Name of Staff: Felicia Arudo Yieke
Designation: Professor of Applied Linguistics
Department: Literary and Communication Studies
School: Humanities and Development Studies
LinkedIn: Link:
A Educational Background/Qualification
- PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna, Austria (2002)
- Master of Philosophy in English, Moi University, Kenya (1996)
- Bachelor of Education (Arts) (English, Linguistics & Literature), Kenyatta University, Kenya (1987)
B Brief Auto-biography
Felicia Arudo Yieke is a Professor of Applied Linguistics at Laikipia University. She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Vienna (Austria), a Master of Philosophy degree in English from Moi University in Kenya, and a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree from Kenyatta University. She currently teaches at Laikipia University in Kenya in the Department of Literary and Communication Studies. Prof. Yieke was employed by Egerton University as an Assistant Lecturer in May, 1997 after having worked as a high school teacher since 1987. Upon attaining her PhD degree in 2002, she was promoted to the position of Lecturer in 2003. In May 2005, she was promoted to the position of Senior Lecturer, which she held until 2011 when she was promoted to the position of Associate Professor. She eventually got her professorship in November, 2019. She speaks fluent English, good Swahili, fluent Dholuo, basic French, and basic German.
Prof. Yieke was the Director of Graduate School from August 2019 to November 2023. Prior to this appointment, she was the Founding Dean of the School of Humanities and Development Studies; a position she held for eight years. In 2022, she was appointed acting Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic, Research and Student Affairs, a position she held for one year before going back to Graduate School. Her research interests are in the areas of Sociolinguistics (language and gender; language, identity and ethnicity) and Discourse Analysis (language, discourse, ideology and power). She also teaches Human Rights, Communication in Leadership and Management, Corporate Communication, Managerial Communication, Communication and Ethics as well as Research Methods at all levels in the University. She is an active and prolific writer and has published more than 50 book chapters and articles in national and international peer reviewed journals. She is also an editor and reviewer with renowned publishers across the globe. She was in fact appointed Editorial Adviser for the Routledge Encyclopaedia of African Studies by the Taylor and Francis Group in the United Kingdom. Prof Yieke is an accredited pre-qualified Peer Reviewer with the Commission for University Education. She is trained on Quality Management Systems on Higher Education and also an expert on curriculum development for university programmes. She is the appointed Focal Person for the University to access open calls for Research Grants for the University.
Throughout her academic career at Laikipia University, Prof Yieke has been involved in many projects at the university that include teaching, research, supervision of postgraduate students, community outreach, publications, publishing and editing, trainings particularly on Human rights, and either being chair or member of various university committees and boards. She has attended very many trainings on leadership; the two (2) notable ones being the International Deans Course Africa sponsored by DAAD (in Germany, Kenya and Ethiopia) on Quality Management Systems on Higher Education in 2009; and the second being a course on Management of Higher Institutes at the Galilee International Management Institute in Israel in 2022. These courses amongst others have improved her management and leadership skills to be able to handle any situation presented.
Prof. Yieke has won several academic awards, fellowships and scholarships including: project in 2022 from Africa-UniNet Research Cooperation Project titled, ‘Partnership Program in Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Systems for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in East Africa (AgriAqua)’ with cooperating universities of Egerton University (Kenya), Laikipia University (Kenya), (Haramaya (Ethiopia), Gulu University (Uganda) and BOKU University (Austria); Africa-UniNet (OEAD) travel and Stipend Grant to attend General Assembly and formation of Africa-UniNet membership Institutions in collaboration between Austria and African Universities, 2019; CODESRIA Travel and Stipend Grant to attend General Assembly in Dakar, Senegal in June 2015; Travel and Stipend Grant by Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) on their conference on Devolution and Governance in Kisumu Kenya (April, 2015); and Ernst Mach Fellowship Grant which was a three months research grant in Austria to develop Proposal on Discursive representation of genetically modified foods (GMO) and food security in the Kenya Media (January-April, 2015).
