Dr. Ronald Nyamwamu Profile

   Name: Dr. Ronald Orare Nyamwamu

   Designation/Rank: Lecturer

   Department: Curriculum & Education Management

   School: Education

   Email: rnyamwamu@laikipia.ac.ke.

   Research Gate link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ronald-Nyamwamu



A   Educational Background/Qualification:

  1. PhD in Agriculture Education and Extension, Egerton University, Kenya (2019)
  2. Master of Science in Agriculture Extension, Egerton University, Kenya (2013)
  3. Bachelor of Education in Agriculture and Home Economics, Egerton University, Kenya (2004)

B    Brief Auto-biography

Dr. Ronald Orare Nyamwamu started his academic and professional career as a secondary school teacher and later became an agriculture extension agent in Kenya. He attended Masimba Primary School and Masimba Secondary school and later joined Egerton University. Dr Nyamwamu obtained a Bachelor of Education (Honors) in 2004, Master of Science (Agriculture Extension) in 2013 and Doctorate degree (Agriculture Education & Extension) in 2019 from Egerton University. He served as an agriculture extension service provider for ten (10) years in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperative Development (National government) before joining Laikipia University as an Assistant Lecturer in 2017 and in 2017, he became a lecturer for Agriculture Education and Extension. As from January 2022 to date, Dr Nyamwamu has been serving as the Acting Chairperson of the Department of Curriculum and Education Management, School of Education of Laikipia University.

During the ten (10) years that Dr Nyamwamu served as an agriculture extension agent, he was committed to his work and passionately served his clients (farmers). He cherished good work and derived satisfaction from farmers’ adoption of new agricultural innovation and realization of improved farm yields and resultant better incomes.  He has seven (7) years’ experience of teaching at Laikipia University, during which he has demonstrated passion in helping, mentoring and nurturing learners so as to achieve their potential. Dr Nyamwamu creates a conducive environment for teaching, learning and research. As a researcher, he has published a chapter of a book (in agriculture extension), and some papers in refereed journals and also presented scholarly papers in national and international conferences.

C    Areas of Specialization

  1. Agriculture Education
  2. Agriculture Extension

D    Research Interest

  1. Agricultural education and extension; effectiveness and sustainability of agricultural extension programs and approaches.
  2. Sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD)
  3. Food security and poverty reduction initiatives

E    All Publications

  1.   Ombati, J. M. & Nyamwamu, R. O. Global Agricultural Extension Practices: Country by Country Approaches. In: Torimo, D. O. & Igodan, C. O. (Eds). Global Agricultural Extension Practices: Country by Country Approaches. Agriculture Issues and policies. Nova Science Publishers. (2019). ISBN 153616 0121. ISBN 153 616 0121, 9781,5361 60 123. https://www.researchgate.net › ... › Globalization
  2.  Nyamwamu, R. O., Ombati, J.M. & Mwangi, J. G. (2018). Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Wildlife Mitigation Strategies on Human Wildlife Conflict among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education (JIAEE). Vol. 25, Issue 1. (2018). Doi.10.519/jiaee.2018.25105:     https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331457897
  3. Nyamwamu, R. O., Ombati, J.M. & Mwangi, J. G. (2018). Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Wildlife Mitigation Strategies on Human Wildlife Conflict among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education (JIAEE). Vol. 25, Issue 1. (2018). Doi.10.519/jiaee.2018.25105:     https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331457897
  4. 4    Nyamwamu, R. O. (2016). Implications of Human-Wildlife Conflict on Food Security among Smallholder Agro-Pastoralists: A Case of Smallholder Maize (Zea mays) Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya. World Journal of Agricultural Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 2, 43-48 Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/wjar/4/2/2 © Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/wjar-4-2-2. http://pubs.sciepub.com 
  5. Nyamwamu, R.O., Ombati, J.M. & Mwangi, J. G. (2015). Untapped Potential of Wildlife Agricultural Extension Mitigation Strategies in Influencing the Extent of Human-Wildlife Conflict: A Case of Smallholder Agro-pastoralists in Laikipia County, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extentsion,03 (01),73-81. ISSN: 2311-6110 (Online)., 2311-8547 (print). http://www.escijournals.net/IJAE https://esciencepress.net 
  6. Nyamwamu, R. O., Ombati, J.M. & Mwangi, J. G. (2015). Effect of Human-Wildlife Conflict on Food Security among Small-Scale Maize Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). (2015).  ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391. https://www.ijsr.net › archive › NOV162962
  7. 7    Nyamwamu, R. O., Ombati, J.M. & Mwangi, J. G. (2014) Agricultural Training Centers’ Contribution in Promoting Food Security among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Nyandarua County, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences (IJRAS) Vol. 1, Issue 4.   ISSN (Online), 2348-3997. https://ijras.org › publications › IJRAS_90_Final
  8. Nyamwamu, R. O., Ombati, J.M. & Mwangi, J. G. (2014). Effectiveness of Agricultural Training Centers’ Curriculum in Promoting Adoption of Agricultural Technologies: Evidence from Small-scale Potato Farmers in Nyandarua County, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural  Management and Development (IJAMAD) (2014).   Online: www.ijamad.com. ISSN: 2159-5860 (Online); DOI:10.22004/AG.ECON.246110; http://purl.umn.edu/246110

F   Scholarly Presentations at Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. Oral paper presentation during the Early Career Research Leader Fellowship/Workshop held 6th – 8th July 2021 at Laikipia University, Nyahururu, Kenya; Theme: ‘Promoting Multi-disciplinary Research Approaches for Sustainable Agricultural Development’, Sub theme ‘Responding to Climate Change for Sustainable Food Value Chains’; Title of Paper ‘Effectiveness of Desert Locust Control Methods: A Case of Small-scale Farmers in Meru County, Kenya’
  2. Oral Paper presentation at the 11th Egerton University International Conference & Innovation week held 29th – 31st March 2017 at Laikipia University, Njoro Campus, Nakuru, Kenya. Theme ‘Knowledge and Innovation for Social and Economic Development. Sub theme ‘Culture and Socio-economics’. Title of Paper ‘Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Wildlife Mitigation Strategies on Human Wildlife Conflict among Smallholder Agro-pastoralists: A Case of Smallholder Maize Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya’. Nyamwamu, R.O. & Ombati, J. M.
  3. Oral presentation of paper during Laikipia University 3rd International Conference held on 4th -27th May 2016 at Laikipia University Main Campus, Nyahururu, Kenya. Theme ‘Enhanced Utilisation of Research, Science and Technology for Innovation and Sustainable Development in Africa’. Sub theme ‘Agriculture, Management and Food Security’ Title of Paper, ‘Effect of Human Wildlife Conflict on Food Security among Small-scale Agro-pastoralists: A case of Small-scale Maize (Zea mays) Farmers in Laikipia West Sub County, Laikipia County, Kenya’ Nyamwamu, R.O., Mwangi, J. G., & Ombati, J. M.

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