Prof. Mbuthia Ngunjiri Profile

   Name of Staff: Prof.  Mbuthia Ngunjiri

   Designation/Rank: Associate Professor

   Department: Curriculum and Educational Management.

   School:  Education



A     Educational Background/Qualification

  1. PhD in Mathematics Education, Banaras Hindu University, India (2012)
  2. Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction ,Queens University, Canada (1987)
  3. Master of Education in Mathematics Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya (1985).
  4. Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, University of Nairobi , Kenya (1990)
  5. High School Certificate, e.g., KSCE or any other equivalent) School, Country (Year)
  6. EAACE, Njiris High School, Kenya (1976)
  7. EACE, Dagoretti High School (1974)
  8. CPE, Ndundu Primary School, Kenya (1970)

B     Brief Auto-biography

Prof. Ngunjiri is a dedicated Senior Lecturer with over 34 years of experience teaching at the university level. He is passionate about helping students achieve their full potential and is committed to providing a supportive learning environment. Prof. Ngunjiri is also an accomplished researcher and has published numerous articles in top-tier academic journals.

C      Areas of Specialization

  1. Mathematics Education
  2. Research Methods
  3. Statistical Methods

D      Research Interest

Mathematics Education

E       All Publications

  1. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2023). Teaching thinking through mathematical processes: A review. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science,7(10). ISSN: 2454-6186.
  2. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2022). The role of assessment in mathematics classrooms: A review. International Journal of Advanced Research.5(1),156-160. ISSN: 2707-7810.
  3. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2022). Individual differences and instruction in mathematics: Review. International Journal of Advanced Research,5(1),84-88. ISSN: 2707-7802.J
  4. Ngunjiri, M. (2022). General pedagogy for all seasons: Theory into practice. ISBN:978-620-231701-6. Scholars Press
  5. Ngunjiri, M. (2020). Statistical methods: Theory to practice. ISBN:978.620-2-67667-0. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978 – 620 – 2 – 67667 – 0.
  6. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020).   The influence of teacher- students interaction on motivation to learn     mathematics among high school students in Laikipia county ,Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research and Reviews,5(78),1-6. ISSN: 2474-9265. https:/ educational-research -and-reviews/
  7. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020). Self- efficacy beliefs as a predictor of attitudes towards mathematics among secondary school students in Laikipia county,Kenya.African  Research Journal of Education and Social Sciiences,7(2),144-152.ISSN:2312-0134.
  8. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020). Attitude towards mathematics as a predictor of student’s motivation to learn among high school students in Laikipia county, Kenya,. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science,5(11),52-55.ISSN: 2454-6194.
  9. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020). Teaching and learning resources as predictor of students motivation to learn mathematics among secondary school students in Laikipia county, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,8(10),302-305.ISSN: 2321-9203. doi No,:10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i10/HS2010-074.
  10. Ngunjiri, M. (2020).The influence of teachers’ use of resources on students’ attitudes towards mathematics among secondary school students. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 4(4), 40-43.ISSN: 2454-6186.
  11. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020).     The influence of gender and self- efficacy beliefs on students motivation to learn high school mathematics in Laikipia county, Kenya International Journal of research and innovation in applied science,5(9),160-163. ISSN:2454-6194.
  12. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2020).   Teachers self- efficacy as a predictor of students motivation to learn mathematics among secondary school students in Laikipia county, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,8(6),32-36.ISSN: 2321-9203. doi No, :10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i6/HS2006-025
