Dr. Charity Chemnjor Profile

   Name of Staff: Charity Chemnjor

   Designation/Rank: Senior Lecturer

   Department: Curriculum and Education Management Education

   School: Education

   Email: cchemnjor@laikipia.ac.ke



1. Educational Background/Qualification:

  • Doctorate in Education (D.Ed.) University of South Africa (UNISA) 2012
  • MA (Education) Dalhousie University CANADA 1995
  • B.Ed. (Hons) Nairobi University KENYA 1984

2. Brief Auto-biography

Charity is a Senior Lecturer in Laikipia University with over 20 years teaching experience at the university with interest in higher education, training of educators, education administration, management and leadership. She is dedicated and enjoys working with university students guiding and supporting them to achieve their full potential. She believes in continual improvement of overall quality of University Education, and is the Director Quality Assurance and Standards. She is a trained internal auditor ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 19011:2018 international standards as well as in quality assurance in Higher Education. Charity has conducted participatory research and consultancy on management of organizations, organization capacity assessment as well as in curriculum implementation and practices, contributing to scholarly publications and presentations in academic conferences and workshops, and is motivated to carry out research in areas that have an impact on and improve education.  

3. Areas of Specialization

  1. Education administration and management
  2. Quality Issues in Higher Education
  3. Inclusivity, Learning and Assessment in Competency Based Education
  4. Teacher Education
  5. Social Economic Issues in Education

4. Research Interest

  1. Social Economic Status (SES) and Equity in Higher Education
  2. Higher Education and Policy Studies
  3. Organizational Behavior and Management
  4. Education Management and Inclusivity in University Education

5. Publications

  1. Chemnjor, C., & Githae, P. (2023). Assessment of the Teaching of Climate Change Education in Kenya. JSSEH Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences vol.1 No 1 2023 ISSN 2791-190Xv http://www.laikipia.ac.ke
  2. Githae, P., Chemnjor, C., & Kigo, J.,   Anchoring Climate Change in the ongoing Educational Reforms in Kenya Laikipia University Journal of Social Sciences vol.1 No 1 2023 ISSN 2791- 190Xv. http://www.laikipia.ac.ke
  3. A Handbook of School Management in Laikipia County 2020: The Role of the Boards of Management eds. (Unit:9 Learner friendly Institutions; Unit:10 Education for learners with Special needs) In Print
  4. Nyambura, R., Chemnjor, C., & Ngunjiri, M. (2019). Coping with Homo-Bullying in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County Kenya. Researchjournali's Journal of Education, 7 number 6 1-13. ISSN 2347-8225 https://researchjournali.com/
  5. Nyambura, R., Chemnjor, C., & Ngunjiri, M. (2019). Teachers' Actions to Curb Homosexuality Activities in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County Kenya. Journal of Advances in Education & Philosophy, (August 2019) 270-276 ISSN 2523-2223 https://scholarsmepub.com/jaep DOI:10.21276/jaep.2019.3.8.1
  6. Abidkadir I, Lekalgitele S., Chemnjor C. (2018) Strategies used in mitigating the effects of cattle rustling in Secondary School Education in Samburu North Sub-county, Kenya Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2347-9493 DOI 10.36347. https://www.saspublishers.com
  7. Wagombe G, Kinzi J Chemnjor C. Psychological Influence of Free Day Secondary Education Policy on Parents’ Participation in the programme in Nyandarua North Sub-County, Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology volume  6 number1 November 2016 ISSN 2226-0552   
  8. Chemnjor C. Emerging Voices Single Parent Students in the Universities in Kenya International Journal of Education and Research Vol 4 No. 6 June 2016 1-12 ISSN 2411-5681  http://www.ijern.com/
  9. Chemnjor C. Approaches by Public Universities in Kenya towards Student-Parents. LAP-LAMBERT Academic Publishing- 2016
  10. Chemnjor C. Single Student Parents on the Margins International Journal of Contemporary Applied Science Vol. 3 No 3, 2016 193-206. ISSN 2303-1365 https://www.ijcar.net./
  11. Chemnjor C. Against all Odds: Student Parents in Public Universities in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Vol 2, Issue 6, June 2015 pp 130-140 ISSN 2349-0391 www.arcjournals.org/
  12. Kanjogu J., Chemnjor C., Macharia M. The Influence of Gender on Teachers’ Level of Involvement in Decision Making by Public Secondary School Principals in Nyahururu Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Humanities vol.2 Issue1.2015 www.laikipia.ac.ke
  13. Kanjogu K, Chemnjor C., Karanja M. Determinants of Teacher involvement in Decision-making process by Secondary school principals in Nyahururu sub-county, Kenya International Journal of Modern Education Research 2014, 1(3): 53-60 www.aascit.org/journal/ijmer
  14. Chemnjor C., Student Fathers and the challenge to masculinities in Kenyan Public Universities in the CODESRIA Gender Series 7 2008 https://publication.codesria.org
  15. Bosire. J Chemnjor C., Ngware M., Student Leadership in Selected Public Universities in Kenya African Research Review Volume 2 Issue  3 pages 195-221 2007

