Dr. Stephen Lekalgitele Profile

   Name of Faculty/Staff: Dr. Stephen Lekalgitele

   Designation/Rank: Lecturer

   Laikipia University: School of Education

   Email: slekalgitele@laikipia.ac.ke


Educational Background:

  • PhD (Education management), Flinders University, Adelaide South Australia (2011)
  • Masters in. (Education Administration) ,Kenyatta University , Kenya (2013)
  • Post-graduate diploma in project planning and management, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya (2008)
  • Bachelors in Education (Arts) Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya (2007)

Brief Auto-biography of the Faculty/Staff

Dr Lekalgitele Stephen Mutesa was born in 1972 in Marsabit County, loiyangalani ward and Kulal village. He attended loiyanagalani primary school, lenana high school, Catholic university of eastern African, Kenyatta University and Flinders University. He worked for an Italian sponsored community programme for two years. He was employed by TSC in 2005 and posted to Maralal high school where he taught for four years. He secured Ford foundation scholarship to pursue a Doctorate degree in Australia, at Flinders University Adelaide. He was employed by Laikipia University in 2012 and posted to Laikipia University Maralal Campus as a lecturer and a programme coordinator. He is currently the Ag, Director of the Campus. He is married with four children

Selected Publications

JOURNAL: Strategies used in mitigating the effect of cattle rustling on secondary education in Samburu north Sub- County

Book: Perception of stress and coping strategies by primary school head teachers in the implementation of free primary education in Kenya

Research Interest

  • Education management, leadership and administration
  • Contemporary issues in education
  • Policies in education

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