  13. Kamunge, S; Ngunjiri, M; Barasa, M,E.(2020). School type influence on the levels of stress among secondary school administrators in Nakuru county. Kenya. European Journal of Educational Studies,7(12),154-166.ISSN: 2511-1111. doi:10.46827/ejes.v7i12.3404
  14. Kamunge, S; Barasa, M. E., Ngunjiri, M. (2020). Occupational demand and the level of stress among secondary school administrators in Nakuru county, Kenya. The international Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,8(10),40-45.ISSN: 2321-9203. doi No:10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i10/HS2010-021
  15. Kangara, M.W., Ngunjiri, M., Ndichu, S. (2020). Influence of social factors on pupils transition rate from public primary to secondary schools in Kinangop sub-county Nyandarua, Kenya. The international Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,8(4),111-116. ISSN:2321-9203. doi No:10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/I4hs2004-017
  16. Mureithi, L.W., Barasa,E., Ngunjiri, M. (2019). Evaluating the impact of awareness programme on substance use among female undergraduates in universities in Nairobi county, Kenya. International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication,2(2),31-39.ISSN 2415-6946
  17. Waiya, L.W.M., Ngunjiri, M., Barasa, E.  (2019). The mediating influence of games teacher’s motivation on the relationship between instructional related stress and student athletes track performance in secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research and Development,4(5),90-97.ISSN 2455-4197
  18. Namisi L.N., Ngunjiri, M., Ngugi, M. (2019). Establishing the relationship between leadership style of head teachers and pupils performance in Webuye West sub- county. Editon Consortium Journal of Curriculum and Educational Studies,1(3),72-83. ISSN:2663-9319
  19. Wepukhulu, V., Kanjogu, J.K., Ngunjiri, M. (2019). Principals perception of challenges undermining effective implementation of free secondary education in Likuyani sub- county, Kenya. European Journal of Educational Studies,6(6),137-145. ISSN: 2501-1111. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3445474
  20. Matumbei, J.N., Ngunjiri, M., Ngugi,M.(2019).Challenges affecting effective implementation of inclusive education policy in public primary schools in Kitale township, Kenya.  Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy, 2(5),422-432.ISSN:2523-2223
  21. Chemnjor, C., Ngunjiri, M., & Nyambura,R.(2019). Coping with homo-bullying in secondary schools in Nakuru county,Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education ,7(6),23-35. ISSN :2347-8225.
  22. Mureithi, L.W., Barasa, E, & Ngunjiri, M.(2019). Impact of counseling programme on substance use among female undergraduate students in universities in Nairobi County, Kenya. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.3(2),88-102.ISSN:2520-4009.
  23. Muraguri,W.R.,Barasa,E.,& Ngunjiri, M.(2019).Teachers’ gender and perception of the rights of children in guidance and counselling programme among public primary schools in East Pokot sub- county ,Baringo county, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 10(9),880-893.ISSN:2229-5518.
  24. Muraguri,W.R.,Barasa,E.,& Ngunjiri, M.(2019). Teachers’ awareness of the rights of the child and its influence on the perception 0f the rights of children in guidance and counseling programme among public primary schools in East Pokot  sub- county ,Baringo county, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,10(10),1018-1033.ISSN:2229-5518.
  25. Waiya, L, W. M., Barasa,E. M., &Ngunjiri, M.(2019). The moderating influence of quality counseling on the relationship between stress coping strategies adopted by students athletes  and students athletes track performance in secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(9),192-200. ISSN:2321-8916.
  26. Mwangi, P.M., Kanjogu,J., &Ngunjiri M.(2018). Influence of cultural factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Laikipia West sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,6(10),701-710.ISSN:2321-3418.
  27. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2018). Motivation to learn among secondary school students. Scholars Press, ISBN: 978 – 613 – 7 – 98887 – 0