Other awards include CODESRIA Travel and Stipend Grant to attend Ali Mazrui Legacy Seminar in Mombasa, Kenya in honour of the late Prof Ali Mazrui in December 2014; UNCHR Grant to go to South Africa at the University of Cape Town (UCT) for training on Human Rights (2013); CODESRIA Grant for a proposal to support Social Science Faculty Seminar Series, 2006-2007 Series on Higher Education in Africa: Need for Reforms and Transformations (2007-2008), which enabled Laikipia University to have faculty seminars for one year; CODESRIA Advanced Research Fellowship Grant to work on ‘VCT Centres as Intervention in HIV-AIDS for Young People in Kenya as a Multidisciplinary Approach’ (2005); Travel and Stipend Grant by International Association for Applied Linguistics (AILA) to attend Scientific Commission for Language and Gender in Singapore (ASIA) in 2002; Travel and Stipend Grant by Austrian Academic Exchange Programme (OeAD) to attend International Gender and Language Conference in Lancaster, UK (2002); Travel and Stipend Grant by Austrian Academic Exchange Programme to attend International Conversational Analysis Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark (2002); Travel and Stipend Grant by Austrian Academic Exchange Programme (OeAD) for PhD studies in Vienna (1999-2002); and CODESRIA Grant to attend Gender Institute in Dakar as a laureate for 6 weeks (1999).
C Areas of Specialization
- Applied Linguistics
- Discourse Analysis
- Sociolinguistics
D Research Interest
- Gender and Language
- Discourse analysis and Social Issues
- Ethnicity and Identities
- Corporate Communication
- Communication in Leadership and Management
- Communication and Ethics
- Intercultural Communication
E All Publications
Journal Articles
- Shirima, M. A., Yieke, F.A., & Chakava, H. (2024). How Audience Reaction to the 5th Estate Vlogs Aid in The Construction of Mutahi Ngunyi’s Identity as an Authoritative Political Analyst. Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature. 7(2): N/A. DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2024.v07i01.00X
- Ondimu, J., & Yieke, F. (2022). Publishing and Perishing? Identification and Avoidance of Predatory Journals. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH), Vol. 1: No. 1. ISSN 2791-190Xv.
- Muriungi, C.M, Yieke, F., & Ndoro, P. (2022). Acquisition of English as a Second Language by Adult Learners: A case of Adult Literacy Centres in Imenti-North Sub-County, Kenya. African Journal of Language Research. Vol 1 Issue 1.
- Muriungi, C.M, Yieke, F., & Ndoro, P. (2022). Strategies used in Teaching English language learners: A Case of Imenti North Sub-County, Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Literature and Linguistics Studies. 4(1) 220-230.
- Augustina C. Akaeze, A.C., Kirigia, E.K., & Yieke, F. (2021). Communication Challenges in The Language Use of Business Transactions between Traders and Their Clients in Nakuru Town Open Air Market in Kenya. Editon Cons. J. Lit. Linguist. Stud., 4(1), 220-228. Doi: 10.51317/ecjlls.v3i1.265
- Ngumo, M. C., Yieke, F., & Onyango, J.O. (2020) Multiple and Unstable Masculinities: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Masculine Identities in Pullout Magazines in Kenya. Language. Text. Society 7 (2). 20- 07-2- ngumo-yieke-onyango.
- Ndonye, M. M., Yieke, F., & Ndoro, P. (2019) Emergence of Ethnopolitical Journalism in Kenya: Lessons from the 2017 Televised Political Analyses Shows. Editon Consortium Journal of Media and Communication. 1(1) 36-51.2663-9300.
- Ndonye, M. M., Ndoro, P, & Yieke, F. (2019). Mediatised Horserace Political Analyses: Interrogating the 2017 General Elections Political Propaganda in Kenya. CORETRAIN Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Vol.2, No. 1. 2363-2470
- Mubia, M., Yieke, F., & Mahero, E. (2019) Language Use amongst Multilingual Learners and Their Teachers in a Pre-School Classroom in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Mwanga wa Lugha, vol.3, No. 1, 105-124. Moi University Press. 2415-6993.
