayabi

   Designation/Rank: Lecturer

   Department: Psychology, Counselling & Educational Foundations

   School: School of Education

   Email: jmayabi@laikipia.ac.ke



A    Educational Background/Qualification:

  1. PhD in Education Guidance and Counselling
  2. MED Masters in Education Guidance and Counselling
  3. BED (ART)

B    Brief Auto-biography

Dr. Janerose Mayabi is a lecturer in Laikipia University, School of Education, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Education Foundation. Mayabi’s main interest in research is in the field of adolescent sexuality and personality dynamics, with vast experience of over 30 years in guidance and counselling of the youth in high schools and university.

C    Areas of Specialization

  1. Psychology
  2. Guidance and counselling

D    Research Interest

  1. Life Skills Education
  2. Guidance and counselling
  3. Adolescent sexuality

E    All Publications

Articles in Referred Journals

  1. Mayabi, M, J. (2022). The Attitude of College Students’ Towards premarital Sex Implication For Guidance and Counselling In Nakuru County Kenya.
  2. Mayabi, M, J (2022). Personality Trait: It’s effects on Organizational Behaviour in Public Sector I Nakuru County, Kenya, ISSN 2708-504X Vol 2 Issue No.2
  3. Mayabi,J. M (2022) Linking the level of awareness of Life skills Education with Sexual Behaviour among \Secondary schools  Students in Busia, journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences vol 04 issue: 01. ISSN 2664-0112
  4. Mayabi, M. J (2022). Students Response to Family Life Education in Secondary Schools in Busia County, Kenya. Laikipia university journal of social sciences, education and humanities. Vol 1, Nov 1, 2022
  5. Kabutei., K.K, Mayabi.,M. J and Chepchieng.M (2022) Influence of Teacher Counsellors’ Counselling Self Efficacy on Guidance and Counselling Programme Effectiveness in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol 10 No. 2022
  6. Kabutei., K.K, Mayabi.,M. J and Chepchieng.M (2022Influence of Teacher Counsellors’ Proffessionals Development on Guidance and Counselling Programme effectiveness in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya
  7. Cheburet, E., Wanjugu, W, & Mayabi, J (2021) Challenges to Food Security among Households Of community-based Organizations Implementing Agroforestry in Rongai Sub-County and Mitigation factors. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences 10(7) (2021) 266-280
  8. Gichuru, M. C., Mayabi, M & Kanjogu, K, J (2019) Sexual self-Esteem as a Predictor of Risky Sexual Behaviour among Female Students Attending Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya. Edition Consortium Journal of Psychology, Guidance, and Counselling (ECJPGC) Vol:01 issue:03/ November. 2019
  9. Nyagaki, K.L., Mayabi, M.J., & Tarus, K.P (2022) Establishing the Influence of School Infrastructure on Drug Abuse among Secondary School Student in Naivasha Sub-county, Nakuru County, Kenya. Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities. Vol 1 Number 1, 2022 ISSN NO 2791-190X
  10. Gichuru, M. C., Mayabi, M & Kanjogu, K, J (2019) Influence of Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge on Risky Sexual Behaviour among Female Students Attending Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya.  Edition Consortium Journal of Psychology, Guidance, and Counselling (ECJPGC). Vol 01 issue:03/Nov 2019 ISSN: 2664-0112
  11. Njoroge J., Mayabi, J & Wanjohi, K, I (2021) Frequency of Social Media Usage and Students’ psychosocial Wellbeing in Laikipia University, Kenya American Journal of Science and Engineering Research. E-ISSN-2348-703, Vol 4, issue 3,2021
  12. Njoroge, M, J., Kingori, W. I & Mayabi, M, J (2021) Substance Use Implication on Students Vandalism in Public Day Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Subcounty, Laikipia County, Kenya. International journal of education and Research Vol 9 No 9 September 2021.
  13. Mayabi J.M  (2016). Prevalence of student’s sexual behaviour in secondary schools in Busia and Nairobi counties, Kabarak journal of Research and Innovation Vol 4 No 1 May 2016 pg 33-38.
  14. Mayabi, J. M  & Kariuki, M (2015). Sexual behaviour and influencing factors among secondary school students in Nairobi and Busia counties,  Kenyan journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology Vol 5 No 10.
  15. Mayabi J. M., Kariuki, M., and Mwenje, M (2014). Barrier to Reproductive Health Education on Students in Secondary Schools in Likuyani Division Lugari District, Journal of Research and Innovation, Kabarak University Publication. Pg 59-68.
  16. Mayabi J. M (2012). Impact of Reproductive Health Education on Sexual Behaviour among secondary school students in Likuyani Division of Lugari District. Kenyan journal of guidance, Counselling and psychology, Vol No pg  108-121

F    Project/Thesis  Supervision

  1. James Mwangi Njoroge a student of  Laikipia University who graduate 2022 with a masters in Guidance and Counselling. Thesis entitled Frequency of Social Media Usage and Students’ psychosocial Wellbeing in Laikipia University.
  2. Njoroge, Maina James  a student of Laikipia University, who graduated  in 2022 with masters in Guidance and Counselling. Thesis Entitled Substance Use Implication on Students Vandalism in Public Day Secondary Schools In Nyahururu Subcounty, Laikipia County, Kenya.  
  3. Supervised a student Charles Maina Gichuri of Lakipia University, who graduated  with PhD in Counselling Psychology in 2019. Thesis entitled  “Sexual Attitudes as a Predictor of Risky Sexual Practices Among Young Women Attending Public Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya
  4. Esther Cheburet a student of St Paul’s University graduted 2021 with masters in Community Development. Thesis  ‘Entitled Challenges to Food Security among Households Of community-based Organizations Implementing Agroforestry in Rongai Sub-County and Mitigation factors’’
  5. 5.Kabutiei J. K. Thesis entitled Teacher counsellors’ characteristics influencing guidance and counselling programme effectiveness in public secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya.
  6. Nyagaki, K. l.  Thesis Entitled. School based factors influencing drug abuse on secondary school students in Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya

G    Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. 2021 Presented In a conference  held by  Education and Social Sciences Research association of Kenya (ESSRAK) “Personality Trait: It’s effects on Organizational Behaviour in Public Sector I Nakuru County, Kenya,
  2. March 2022 Participated at the capacity Building Workshop for Institutional Scientific Ethics Review Committee Members (ISERCS)
  3. May 2021 Facilitator  Research Training   workshop held by Graduate School Workshop Laikipia University Entitled guidelines for referencing APA, CHCAGO, MLA, HARVARD
  4. 2020 Presented during the international Research Conference on 21st Conference  in mental health Kabarak University entitled Guidance and counselling strategic in dealing with indiscipline in schools; Effectiveness and challenges for counsellors' in Laikipia County
  5. 14th March, 2019 facilitator for Proposal Writing Workshop for postgraduate Students
  6. 26th September 2019 Laikipia University 2020 conference Organizing Committee Member
  7. 2015  Presented in the 2nd Annual Kabarak International Conference  a paper titled Prevalence of sexual Activities among Secondary School Students’ in Nairobi and Busia Counties Kenya.
  8. March, 2014 Attended and presented in the Kabarak International Conference a paper titled Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health Education on Students’ Sexual Behaviour in Secondary Schools in Lugar District Kenya.

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