  28. Ndekei, J.N.& Ngunjiri,M. (2018). Effect of using the embedded mathematics language factor teaching strategy during instruction om learners’ understanding of mathematics in secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(4), 382-399. ISSN:2348-3164
  29. Mbatia,J.W., Ngunjiri, M., & Mwebi,R. (2018). Influence of cultural factors on pupils transition rate from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 3(7), 2853-2862. ISSN:2455-8834.
  30. Mbatia,J.W., Ngunjiri, M., & Mwebi,R.(2018). Influence of school based factors on pupils transition from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(7), 2843-2852. ISSN:2455-8834
  31. Mwaniki,G.S.K., Kanjogu,J., & Ngunjiri, M. (2018).Relationship between parents’ attitude towards their children’s education and level of students’  discipline in public secondary schools in Naivasha sub-county,Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,282-291. ISSN:2321-3418.
  32. Mwaniki,G.S.K., Kanjogu,J.,& Ngunjiri, M. (2018).Relationship between teacher commitment to students learning needs and level of students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Naivasha sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,6(4),274-281.ISSN:2321-3418.
  33. Mwangi, P.M..,Kanjogu,J., & Ngunjiri, M. (2018).Influence of community factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Laikipia West sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,1(8),1216-1226.ISSN:2455-8834.
  34. Mbacho, N.W.& Ngunjiri, M.(2016) Effect of jigsaw cooperative learning strategy on students’ mathematics achievement in secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya. . International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,1(8),1174-1189.ISSN:2455-8834.
  35. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2015). The Problem solving processes in mathematics. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2(2), 2297-2402. ISSN: 2455-8834.
  36. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2015). The role of examples in learning of mathematics. Shodh Drishti- An International Refereed Journal 6(3), 133-136, 2015.ISSN: 0976-6650
  37. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2015). Teaching mathematics effectively: What works. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research, 2 (1), 55-60. ISSN: 2393-8358.
  38. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2015). Language and the learning of mathematics. Anukriti-An International Refereed Research Journal ,5(3) , 1-6. ISSN:2250-1193
  39. Kanjogu,J.,  Ngunjiri, M. & Maina,M. (2014). Relationship between teacher supply, parental support and education in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 1(9), 40-45. ISSN: 2349-0381
  40. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2012).Self-Concept: Its Relation with student outcomes in mathematics. Journal of All Research, 3(3) ,241-246. ISSN: 0976-6650
  41. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2012). Problem solving in mathematics. Journal of Indian Cultural, Social and Philosophical Stream, Vol XlIII, III. ISSN: 0973-8762
  42. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2012). Teacher Self-Efficacy-Its relation with instructional student outcomes. The Opinion, 1(1), 11-14. ISSN: 2277-9124
  43. Mbuthia Ngunjiri & P.N. Singh (2012). The Relationship between students’ motivation to learn and teachers’ self-efficacy in mathematics among secondary school students in Nakuru county, Kenya. Journal of Indian Cultural, Social and Philosophical Stream,23, 33-42. ISSN:8762.
  44. Mbuthia Ngunjiri & P.N. Singh (2012). The Relationship between students’ motivation to learn and self-efficacy in mathematics among secondary school students in Nakuru county, Kenya. Journal of All Research, 3(1), 188-193. ISSN: 0976-6650
  45. Mbuthia Ngunjiri & P. N. Singh (2012). The Relationship between students’ motivation to learn and self-concept in mathematics among secondary school students in Nakuru county, Kenya. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(5), 143-148. ISSN: 2250-1193
  46. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2012) The Role of Discovery in the Learning of Mathematics. Journal of All Research, 3(5), 199-202. ISSN: 0976-6650
  47. Mbuthia Ngunjiri (2012). Self-Efficacy-Helping struggling students. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(3), 189-1992. ISSN: 2250-1193.