- Mukoba, D. A., Yieke, F., & Khasandi-Telewa, V. (2018) Political Disenfranchisement of Street Persons in Kenya-A ‘Hidden’ Vote Rich Constituency: The Case Study of Isiolo Township. CORETRAIN Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
- Njeri, B., Rutere, A.M., & Yieke, F. (2018) Constraint-Based Code-switching during ESL Lessons in Multilingual classroom and their Implications to Second Language Development. CORETRAIN Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
- Josphat Kang’esa Kivuko, J. K., Yieke, F. A., & Vicky Khasandi-Telewa, V. (2018) Sociolinguistic Domains in the Usage of the El Molo Language in Kenya and an Assessment of its Linguistic Vitality. CORETRAIN Journal of Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
- Meeme, F. A., Ndambuki, J., & Yieke, F. (2017) The New Quota Admission Policy as a Discursive Force for Social Class Differentiation: Perceptions of Public and Private Primary School Actors in Isiolo Township, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH), Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 87-99 [ISSN 2309-1010]
- Njeri, B., Rutere, A.M., & Yieke, F. (2017) The Double Edged Role of Indigenous Languages in National Development: A Case of the Lower primary Classroom in Kenyan Schools. Journal of Environmental Sustainability Advanced Research, 3: 57-68 ISSN: 2409-966X
- Mukoba, D. A., Yieke, F., & Khasandi-Telewa, V. (2017) No Thank You: How and Why Street Families Sometimes Decline Offers - the Case of Isiolo Township, Kenya Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH), Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 125-138 [ISSN 2309-1010]
- Kariuki, G., Yieke, F., & Ndoro, P.N. (2016) Graffiti on the Wall: High School Students in Kenya Communicating their Social Issues. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research (JALLR.) Volume 3, Issue 6, 2016, pp. 160-174
- Beru, P. W., Rutere, A. M., & Yieke, F. (2016) Gendered Language in Nursery Classroom Discourse in Selected Schools in Nyahururu Town, Kenya. Ruwaza Afrika. Vol. 4. No.1.
- Kioko K., Yieke, F., & Ndonye, M.M. (2016) Reconstructing Cohesion through Radio Salaams Clubs’ ‘Imagined Communities’ in Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (SAS Publisher). 4(8A): 968-973. ISSN 2347-5374
- Yieke, F. (2016) Mainstreaming Gender in Literacy Materials for the Primary School Classroom in Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE), Egerton University. VOL 8, Issue 1. Pp 6-17. ISSN 1563-0188
- Yieke, F. (2015) Expanding Gender Spaces in a Democratic Developmental African Project. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH), Volume 2, Issue 1 pp. 78-105 [ISSN 2309-1010]
- Khaemba, J. M., Yieke, F., & Ogola, J. O. (2015) Endorsing Hegemonic Masculinities among the Bukusu through Khuvita Riual. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and social Sciences (SJAHSS) Vol 3, Issue 5A. 990-996
- Ndonye, M., Yieke, F., & Ogola, J. O. (2015) Ethnicity as Discursive Construct in Kenyan Television Comedy: Humorous Harm? The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS) Vol. 8, No. 3. 44-60.
- Ndonye, M.M., Onyango, J.O., & Yieke, F. A. Mediatised Governance: Analysis of 2013 Presidential Debate in Kenya”. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Kodak, B., & Yieke F. (2015) The Role of Visual Semiotics in Shaping HIV and AIDS Discourses in Kenyan Print Media: A Case Study of a Newspaper Advertisement. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences (MAJESS) Vol. 3, Issue 1
- Yieke, F., Chacha, B., & Nyakwaka, D (2014) The Bologna Process as Lessons on Quality Management of University Education in Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. ISSN 1021-1128
- Mubia, Mary, Yieke F., Mahero Evelyn, & Ndegwa Francis (2014) Utilization of Interlanguage Strategies by Multilingual Learners in Nursery School Classroom in Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. 1 (11), 23-46. ISSN 2307-6305
- Kodak, Benard, Yieke, F., & Adams Yakub (2013) The Semiotics of HIV/AIDS Advertisements in Kenyan Newspapers. MAJELS Vol. 2 No. 3.
- Kinuthia, Jane, Yieke, F., & Furaha Tchai (2012) The Impact of HIV/AIDS Message in Kenyan Primary School Text Books: A Linguistic Perspective. International Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2012. ISSN 1948-5425. Pp 73-86
- Aberi G., E., Bichanga W., & Yieke, F. (2012) Semantic Derogation in Ekegusii Language: Implications for Girl Education. Journal of Education and Social Sciences. Vol 1. No 2. May 2012. ISSN 2220 – 4091. Pp 72-98.
- Yieke, F. (2011) Ethnicity and Development in Kenya: Lessons from the 2007 General Elections. Kenya Studies Review: 3, 3, 5-16. ISSN: 2150-5764.
