CPA Abdallah Mambo Dallu Profile

   Name of Staff:  CPA. Abdallah Mambo Dallu

   Designation/Rank: Deputy Chief; Internal Audit

   Department: Internal Audit





A. Educational Background/Qualification

  1. Doctor of Philosophy in Finance, KCA University, Kenya (Ongoing)
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Finance, London School of Business and Social Sciences, UK (2022)
  3. Master of Business Administration, KCA University, Kenya (2018)
  4. Bachelor of Business Management (Banking & Finance), Egerton University, Kenya (2011)
  5. High School Certificate, e.g., KSCE or any other equivalent) School, Country (Year)
  6. KSCE, Ribe Boys High School, Kenya (2005)
  7. KCPE, Primary School Certificate, Mgandini Primary School, Kenya (2001)

B. Professional Courses (Fill in where applicable)

  1. July, 2022: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK
  2. February, 2014: Certificate in Audit Command Language (ACL) Analytics- Data Mining & Data Analytics
  3. May, 2013: Certificate in Audit TeamMate Suite (TeamRisk, TeamSchedule, Electronic Working Paper (EWP), TeamTEC & TeamCentral
  4. December, 2011: Certified Public Accountancy of Kenya (CPA-K)

C. Brief Auto-biography

CPA Abdallah Mambo who is 34 years of age, is a Chartered Certified Accountant who works as the Deputy Chief Internal Auditor. Prior to this, CPA Abdallah worked as the Chief Internal Auditor and Compliance Officer at Umma University, a position he held between February 2016 and May 2023. He established the University’s Internal Audit department in February 2016 and sat as the Secretary to the Board Audit, Risk Management, and Compliance Committee of the Umma University Council. Hitherto, CPA Abdallah worked as an Internal Audit Officer at Guardian Bank Limited (GBL) situated at the heart of Nairobi Central Business District. Here, he was involved with the review of the Bank’s Internal Control systems relating to the bank’s operations and Credit analysis.

CPA Abdallah started his career as a banker back then in October 2011 when he was hired by the then Kenya Rural Enterprise Program (K-REP) Bank; now Sidian Bank Kenya, as a service delivery officer. He worked as a cashier for 3 Months before joining the bank’s Internal Audit department in January 2012. CPA Abdallah gained a lot of experience in auditing banks’ operations, retail credit, and microfinance credit control systems. Throughout this period, he was exposed to professional trainings in the field of Internal Audit like TeamMate Suite, Audit Command Language (ACL- Analytics), and advanced excel techniques.

D. Trainings /Seminars/ Conferences Attended (If Any)

  1. Workshop on Public Sector Audit Committee Guidelines and internal audit templates for County Government Audit Committee Members and Heads of Internal Audit Held at Naivasha October 2023
  2. The 7th ICPAK Public Lecture on Ethics and Anti-Corruption. Organised by ICPAK in 2022
  3. ERM Master Class (Mandatory Training) organized by ICPAK in 2022
  4. Audit Staff Training - A Practical Approach (Mandatory Training)1. Organised by ICPAK in 2022
  5. Accountancy Professional Ethics Forum. Organised by ICPAK in 2022
  6. Tax Compliance Seminar (Mandatory Training). Organised by ICPAK in 2022
  7. The 2nd East Africa Digital CPA Conclave organized by ICPAK in 2021
  8. Audit Quality Assurance and Compliance Seminar (Mandatory Training) organized by ICPAK in 2021
  9. Technical Enhancement Workshop organized by ICPAK in 2021
  10. Board audit committee workshop - effective audit committee governance and risk compliance organized by the Kenya Institute of Risk Management in 2020.
  11. Beginners’ internal auditors’ tools and techniques workshop organized by IIA in 2019
  12. Fraud/Corruption Prevention, Forensic Audit and Investigations Workshop organized by Business School of Africa in Tanzania in 2019
  13. Enterprise Risk Management Seminar organized by ICPAK in 2018
  14. Certificate in Internal Audit Quality Assessment organized by IIA in 2018
  15. Enterprise Risk Management Workshop organized by IIA –Kenya in 2017
  16. Audit Quality Assurance Seminar organized by ICPAK in 2017
  17. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Implementation and Process Auditing organized by IIA-Kenya in 2016
  18. Audit Command Language (ACL-Analytics) organized by Grande Afrique Consulting
  19. TeamMate Suite training organized by Wolters Kluwers- South Africa in 2013

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