Dr. Kenneth Nyangena Profile

   Name of Faculty/Staff: Dr. Kenneth Onsate Nyangena, PhD

   Designation/Rank: Lecturer

   Laikipia University: School of Humanities and Development Studies

   Email: knyangena@laikipia.ac.ke




A. Educational Background/Qualification

  1. PhD in Sociology, Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania (2019)
  2. Master of Arts in Development Studies, University of the Free State, South Africa (2005)
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology, University of Nairobi, Kenya (1994)

B. Brief Auto-biography

Kenneth Onsate Nyangena is currently a Lecturer of Sociology, leadership, Gender, and Governance at Laikipia University in Kenya. He was the immediate chairperson of the Department of Social Studies at Laikipia University. Kenneth has extensive experience in academic and administrative divisions of University Management and corporate social responsibility (CSR). He currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital and chair of the Board of Management (BOM) at a National Secondary School.

Kenneth holds a Doctorate in Sociology, a Master of Arts in Development Studies, and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology. Besides teaching and student supervision, Kenneth is an accomplished researcher who has attended numerous international conferences and published a number of papers in refereed journals. On matters of governance, Kenneth is a trained Election Observer and international peacekeeper. Kenneth has also participated in formulating several university policies, such as Gender mainstreaming policy, Teaching and Examination policy, and Teaching practice and Industrial attachment policy. Additionally, he has been a fellow of CODESRIA, MO IBRAHIM, MIASA, and GERMAN RESEARCH FOUNDATION (DFG) among others.

C. Areas of Specialization

  1. Development Sociology
  2. Leadership
  3. Governance

D. Research Interest

  1. Sociology
  2. Leadership and Governance

E. Research Publications

  1. Babere Kerata Chacha, Wanjiku Chiuri and Kenneth O. Nyangena (2020). “Racial and Ethnic Mobilization in Kenya” in Zarine L. Rocha (ed) The Palgrave International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification.
  2. Beatrice N. Onsarigo, Kenneth O. Nyangena et al. (2014. Urban Settings, Gender and Development, Unit Eight in Gender Population Dynamics and Policy. Understanding the Linkages, A training Manual for Graduate Studies. Edited by Julie Stewart. Book Published by Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA).
  3. Kennath O. Nyangena (2023). The Dilemma of An Indigenous Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reflection on Views, CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 5&6, 2023, Page 76.
  4. The Swynerton Plan And Political Economy Of Land In Kenya:  A Historical Perspective-“Securing Land Governance through Digitalization in Francophone and Anglophone Africa” -24-28 October 2023
  5. Images of American architecture in Kenya:  globalization, visual identity and the diasporic linkages-Architecture in Africa’s International Relations’-17-20 September 2022
  6. Assessment of The Impact of Devolved Antenatal Care Services among Pregnant Women in Nakuru County-MIASA Writing School Workshop - 25th April to 29th April 2022
  7. Babere Kerata Chacha and Kenneth O. Nyangena (2020). Race and Ethnic Mobilisation in Kenya: A Historical Perspective. Accepted chapter in a book to be published by the Palgrave International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification in the year 2020
  8. Nyangena Kenneth O. (2016). The Maasai Dilemma and the Problematic of Community Participation in Cultural Tourism. Published in the Proceedings: African Heritage and the Pillars of Sustainability Summer School in Iringa, Tanzania 2016 Regensburg's World Heritage Management Plan Creation of a World Heritage Strategy, Together with the Citizens
  9. Nyangena Kenneth O (2008). Privatization of Water and Sanitation Services: Challenges and Prospects. Published in the Journal of African Development. Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, 2008, pp. 117-131
  10. Nyangena Kenneth O. (2003). Jomo Kenyatta. An Epitome of Indigenous Pan-Africanism, Nationalism and Intellectual Production in Kenya. Published in the Journal of International Affairs Vol. 6 Nos 1& 2, 2003, pp. 1-18
  11. Babere Kerata Chacha and Kenneth Nyangena (2006). Globalization of Sex and the Problematics of Gender Identities in Africa: From Human Rights to Women’s Rights to Sexual Freedom. Published by the Codesria Bulletin Nos 1 & 2, 2006 Page 29-36
  12. Nyangena Kenneth O. Early Scientists Were Men, so are Today’s: Perceptions of science and technology among secondary school students in Kenya. Published as a chapter in Gender, Science and Technology book by CODESRIA.
  13. Deepa Narayan, David Nyamwaya and PPA Team (Nyangena Kenneth). Published Research Report on Participatory Poverty Assessment Study for Kenya, prepared for the World Bank, sponsored by the British ODA and UNICEF-1994
  14. Nyangena Kenneth O and Hossea Rwegoshora (2019). Assessment of the impact of Devolved Antenatal Care Services among Pregnant Women in Nakuru County. Paper accepted by the Editorial Board for publication in the CORETRAIN Journal (ISSN 2363-2470), Volume 2, No 2, 2019 to be issued in the 4th quarter of 2019.