- Kinuthia, Jane, Furaha Tchai, & Yieke, F. (2011) A Linguistic Analysis of HIV/AIDS Messages in Kenyan Primary School Text Books. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Vol. X, 117-137. ISSN 1021-1128
- Yieke, F. (2007) ‘Gender and Topic Management in Discourse: The Glass Ceiling as a Reality for Women in Corporate Kenya’. Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien.Vienna Journal of African Studies Nr. 13/2007. ISSN 1992-8610. Pp 31 - 48
- Yieke, F. (2005) ‘Discriminative Practices: A Study of Gender and Language’. The Encoder. Journal of the School of Human Resource Development, Moi University, September. ISSN 1991 – 6280. Pp 171 – 180
- Yieke, F. (2005) Towards Alternatives in Higher Education: The Benefits and Challenges of eLearning in Africa. CODESRIA Bulletin, Special Issue, No 4 & 5. September. ISSN 0850-8712. Pp 73-75
- Yieke, F. (2004) ‘Language Use and Sexual Harassment in Workplaces?’ Culture Today, Vol. 6, No. 2. ISSN: 1595 -0956. Pp 175 – 196
- Yieke, F. (2002) ‘Language, Gender and Power: The Use of Questions as a Control Strategy in Workplaces in Kenya’. Wiener Linguistische Gazette. September issue. Vienna, Austria. 127 - 148
- Yieke, F. (2001) ‘Gender as a Socio-cultural Phenomenon: A Sociolinguistic Perspective’. Journal of Cultural Studies: Mass Culture in Africa. Vol. 3, No. 2. ISSN: 1595-0956. Pp 333-347
Book Chapters
- Yieke, F. (In Press) Ali Al’Amin Mazrui’s Thoughts and Writings on the State of Language in Africa. CODESRIA Book Series. ISBN: 2-86978
- Yieke, F. (2013) ‘What is Fieldwork?’ In C. Kitetu & M. Mukuthuria (ed.) Research in Social Sciences: Field Work. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers, Kenya. ISBN 978-3-659-41330-8. Pp 1 – 13.
- Yieke, F. (2013) ‘Electronic Devices in Fieldwork’. In C. Kitetu & M. Mukuthuria (ed.) Research in Social Sciences: Field Work. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers, Kenya. ISBN 978-3-659-41330-8. Pp 43 – 51.
- Yieke, F. (2013) ‘Enforcement Mechanisms in Kenya’. In Yieke & Chacha (ed.) HURI 111: Human Rights. Published by Laikipia University with the support of United Nations OHCHR. ISBN 9966-1709 -2-7. Pp 135-152 (A Refereed Learning Module)
- Abudi Michael, Yieke, F., & Catherine Kitetu (2011) ‘The Discursive Construction of Gender among Dholuo Speakers in Kenya’. In Danijela Majstorović and Inger Lassen (eds.) Living with Patriarchy-Discursive Constructions of Gendered Subjects across Cultures. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 978-90-272-0636-7. Pp 49-68
- Yieke, F. (2011) ‘Promotion of Graduate Studies at Laikipia University College: A Kenyan Perspective’. In Peter Mayer, Marc Wilde, Abebe Dinku, Jutta Fedrowitz, Naomi L. Shitemi, Marijke Wahlers, Frank Ziegele (Eds.) Challenges for faculty management at African higher education institutions. ISBN 978-3-934394-90-2. Pp 74 – 88
- Yieke, F. (2010) ‘Discourse, Ethnic Identity and Violence in Kenya: The Case of the 2007 General Elections’. In Rudolf de Cillia, Helmut Gruber, Michał Krzyżanowski, Florian Menz (eds.) Diskurs - Politik - Identität/ Discourse - Politics – Identity. Tübingen, Germany: Stauffenburg Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86057-669-4. Pp 39-44
- Yieke, F. (2006) ‘Graffiti: Communication Avenues for Women in the Workplace’.In C. Creighton & F. Yieke (Eds.) Gender Inequalities in Kenya. Paris: UNESCO Publications. Pp 49-57
- Yieke, F., & Colin Creighton (2006) ‘Introduction’. In C. Creighton and F. Yieke (ed.) Gender Inequalities in Kenya. Paris: UNESCO Publications. Pp 1-5.
- Yieke, F. (2006) ‘Free Primary Education (FPE) in Kenya: Examining the Benefits, Challenges and Sustainability’. In Austrian Academy of Sciences (Ed.) A Critical Look at the Role of Research in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Proceedings of the KEF - MDG+5 - Workshop, 29th November 2005, Vienna. ISBN13: 978-3-7001-3770-2. Pp 75-76.
