Prof. Jacinta Ndambuki Profile

   Name of Faculty/Staff: Jacinta Ndambuki

   Designation/Rank: Associate Professor

   Laikipia University: School of Humanities & Development Studies




Educational Background:

  • PhD (Applied English Language Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (2010)
  • Master of Arts (English Language & Linguistics), Egerton University, Kenya (1996)
  • Bachelor of Arts (English Language and Linguistics; Sociology), Egerton University, Kenya (1993)

Brief Auto-biography of the Faculty/Staff

Prof Ndambuki is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Literary and Communication Studies (LITCOMS), School of Humanities and Development Studies (SHDS) at Laikipia University (LU), Kenya where she teaches English language and linguistics as well as communication courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is the immediate former Acting Dean (SHDS) and currently the Academic Leader for the Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) Programme in the Department and a member of the Ad. Hoc Gender Mainstreaming Committee representing SHDS. Upon completion of her undergraduate studies at Egerton University in 1992, the University awarded her a merit scholarship to pursue her master’s degree. She was employed as an Assistant Lecturer in Egerton University- Laikipia Campus in 2007 and was promoted to the position of Lecturer in 2006 and subsequently Senior Lecturer in 2011. She joined the University of the Witwatersrand - South Africa for her PhD studies in 2005 during which she was awarded several scholarships among them, the University Council Merit Award (2009), Doris and Harold Tothill Prestige Scholarship (2008); National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa Overseas Travel Grant, Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Mentoring Award with Research Mentor Prof. Hilary Janks (2006-2008); Small Grants for Thesis Writing - Council for the Development of Social Science (CODESRIA, 2006). She graduated in 2010 and upon successful completion of her PhD studies, and return to Kenya, she was appointed as the Founding Director - Research, Extension and Consultancy (2010-2013) Laikipia University. During her term as Director Research, the Directorate of Research, Extension and Consultancy Laikipia University also won an award for the installation of the Essential Electronic and Agricultural Library (TEEAL) at an initial cost of USD 5000 and updates of the library for 17 years at a total cost of USD I million in January 2012. In the course of this period, two scholarly Journals for Laikipia University were initiated: Laikipia University Journal of Social Science, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) and Journal of Science and Applied Technology (JSAT). She was appointed Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in 2018. She served as the Director, Directorate of Postgraduate Studies and as the Chair, Board of Postgraduate Studies, (2016-2019), she spearheaded the development of the Postgraduate Studies Policy and successful implementation of Commission for University Education (CUE) reforms. She has published several papers in refereed journals and several book chapters. She is a volunteer peer reviewer for the Applied Linguistics Journal and has been a series editor, JSSEH. She has attended conferences and academic Institutes such as 2009 APISA, CLACSO, CODESRIA, Fourth South-South Summer Institute. She has served as an External Examiner in two Kenyan universities. She is a member of CODESRIA; Global Writers Link (founding member), and the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) Africa Research Network. She participates in environmental conservation and is a founding member of Eco Green Initiative (a Community Based Organization) which seeks to create an ecologically green environment through sustainable afforestation in Makueni County- Kenya. She also enjoys mentoring young people. In terms of higher degree supervision and mentorship she has graduated the following students;

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Linguistics

  1. Meeme Fredrick (2021) Hi-Tech Hate in the Online Narratives of Violence in Kenya: A Forensic Linguistics Approach To Hate Speech In Facebook And Twitter
  2. Mwithi Florence Muthoni (2016) Social Media Discourse: A Linguistic Study of Facebook among a Selected Group of Kenyan Internet Users (PhD)
  3. Ndiritu Nelson Ng’arua (2015). Discursive Construction of Self Identity among Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya’s Post Election Violence (PhD)
  4. Barasa Margaret (2014) Discursive Strategies in Kenya’s 2008 Post-Election Consultation Discourse (PhD).