F      Project/Thesis Supervision (provide a sample list)

  1. Samuel Kamunge LM21/1150/14, PhD School based factors, stress levels and psychological interventions among public secondary school administrators in Nakuru County, Kenya, Graduated in 2021
  2. Monicah W. Kangara LDG32/1398/17 MEd Influence of social factors on pupils’ transition rate from primary to secondary schools in Kinangop sub-county ,Nyandarua , Kenya Graduated in 2021
  3. Rose Nyambura LDS34/1313/12, PhD The influence of sexual orientation on attitude towards biology among secondary school students in  Nakuru County ,Kenya         Graduated in 2019
  4. Lydia W. Waiya LDG32/1395/13, PhD Influence of stressor factors on athletes’ performance among secondary school students in Nakuru County, ,Kenya Graduated in 2019
  5. Lucy Muriithi LDP33/1154/14, PhD Efficacy of psychosocial intervention programmes on substance use among female undergraduates in universities in Nairobi county, Kenya. Graduated in 2019
  6. 6Rose W. Muraguri LDG32/1062/13, PhD Teachers’ and pupils’ perception of the selected rights of child in guidance and counseling program among primary school pupils in East Pokot Sub-county, Kenya     Graduated in 2019
  7. Judith Matumbei LM21/1048/13, MEd Factors affecting effective implementation of inclusive education in primary schools in Kitale sub-county, Kenya Graduated in 2019
  8. Lydia Namisi LM21/1073/13, MEd Relationship between school factors and pupils performance in primary schools in Webuye sub-county ,Kenya  Graduated in 2019
  9. Violet Wepukhulu EM16/0840/10, MEd  Principals’ perception on challenges undermining effective implementation of free secondary education in Likuyani Sub County, Kenya. Graduated in 2019
  10. Abel M. Nyangena EM16/0785/14, MEd The provision of guidance and counseling services in secondary schools in Gesusu ward ,Masaba Sub- County, Kenya        Graduated in  November 2018
  11. Peter  M. Mwangi LDM31/1202/12, PhD  Selected cultural, community, school and family factors influencing pupils’ transitions from primary to secondary school in Laikipia west sub county Kenya  Graduated in  November 2018
  12. Jane W. Mbatia LDM31/1201/15 PhD, Influence of selected community based factors on pupils’ transition from primary to secondary schools in Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya Graduated in  November 2018
  13. James N. Ndekei LDM31/1130/14 PhD, Effects of Embedding mathematics language factor teaching strategy on learners understanding and achievement in secondary school mathematics in Nakuru county, Kenya          Graduated in  November 2018
  14. Goodeve  S. Mwaniki EM16/0872/10, MEd Influence of home and school based factors on students indiscipline in Secondary schools in Naivasha sub-county Graduated in  November 2018
  15. 15.   Nancy N. Irungu EM16/0834/10 MEd, Influence of ageing on psychosocial well being of the elderly in an urbanizing settlement in Maina village. Nyahururu Town, Kenya Graduated in  November 2018
  16. Naomi, W. Mbacho PhD, Effects of Jigsaw cooperative learning strategy on students mathematics self- concept and achievement in secondary schools in Laikipia county, Kenya Graduated in  November 2017
  17. Joseph Wachira EM16/0828/09, MEd The influence of selected factors on teachers’ perception on TSC-based Teacher Appraisal system in Nyandarua North Sub-county, Kenya. Graduated in November 2015
  18. Waiganjo Peter Gikonyo EM16/0826/09, MEd The influence of selected school characteristics on principles  perception on the role of NGO’s  in enhancing access to secondary education in Laikipia county, Kenya Graduated in November 2015
  19. Esther Wakonyo EM16/0873/10, MEd The influence of selected social and economic factors on pupils transition from primary to secondary schools in Kinangop sub-county, Kenya Graduated in November 2015
  20. Ruth Kiome EM16/0875/11, MEd Socio-economic factors influencing girl child completion rates in primary schools in Nyandarua South Sub-county, Kenya  Graduated in November 2015

G     Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. 26th January 2022: Facilitator- Pedagogy Workshop, Department of Curriculum and Educational management.
  2.  17th to 18th June 2021: Facilitator- Postgraduate Research Workshop for PhD and Masters students.
  3. 15th April 2021: Attended Sensitization Workshop for University Deans  on Teachers Service  Commission’s Entry Requirements at KICD.
  4. 5th August 2020. Facilitator- Postgraduate Students Workshop, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Education Foundation, Laikipia university.
  5. 10th March 2021: Attended Capacity Building Workshop to enhance Skills in Research, Chuka university, Kenya
  6. 9th October 2019: Attended the launch of the Guidelines for Mainstreaming of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Universities at KICD.
  7. 30th-31st August 2019: Attended a Workshop on Curriculum   Reforms: The role of Universities at Moi university, Kenya.
  8. 14th to 15th August, 2019: Attended the 1st consultative forum for Deans of Schools of Education in universities in Kenya at University of Embu.
  9. 14th – 16th March, 2019: Attended the training for universities councils and management by Ministry of Education at Mombasa.
  10. 22nd February, 2019: Attended a Stakeholders Consultative meeting on Teacher Education Framework at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.    
  11. 25th February 2019: Facilitator- Research Methodology Workshop, School of Education, Laikipia University.
  12. 28th September 2018: Attended a Consultative meeting between Teachers Service Commission and Deans of Schools of Education in Kenyan Universities at KICD.
  13. 31st January to 2nd February, 2019: Attended an ISO Information Security Management Course at Nakuru Campus, Laikipia University.
  14. 14th to 15th June, 2018: Attended a Plagscan user and support training workshop at Nakuru Campus, Laikipia University.
  15. 10th to 12th January, 2018: Attended an ISO Quality Management Course at Nakuru Campus, Laikipia University
  16. 12th February, 2014: Attended a Pedagogy skills Workshop at Laikipia University
  17. 5th October 2007: Attended a Student Advising Workshop for Lecturers at Laikipia University.
  18. 12th November, 2005: Attended a Workshop on Test Development and Administration at Egerton University.
  19. 25th to 26th March,2011: Attended a National workshop on Research Writing at Banaras Hindu University, India.

G   Consultancies 


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