- Yieke, F. (2005) ‘Introduction’. In F. Yieke (Ed.) East Africa: In Search of National and Regional Renewal. Dakar: CODESRIA Publications. ISBN: 2-86978-144-X. Pp 1-10
- Yieke, F. (2005) ‘Language and the East African Parliament: National Identities, Gender Mainstreaming and the Re-invention of Regionalism’. In F. Yieke (Ed.) East Africa: In Search of National and Regional Renewal. Dakar: CODESRIA Publications. ISBN: 2-86978-144-X. 55-67
- Yieke, F. (2004) ‘Collaborators or Warriors? A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Discourse Patterns of Men and Women in Their Claim for Space in the Public/Formal Workplace’, In Arnfred S. (Ed) Gender Activism and Studies in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA Gender Series. ISBN: 2-86978-140-7. Pp 152-172
Editor for Books and Journals
- Editor for 12 ODeL Refereed Learning Modules for BCOM and common Core Courses for the University. ISBN: 9966-1709-4-1
- BCOM: 100 Introduction to Business by Thomas Gakobo
- BCOM 101: Principles of Microeconomics by Patrick Okanga
- BCOM110: Principles of Accounting I by Samuel Onyuma
- BCOM 170: Business Maths I by Michael Otieno
- COMS 101: Communication Skills by Pauline Ndoro
- HURI 111: Human Rights by Felicia Yieke
- BCOM102: Principles of Management by Jacqueline Moriasi
- BCOM103: Principles of Macroeconomics by Patrick Okanga
- BCOM111: Principles of Accounting II by Samuel Onyuma
- BCOM171: Business Mathematics II by Poti Owili
- BCOM172: Fundamentals of Computers by Tom Siriba
- PHIL 105: Government and Society by Peter Waweru
- Editor in Chief, Laikipia Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH); (2023) 2019) (2017) (2015) (2013)
- Yieke, F., & Chacha, B. (2013) (Eds.) HURI 111: Human Rights. Published by Laikipia University with the support of United Nations OHCHR. ISBN 9966-1709 -2-7
- Creighton, C., & Yieke, F. (Ed.) (2006) Gender Inequalities in Kenya. Paris: UNESCO Publications.
- Yieke, F. (Ed.) (2005) East Africa: In Search of National and Regional Renewal. CODESRIA Book Series. Dakar: CODESRIA Publications.
- Technical Editor for The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Development Planning in Africa (2022). Edited by Meleckidzedeck Khayesi and Francis Nyongesa Wegulo. Palgrave Macmillan
- Technical Editor for Rural Development Planning in Africa (1918). Edited by Meleckidzedeck Khayesi. Palgrave Macmillan.
F Project/Thesis Supervision: MA and PhD (Graduated)
- Identity Construction of An Authoritative Political Analyst: A Multimodal Analysis Of Mutahi Ngunyi’s The 5th Estate Political Vlogs. MA by Mathew Shirima (expected to graduate in 2024)
- Acquisition of English as a Second Language in Adult Learners: The Case of Adult Literacy Centres in Imenti-North Sub-County, Kenya. PhD By Muriungi Carolyne Mwendwa (2022)
- The Dynamics of Language Use in Business Transactions Between Traders and Their Clients in The Nakuru Town Open Air Market, Nakuru County, Kenya. MA By Akaeze Augustina Chinweokwu (2022)
- Political Economy of Mass Media Reporting of the 2017 Electoral Process: Towards Ethnopolitical Oligarchy Construction in Kenya. PhD by Michael Mule Ndonye (2019)
- Role of Code-Switching in the English Language Classroom in Kenyan Primary Schools: A Structural Perspective. PhD by Beth Njeri Ngugi (2017)
- Gendered Language in Nursery Classroom Discourse in Selected Schools in Nyahururu Town, Kenya by MA Mr Peter Wahome Beru (2016)
- Communicating Social Issues through Graffiti in Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Selected Schools in West Pokot County, Kenya. MA by Ms Gladys Njeri Kariuki (2016)
- Language and Sexuality in Contemporary Music of the Kipsigis Community in Kenya. MA by June Chebet Chelule (2015)
- Discursive Construction of Masculine Identities Newspaper Pullouts Magazines in Kenya. PhD by Cyrus Mugambi Ngumo (2014)
- An Analysis of Health Literacy among Meru Women attending Selected Maternal Child Health Clinics in Meru County, Kenya. PhD by Eliud Kirigia (2014)
- The Rise of a Begging Nation: Discourse Patterns of Soliciting Offers amongst Street Person in Isiolo Township, Kenya. MA By David Asule Mukoba (2014)
- Discursive Construction of Social Class in Educational Placement. The Case of the New Quota System in Isiolo Township. MA by Irimba Fredrick Meeme (2014)
- The Discursive Construction of Hegemonic Masculinities in Ritual Discourse: The Case of Selected Bukusu Rituals. PhD by Josephine Mulindi Khaemba (2013)
