Name of Faculty/Staff: Dr. Margaret N. Ngugi
Designation/Rank: Lecturer
Laikipia University: School of Education
Educational Background:
- PhD (Research in Educational Planning and Economics), Catholic University of East Africa, Kenya (2013)
- Masters in Education (Educational Administration and Planning), University of Nairobi, Kenya (2004)
- Bachelors in Education (Arts) (Second Class Honours) Kenyatta University, Kenya (1995)
Brief Auto-biography of the Faculty/Staff
I am an expert in Monitoring and Evaluation on Policy, Educational Management, Project Management, and Curriculum issues in Education. I have vast experience of teaching in high school and university level for several years now. I have been involved in various national projects like the just concluded nationwide evaluation of Universal Primary Education Coverage in Kenya among others.
Currently I’m a lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Educational Management and also represent the School of Education in Laikipia University Senate.
Selected Publications
- Ngugi,M. & Muthima,P. (2017). Female Participation in Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions (TVET) Subsector: The Kenyan Experience. Public Policy and Administration Research, 7(4), 2017.
- Ngugi, M. (2017). Participation of Kenyan Nomadic Pastoralists in Non-Formal Education. European Journal of Education Studies,.3(10). ISSN: 2501 – 1111.
- Ngugi M., & Mumiukha,C.(2016). Teacher Factors That Influence Secondary School Student Participation in Lodwar, Turkana County, Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research, 2016, 4, (19). DOI:10.12691/education-4-19-4
- Ngugi, M. (2016). Challenges Facing Mobile Schools among Nomadic Pastoralists: A Case Study of Turkana County, Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research, 4, (1), 22-32.
- Mumiukha, C., Ngugi, M., Ndiga, B. & Fedha, F. (2015). Transitional Enrolment Trends within the Different Educational Levels in Kenya: An Analysis of Promoting Facets. Journal of Education and Practice, 6,(33),21-32.,
- Ngugi, M., Mumiukha, C., Fedha, F. & Ndiga, B. (2015). Universal Primary Education in Kenya: Advancement and Challenges. Journal of Education and Practice,6,(14), 87-95.,
Research Interest
Research and Evaluation in Education Policies, Planning and Economics of Education.