Laikipia University 2023/2024 Performance Contract Signing Exercise

Laikipia University, through the office of the Vice Chancellor and the Directorate of Planning and Performance Management organized a Departmental Performance Contracts signing exercise at Mandela Hall on 27th July, 2023. The exercise was presided over by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kibett Rotich and the University Management Board. In his speech, the Vice Chancellor informed members that the Performance Contract was drawn mainly from the requirements of the Ministry of Education to ensure that all universities had similar targets and partly from the University. The University would therefore be expected to achieve the set targets and improve every year.

The Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Planning (AFP) also emphasized that members needed to do their best to realize the set targets. He also added that the targets had been aligned with the budget to enable achievement by the end of the contract period.

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