Master of Arts (MA) in Applied Linguistics

  1. Lydia Abuya Bikeri (2019) A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Stand-Up Comedy in Churchill Live Show: A Case Study of Mc Jesse’s Performances
  2. Leah Solomon (2017) The influence of the Social- Cultural ‘Male’ Role on Female Husband’s Language Use: a Case Study of Woman–Woman Marriages among the Akamba, Yatta District – Kenya).
  3. Serah Wanjiru Mbaria (2017) Code Mixing and Code Switching in the News Media: the Case of Classic 105 Radio in Nakuru County Kenya.
  4. Maoncha, Job (2015) Euphemisms in Traditional Songs of the Abagusii of Kenya.
  5. Charles Karia (2014) Code Switching in the Pentecostal Sermon: a Case Study of Mukuruweini Gospel Outreach Church, Nyeri County – Kenya.
  6. Irimba, Fredrick Meeme (2014) Discursive Construction of Social Class in Educational Placement Practice: a Case of New Quota System of Admission to National Schools in Kenya.

Selected publications

  1. Meeme, F., Ndambuki, J. & Mwithi, M. (2020) Problematizing Hateful Rhetoric Ethno- political Rhetoric in Facebook and Twitter during the 2017 General Elections in Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Literature and Linguistic Studies (ECJLLS). Vol. 3: No.162-175
  2. Ndambuki, J.M. (2019) Transformational Leadership: a means to Women’s Agency. Egerton Journal. Vol. XII 2019, 202-222.
  3. Abuya, L. B., Kirigia & Ndambuki, J.M. (2019) A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Stand-up Comedy: a Case of MC Jesse’s Churchill Live Performances. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 7 No. (9)
  4. Solomon, L., Ndambuki J.M. and Rutere, A.M. (2017) The influence of the Social- Cultural ‘Male’ Role on Female Husband’s Language Use: a Case Study of Woman–Woman Marriages among the Akamba, Yatta District – Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) Vol. 3: No.1 pp 110-124
  5. Mbaria, S., Ndambuki, J.M. & Ndoro P.N. (2017) Code Alternation in The News Media; A Focus on Classic 105 Radio Station Morning Show Callers in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) Vol 3. No.1 pp. 138-150.
  6. Meeme, F., Ndambuki, J.M. & Yieke, F. (2017) The New Quota Admission Policy as a Discursive Force for Social Class Differentiation: Perceptions of Public and Private Primary School Actors in Isiolo Township, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) Vol 3. No. 1 pp 87-99.
  7. Maoncha, J. & Ndambuki, J. M. (2017) Euphemism Use as a Mirror of the People’s World View: The Case of the Abagusii Dirges of Kenya. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS) Online. Vol 10 no. 1. March 2017, pp. 146-162.
  8. Ndambuki., J. M. (2017) Discursive Construction of Education in Women’s Groups: Implications of Political Education in Kenya. RUWAZA AFRICA: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 1 pp 107-127
  9. Barasa M. N, Khasandi V.T, and Ndambuki J.M. (2017) The Role Language in Peacebuilding: The Case of Kenya’s 2008 Coalition Government. Journal of African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review (ACPR). January 2017.
  10. Barasa M. N, Khasandi V.T, and Ndambuki J.M. (2016) Socio-Linguistic Referential Construction of Leaders in Kenya’s 2008 Post-Consultation Discourse: Coalition Governance in Nascent Democracies Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal: Vol.3. No. 9 pp 46-55.
  11. Ndiritu, N, Ndambuki, J. & Ogola, J. (2016) Promoting Post-conflict Peaceful Co-existence in Multi-ethnic Communities: Lessons from Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS): Online. Vol 9 no. 10. December 2016, pp 122-140.
  12. Barasa M. N, Ndambuki M. J, and Khasandi V.T (2016). Modality in Kenya’s 2008 Post- Consultation Discourse. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS). Volume 9 No 1. pp. 8-20.
  13. Mwithi, F. M., Ndambuki, J.M. & Nabea, W. (2016) Language and Technology: Linguistic Features of Facebook in Kenya. Online Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. ISSN 2422-8435, Vol. 26. pp 67-78
  14. Mwithi, F. M., Ndambuki, J.M. & Nabea, W. (2016) Identity Presentation in Face Book Posts: the Kenyan Situation. Online Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. ISSN 2422- 8435, Vol. 26. Pp 48-59.
  15. Ndiritu, N. Ogola, J.O. & Ndambuki, J.M. (2016) The Internally Displaced Persons’ Identity Crisis in Kenya. Scholars’ Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (SJAHSS) ISSN 2347- 5374 (online) October 2016, Vol. 4, no. 10. pp 1364-1376.
  16. Barasa, M., Ndambuki J.M. and Khasandi-Telewa, V. (2015) The Discursive Strategies of the Principals in Kenya’s 2008 Post-Election Consultation Discourse. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (JSSEH) Volume 2, No. 1. pp 1-24.
  17. Karia, C. Ndambuki, J.M. and Khasandi-Telewa,V. (2015) Code-Switching in the Pentecostal Sermon: a Case Study of the Mukurweini Gospel Outreach Church, Nyeri County-Kenya. JSSEH 2309 1010. Volume 2, No.1.pp 221-242.
  18. Ndambuki, J.M. (2013) Going beyond Numbers: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Understanding Women’s Political Participation. Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (JSSEH). ISSN 2309 1010. Vol. 1.No. 1 pp 149-169.
  19. Ndambuki, J.M. & Janks, H. (2010) ‘Political Discourses, Women’s Voices: Mismatches in Representation?’ In Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD) Journal. Vol. 4 (1): 73-92.
  20. Ndambuki, J.M. (2006) ‘Foregrounding Women’s Agency in Africa’s Democratization Process” CODESRIA Bulletin Special Publication on The African Woman. Nos, 1 &2, pp 17- 19.