F. Project Thesis Supervision

  1. Ogeto, Patrick Michael (2021). Party Politics and Repression in Kenya, 1963-2012. Master’s thesis, Laikipia University
  2. Pius Kipyego Ndiwa (2022). An evaluation of police management dynamics on transnational organized crimes in Nairobi-Kenya. Master’s Thesis, African Nazarene University
  3. Daniel Wapukha Kituyi (2023). The Colonial Realignment of Bukusu Politics: Elites, Citizens and the State, 1931-1963. Master’s Thesis, Laikipia University.
  4. Philis Nadio (2023). Land Tenure Systems and their implication on oil exploration in Turkana County, Master’s Thesis, Laikipia University.

G. Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

25th -29th April 2022: Attended MIASA School on Governance, Conflict Resolution and Climate Change” I presented a paper titled “Assessment of the Impact of Devolved Antenatal Care Services among Pregnant Women in Nakuru County”

24th -25th May 2022: Attended conference on Regional Peace and Security in Eastern Africa. I presented a paper on “Ethnic Inclusion Dilemma and Leadership Integrity in Kenya: Areas of Future Research”

19th –21st Sept. 2007: Presented a paper during the Inaugural Conference of CODESRIA Alumni in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. From Solidarity to Fragmentation: Contesting the Civil Society in Kenya, 1992-2007

22nd –24th August 2007: Presented a paper at the 2007 Guy Mhone Memorial International Conference on Public Sector Reforms at Zombe, Malawi. My paper was titled Privatization of Water and Sanitation Services in Kenya: Challenges and Prospects.

15th-29th July 2007: Attended an international training workshop on Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, Post-conflict Reconstruction, and Reconciliation Processes organized and sponsored by the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies Dare Salaam-Tanzania.

22nd -28th Aug 2004: Presented a paper at the international youth summer camp at Kenya Technical Training College (KTTC) Nairobi titled, Hollywood images, Popular Culture and Crisis: Media Influence on the Kenyan Adolescents.

17th-11th July 2003: Participated in the CODESRIA Gender Institute 2003 session and presented a paper titled; Early Scientists Were Men, So Are Today’s: Perceptions of Science and Technology among Secondary School Students in Kenya.

10th-12th Dec, 2003: Presented a paper at the 30th CODESRIA commemorative Anniversary conference at Dakar, Senegal titled, Jomo Kenyatta: An epitome of Indigenous Pan-Africanism, Nationalism, and Intellectualism

5th-8th April 2004:        Presented a paper at the International Gender Conference at Egerton University Njoro-Kenya titled, Gender Inequalities in School Setting: perceptions of Science and Technology among Secondary School Students in Kenya.

H. Consultancies

2020/2021: Got funding from Laikipia University to research on ‘Evaluation of Durability Women Land Ownership in Kenya: Case from Laikipia and Nyandarua Counties’.

2013/2014: Attracted of the Laikipia University funding to research on ‘Critical Analysis of the Socialization Process of Children of Female Commercial Sex Workers in Naivasha Town of Nakuru County.”


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