6. Project/Thesis Supervision

Completed to Date:

  1. An Investigation of Students' sexual orientation and Its’ influence on attitude towards Biology in Secondary Schools within Nakuru County, KENYA by Rose Nyambura Ph.D. (2019)
  2. Education Access and Participation in Secondary Schools in cattle rustling prone areas of Samburu North Sub- County, KENYA by Abdikadir Ismail MEd (2018)
  3. Influence of stakeholders on the implementation of free Secondary Education in Nyandarua North Sub-County, KENYA by George W. Wangombe MEd (2016)
  4. Teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of staff-based decision-making processes in public Secondary Schools in Nyahururu Sub-county, KENYA by Karanja Moses Macharia MEd (2014)


  1. Influence of Integration of Information Communication Technologies in the teaching of Biology in Public Secondary Schools in Kiambu County KENYA
  2. Education Management Factors Influencing Implementation of competence-based curriculum in primary schools in Kuresoi Kenya
  3. Strategic Management and Public Secondary Schools in Loitokitok Sub-County Kajiado KENYA
  4. Teachers Perception of the Effectiveness of  Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development system (TPAD) in Primary Schools in Nyahururu Kenya
  5. Role of Teacher Professional Development on Performance of Junior School Teachers in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County Kenya
  6. Influence of Governance practices on Performance of Public Universities in Kenya
  7. Target setting programs and the Achievement of Institutional Goals in Secondary Schools in Nyandarua County Kenya

7. Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. Laikipia University 5th Biennial International Conference April 2023: The Laikipia University Teaching Practice Assessment tool and the Teaching of Climate Change Education in Kenya.
  2. Laikipia University School of Education Teaching Practice Workshop May 2023: Teaching Creatively and Innovatively: Student Teacher and Supervisor Input. Laikipia University Nyahururu KENYA
  3. Laikipia University School of Education Teaching Practice Workshop July 2022: Supervising and assessment expectations amid Change Laikipia University Nyahururu KENYA
  4. 9th Annual Forum of the East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network May 2019 Quality in Higher Education Students Engagement with the Graduate Program at Laikipia University. Imperial Golf View Hotel Entebbe UGANDA

8. Consultancies and Collaborative Research  

  1. RFP –Ministry of Education Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) (2018-2023) as part of the Technical Team- Educational Professionals in Component 2: Improving retention in upper primary school and transition to secondary school in targeted areas
  2. Organizational Capacity Assessment of St. Martin CSA and L’Arche Kenya Principal Investigator 2024 -2025
  3. Foster Care and its Impact on Children and Foster Parents- The Case of St. Martin CSA. Project team member 2024-2025

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