Book chapters

  1. Ndambuki, J. M. (2013) Local Community Leaders’ Constructions of Women’s Interests and Needs: Inhibiting Developmental Crisis Resolution in Kenya’s Development Crisis. pp 239- 272. In Eds. Antoon de Rycker and Zuraidah Mohd Don ‘Discourse and Crisis’. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  2. Ndambuki, J. M. (2013) The Focus Group Discussion as a Preferred Method in Gender and Women Research. In Eds. Khamasi, J., Longman, C. and van Haegendoren, M. W. Gender Practices and Challenges: A Call for Accountability. pp 1-17.
  3. Ndambuki, J.M. (2013) A Socio-historical Analysis of Women’s Political Participation in Kenya. Ed. Amutabi, M.N. “Studies in Culture, Gender and Education in Africa”, pp. 411-425 Nairobi: Department of Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
  4. Ndambuki, J.M. (2009) The Role of Women Groups in Development in Kenya: The Case of Makueni District’ pp. 161-200. In Ed. Amutabi, M. Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways and Entrepreneurship (2009). Edwin Mellen Press.
  5. Ndambuki, J. M. (2007) ‘Sustainability and Women’s Agency’ in Sustainability: an Interdisciplinary View, Proceedings of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA) 1st Regional Conference, Nairobi University: 29th Nov.-2nd Dec. 2006 pp. 209 – 214.
  6. Ndambuki, J.M. & Kitetu, C. (2004) ‘Disparities in Language Used in Voting as a Feature of the Democratization Process in Kenya’. In Eds. Momanyi, C. & Wawire, N. Disparities in Developing Countries: Types, Challenges & the Way Forward, Vol 1. 191-197. Nairobi: Oakland Media Services.

Research Interest:

Her research interests include Discourse Analysis (notably political discourse), Critical Discourse Analysis, sociolinguistics and qualitative data analysis with a focus on multidisciplinary studies of language, gender studies and politics.

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