BioCosmos Kenya Courtesy Call to Laikipia University

Officials from BioCosmos Kenya paid a courtesy call to Laikipia University on 23rd October, 2024 to discuss the possibility of having a partnership with the University. The officials led by the Organising Secretary Dr. Morris Mwatu, were well received by Prof. Charles Nguta Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, Research & Student Affairs on behalf of the Vice Chancellor.

BioCosmos Kenya is a registered trust foundation with a mission of advancing the theory of Intelligent Design. The theorys core mandate is to bring a better understanding to many features of the universe through an intelligent cause rather than a random and undirected process.

The Intelligent Design Theory also aims at enhancing critical, innovative and creative thinking for better and intelligent answers to things happening in the universe.
BioCosmos Kenya has been conducting public lectures in learning institutions to sensitise students on the need to engage their intellectual capacity through scholarly debates to unravel better answers to things panning out in the world. To achieve this goal, the organisation has been launching the “BioCosmos Kenya Students Club” in learning institutions to advance the Intelligent Design ideologies.

The BioCosmos Kenya officials were directed to Dr. Naftal Nyang’ara, Director TVET, Career Placement, Alumni and External Linkages to discuss further steps towards conducting a public lecture to Laikipia University students and thereafter, a possible launching of the BioCosmos Kenya Students Club Laikipia University Chapter.



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