Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations

  Dr. Lucy Mureithi​, PhD
  Ag. Chairperson of Department






Currently the Department operates under the School of Education offering courses in Educational Psychology, Guidance Counselling and Educational foundations. The programmes offered are tailored to provide students with skills to promote and enhance promotion of human development, progress of human communities and equipping students with the necessary skills for the management of the learning of teaching process and students’ behaviour. The programmes aims at producing graduates with a clear understanding of the principles of human behaviour; the programmes will further enable the student to develop coping skills, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, positive self-image, self-esteem and self-dignity.

The Department offers 8 compulsory and 2 optional courses in Educational Psychology to the undergraduate students under the EPSC code. All 7 courses offered in Educational Foundations under the code of EDFO to undergraduate students are compulsory. Across the two wide disciplines, the Department trains individuals at Undergraduate Degree level, Masters Degree level and Doctoral Degree level. Presently, the department has programmes at Laikipia Main Campus.

We have several programmes in the specific areas but we are also very much involved in the servicing of students in other programmes particularly those in Education, Community Development, Early Childhood Education and Development (ECDE), Sociology, Criminology and Bachelor of Psychology. Across the two wide disciplines, the Department trains individuals at Undergraduate Degree level, Masters Degree level and Doctoral Degree level.

The following courses are also offered in the department:

  • Certificate in Guidance and Counselling
  • Certificate in HIV/AIDs Management
  • Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
  • Master of Education in Measurement and Evaluation
  • Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling
  • Master of Education  in Guidance and Counselling
  • Master of Education  Measurement and Evaluation
  • PhD in Educational Psychology
  • PhD in Guidance & Counseling. PhD in Guidance & Counseling.
  • PhD in Counseling Psychology

The Department is an active contributor to teaching, research, and dissemination of knowledge at Laikipia University and beyond. We have experts in a variety of areas (broadly Psychology and Educational Foundations) who are involved in the provision of academic services and generation of new knowledge in their disciplines.

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