Dr. Evelyn Mahero, PhD
Ag. Chairperson of Department
Email: codlitcom@laikipia.ac.ke
Welcome to the Department of Literary and Communication Studies.
The Department has programmes in the following disciplines:
- Literature
- English Language and Linguistics
- Kiswahili na Mawasiliano
- Communication and Media
- Library and Information Studies
- Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication and English Language Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili and Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media
- BSc Library and Information Studies (BLINS)
The Department also offers English and Kiswahili to Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Education Students. Communication Skills is a University common core course offered by the Department to all year one students. Every student registered at Laikipia University must take and pass this course before graduating.
- Master of Journalism & Mass Communication
- MA Applied Linguistics
- MA Kiswahili na Mawasiliano
- MA Literature
- PhD in the above
FRENCH is offered at Certificate and Diploma levels.