- Communication Strategies amongst Bilingual Learners and Teachers in the Classroom: A Case of ACK Nursery School in Nakuru Municipality. MA by Mary Mubia (2013)
- An Analysis of Multiple Interpretations of HIV/AIDS Television Advertisements among the Youth: A Case Study of Secondary School Students in Njoro Division of Nakuru District. MA by Manka Dorcas (2011)
- The Influence of Dholuo Lexicon on the Learners’ Performance in English in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations. MA by Raphael Francis Otieno (2011)
- Effects of Co-Operative Learning Approach on Students’ Achievement and Attitude Towards Oral Literature Genres in Selected Secondary Schools in Kisii District – Kenya. MA by Vitalice Makini (2011)
- An Investigation of the Lexico-Semantic Errors of the Learners of English as a Second Language. A Case Study of the Standard Six Tugen Speaking Pupils in Primary Schools. MA by Daniel Kandagor (2011)
- Classroom Talk and its Implications on Students Mastery of Phrasal Verbs: A Case of Kisii District, Kenya. MA by Albert Moinani (2011)
- Language, Gender and Power Relations: A Study of Sexism in Dholuo Honorific Expressions and Idioms in Specific Contexts. MA by Michael Abudi. (2011)
- The Language used in HIV Education in Secondary Schools. MA by Jane Kinuthia (2010)
- Discourse of Negotiation in the Sexual Space: The Case of Love Letters among the Youth in Selected Secondary Schools of Nakuru District. MA by Florence Muthoni (2010)
- The Influence of Gender Images within the Community on Girls Achievement on Education. A Case Study of Southern Kisii District. MA by George Aberi (2009)
- The Construction of Feminine Images in the Sabaot Language: A Case of Semantic Derogation of Women. MA by Chabonya (2009)
- Communication of Sex Issues between Parents and their Adolescent Children as Intervention Measure against HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of Nakuru Town. MA by Mary Karuri (2008)
- Interpretations and Implications of Political Discourse: The Kenyan Experience. MA by Beverly Achieng (2007)
- The Social Construction of Gender in Women’s Magazines. A Case Study of Eve Magazine. MA by Karanja Joseph (2007)
- How Identities and Images of HIV/AIDS are constructed in Advertisements in the Print Media. MA by Kodak O. Bernard (2006)
- The Reaction of Kenyan Secondary School Teenage Girls to Verbal and Non-Verbal Language of Television Advertisement. A Case Study of Nairobi Province. MA by Beatrice Owiti (2005)
Some Ongoing Theses
- An Investigation into the Levels of Communicative Competence in the English of First Year University Students in Kenya and its Implications on Proficiency in English. PhD by Anne Wacera Somba
- Legal Language and Lay Litigants: A Forensic Linguistics Examination of The High Court in Kenya. PhD by Irene Njoki Kimani
- Multimodality on Twitter Discourse: A Case of Kenyans on Twitter Community Hashtag Activism on Police Brutality. PhD by Jacquiline Ondimu
- Assessment of Transmedia Communication Approaches on Social Networking Sites as Applied in Substance Use Prevention Among Laikipia University Students in Kenya. PhD by Juliet Atieno Oduor
- Transport Gender Discourses: The Bodaboda Operators’ Language in Nakuru Town East Constituency, Kenya. PhD by Salome Njoki Mburu
- Discursive Construction of Self-Identity Among Child Inmates in Borstal Institutions in Kenya. PhD By David Asule Mukoba
- Linguistic Landscape on Learning English as a Foreign Language in Selected Language Institutes in Kenya. PhD by Moses Fegher
- Onomastic Examination of The Iteso Naming System. PhD By Osuje Karim
G Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars
- Keynote Speaker at Pan African Christian University 2024 International Research Conference on Transformational Research towards enhancement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 23rd to 24th May 2024 (Forthcoming)
- Keynote Speaker at Kabarak University during International Mother Language Celebration: Mother Language as a Vehicle for Promotion of Multiculturism and Multilingualism in Education for Sustainable Development. 21st February, 2024
- Keynote Speaker at the OeAD Country Talk Kenya in Vienna, Austria: Overview of Higher Education in Kenya. 18th September, 2023
- Course on Management of Higher Institutes at the Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI) in Israel. 23rd June 2022 to 5th July 2022.
