Dr. Barnabas Kurgat Appointed to Head The Directorate Of Research, Human Rights and Gender

Laikipia University is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Barnabas Kurgat as the new Ag. Director, Directorate of Research, Human Rights and Gender.  He holds a PhD in Agricultural Science (Climate Change Mitigation) from Humboldt University, Germany, Master of Science in Agricultural Science in Tropics and Subtropics (Natural Resource Management) from University of Hohnheim, Germany, and a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management from Egerton University. He has made substantial contributions in research, community outreach and professional development. Prior to his appointment, he was the Chair of Department, Earth Sciences in the School of Science and Applied Technology.

The handing over event took place on 9th January, 2025 from Prof. John Kanjogu who is now the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, Research and Student Affairs. While handing over, Prof. Kanjogu expressed optimism that Dr. Kurgat’s expertise and vision would help drive the Directorate forward towards achieving the University’s Vision and Mission.

We wish Dr. Kurgat success as he embarks on this new role.

The handing over ceremony was attended by staff from the Directorate and Ms. Roselyne Mulefu, Senior Corporate Communication Officer.

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