CPA Sophia Muchiri Profile

   Name of Staff: CPA Sophia Wanjiru Muchiri

   Designation/Rank: Director Resource Mobilization and Investment

   Department:  Resource Mobilization and Investment




Educational Background/Qualification

  1. Master of Business Administration, Kenya Methodist University (2010)
  2. Bachelor of Business Administration, Kenya Methodist University (2008)
  3. Diploma in Accountancy, Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC)
  4. KCSE: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (1990)
  5. KCPE: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (1986)

Professional Courses


Brief Auto-biography

Sophia was appointed to the Directorate of Resource Mobilization and Investment in November 2019. This being a new Directorate, and as the pioneer Director she was tasked with the establishment, organization and management of the Directorate in order to achieve the mandate of the Directorate. This is a duty she has performed well in. Prior to this appointment, she served as the Finance Officer for the university for over eight years.

Training/Seminars Attended

  1. Strategic Resource Mobilization Workshop
  2. ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems Auditor/ Lead Auditor by SGS
  3. ISO 9001:2015: Quality Management Systems Auditor/Lead Auditor
  4. Government Trainings: Trained on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
  5. Association of African Universities: Research and Proposal Grants Writing Workshop
  6. KAFP Training: participated in the 27th and 28th East Africa Resource Mobilization Workshop

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