- Keynote Speaker at the ISA RC25 Nairobi 2022 International Virtual Conference. Language and Gender in Interrogating the Glass Ceiling Syndrome for Women in Leadership in Higher Education and the Corporate World. 15th-17th June 2022
- Keynote Speaker at the Women’s international Day Celebration. Women in The Workplace: Break The Bias. Laikipia University. 8th March 2022
- Keynote Speaker at the Women’s international Day Celebration. Women in Leadership. Laikipia University. 8th March 2021
- Keynote speaker at MMUST during International Mother Language Celebration: Mother Language in its Real Element: The Capacities of Indigenous Languages in National Development. On 21st February, 2019
- Africa UniNet General Assembly and presentation of Laikipia University as a Founder Member of the Organisation, 2019
- Keynote Speaker at Egerton University Faculty of Education and Community Studies International Conference on Literacy for all. Mainstreaming Gender in Literacy Materials for the Primary School Classroom in Kenya. 7th-9th October 2015
- Women Citizenship and Participatory Democracy in Developmental States in Africa: The Case of Kenya. Paper presented at CODESRIA General Assembly CODESRIA at Dakar, Senegal. 8th-13th June 2015
- Language and Power. Paper presented at the OeAD Alumni Talks in Vienna, Austria on the 19th March 2015
- Ali Al’Amin Mazrui’s Thoughts and Writings on the State of Language in Africa. Paper presented at CODESRIA function in honour of the late Prof Ali Mazrui in Mombasa, Kenya on 15th December 2014
- Keynote Speaker at Inaugural Laikipia University College International Conference. Using Discourse Analysis to Address Social Issues; Questions as Expressions of Gender and Power Relations in Organization. 20th-23rd June 2012
- Harmonisation of Graduate teacher Education Programmes in East African Universities: A strategy for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Workshop held from 27th to 29th September 2010 in Uganda and sponsored by IUCEA
- The Discursive Construction of Ethnicity: The Case of the 2007 Kenyan General Elections. Presented at CODESRIA General Assembly CODESRIA at Yaoundé, Cameroon. 5th-13th December 2008
- Theory and Method. CDA in Social Science Research. CODESRIA funded Faculty Seminar Series at Laikipia Campus College, 10th December 2007
- What Gender Spaces for an African Democratic Developmental Project. Commissioned lead paper presented at the Gender symposium in Cairo, Egypt, 10th-16th November 2006
- Free Primary Education (FPE) in Kenya: Examining the Benefits, Challenges and Sustainability. Paper presented at the MDG+5 Workshop (Vienna) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences under the theme of A Critical Look at the Role of Research in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals. 29th November 2005
- Gender and Discourse: Topic Organisation in Workplace Management Committee Meetings in Kenya. Paper presented at the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Seminar at Birmingham University (UK). 18th-19th November 2005
- Engendering the Public Space: New Constitutional and Legal Strategies for Securing Women’s Citizenship in Africa. Commissioned lead paper presented at the CODESRIA Gender Symposium in Cairo, Egypt. 27th-29th October 2005
- Discriminative Practices on Gender and Language. Keynote paper presented at Moi University conference in Eldoret, Kenya. February 15th to 16th 2005
- Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centres as Intervention In HIV-Aids for Young People In Kenya. Paper presentations made at the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA2004) at Philadelphia, USA. 21st October to 24th October 2004
- Writing and Submitting Articles for Publication; A paper presented during Departmental Workshop, Egerton University, on Research Methods. July 2004
- Preparing and Presenting Seminars and Conference Papers; A paper presented during Departmental Workshop, Egerton University, on Research Methods. July 2004
- Graffiti: Communication Avenues for Women in the Workplace; Paper presented at the International Gender Conference held at Egerton University. 5th April-8th April 2004
- Gender and Discourse in the Workplace: The Case of the Glass Ceiling Syndrome; Paper presented during the Gender Research Week at the Gender Institute, Egerton. October 2003
- Making a Difference: Language and the Classroom in the Era of Globalisation: Paper presented during the International Conference on Education and Globalisation at Laikipia University College of Egerton University. 30th October to 1st November 2003
- National Identities, Gender Mainstreaming and the Re-invention of Regionalism. Presented at the East African Sub-Regional Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Also chaired a plenary session. 29th October to 30th October 2003
- Workshop in Mombasa for college of Distance Learning on Instructional Material Writers’ Workshop, for Egerton University in collaboration with University of South Africa (UNISA). 20th September to 27th September 2003
- Graffiti: Vandalism or Expression of Academic Freedom and Intellectualism at Universities in Kenya? Paper presented at the Canonical Works Conference at University of Ghana, Legon. 16th September to 19th September 2003
- Electronic Devices in The Field; A paper presented during Departmental Workshop, Egerton University, on Research Methods in September 2003
- What is Fieldwork? A paper presented during Departmental Workshop, Egerton University, on Research Methods. September 2003.
- Language and Discrimination: A Study of Gender and Discourse in Workplaces In Kenya. Paper Presentation in Scientific Commission for Language and Gender at AILA (International Association for Applied Linguistics) in Singapore (ASIA). 15th – 21st December 2002
- Collaborators Or Warriors? A Sociolinguistic Analysis of The Discourse Patterns of Men and Women in Their Claim for Space in The Public/Formal Workplace. Plenary Paper presented at CODESRIA 10th General Assembly (Council for Social Science Research in Africa), in Kampala, Uganda. 8th December to 12th December 2002
- Gender and Discourse in the Workplace: A Case of the ‘Glass Ceiling Syndrome’. Paper presented at the International Conference on World Women’s Studies at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. 21st July to 26th July 2002
- Attended and presented at International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA 2002) at Copenhagen University in Denmark. 16th May to 21st May 2002,
- Attended and presented at International Gender and Language Association Conference (IGALA2) at Lancaster University in the UK. 12th April to 16th April 2002
- Gender Differences in Communicative Competence and its Social and Economic Effects on Workplaces in Kenya: An Overview. Research proposal paper presented to CODESRIA Gender Institute, Dakar-Senegal. June-July, 1999
Other Conference/Workshop Attendance
- International Conference and Expo, Egerton University, Kenya, September, 2012
- International Conference and Expo, Egerton University, Kenya, September, 2011
- Research Week and International Conference, Egerton University, Kenya, September, 2010
- Research Week and International Conference, Egerton University, Kenya, September, 2009
- Research Week and International Conference, Egerton University, Kenya, September, 2008
- Research Week and International Conference, Egerton University, Kenya, July, 2007
- Workshop on the Role of Tests and Measurements at the University at Egerton University. 12th November, 2005
- Workshop on Supervision of Postgraduate students (Thesis/Project) at Egerton University. March, 2005
- Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in Kenyan Universities at Egerton University. Sponsored by World Bank Institute and hosted by Gender Institute, Egerton. 21st -23rd September 2004
- Organised for the Interdisciplinary Conference on Education in the Era of Globalisation at Laikipia College of Egerton University. Presented a paper at this conference. 30th October-1st November 2003
- Attended and Presented Two papers at the Gender Research Week at the Gender Institute of Egerton University. 13th October to 16th October 2003
H Consultancies (If any)
- External Examiner for the following universities:
- National Defence University, Kenya: 2023 to present
- Koitaleel Samoei University College: 2023 to present
- Maasai Mara University: 2014 to 2022
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology: 2007 to 2017
- University of Nairobi: 2006 to 2009
- External Examiner (thesis) for the following universities:
- Maseno University
- University of South Africa (UNISA)
- Egerton University
- Maasai Mara University
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
- Represented Higher Education sector in Workshop for Commission for Implementation of Constitution (CIC) held in Kisumu in April 2015
- Member representing gender; Nakuru High School Task Force Committee (2005) to oversee the splitting of the National School into 2 National Schools: Boys and Girls School.
- Editorial Adviser for Routledge Encyclopaedia of African Studies by Taylor and Francis
- Facilitator for Curriculum Development (for Languages and Language Education and CBC) at Kabarak University
- Facilitator for Curriculum Development for PhD and Master’s programmes for Languages and Linguistics at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
- Technical Editor, EAQAN Journal (East African Quality Assurance Network) 2 volumes. Thereafter published by Cambridge Scholars Publishers
- Editorial Board Member:
- The Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership (JASEML).
- THE ENCODER. A Journal of the School of Human Resource Development for Moi University.
- JEDHURE. A Journal for the Faculty of Education and Human Resource of Egerton University
- Peer Reviewer for the following:
- CODESRIA Book Series
- CODESRIA Gender Series
- QUEST project, Moi University Journal
- Eldoret Polytechnic Scientific Papers Collection
- Peer Reviewer for publishable papers for Egerton Journal at Research and Extension Division at Egerton University
- Project with Africa-UniNet Research Cooperation Project: Partnership Program in Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Systems for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in East Africa (AgriAqua); with cooperating universities of Egerton University (Kenya), Laikipia University (Kenya), (Haramaya (Ethiopia), Gulu University (Uganda) and BOKU University (Austria)