Name of Staff: Anab Adam Roble
Designation/Rank: Senior Library Assistant III
Department: Internal Audit Department
A. Educational Background/Qualification
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies (Library & Knowledge Management Option), Laikipia University, Kenya (2018).
- Diploma in Library and Information Studies, Laikipia University, Kenya (2015)
- Office Practice II, Business English II and III (Credit), Commerce II, Typing I (Pass), Tracom College, Kenya, (2007)
- Certificate in Secretarial Studies, Stage I, II and III, Eldoret Polytechnic College and Tracom College, Kenya (2001) and (2007).
- Certificates, Business English I, Commerce I, Office Practice I, (Credit), Eldoret Polytechnic, Kenya (2001)
- UACE (A Levels) Kampala High School, Uganda (1990)
- KCE, (O Levels) Jomo Kenyatta Secondary School (1987)
- C.P.E., D.E.B. Primary School, Kenya (1986)
B. Professional Courses
Member, Kenya Library Association (KLA)
C. Brief Auto-biography
Anab is a self-driven result oriented Administrative Assistant with over 12 years of experience. She has excellent organization and interpersonal skills that enable her to work independently to achieve the institutional objectives. She is also an informational professional with over five years’ experience in library studies that enables her to provide information services and products to meet users’ need’ in a new and creative way.
D. Trainings /Seminars/ Conferences Attended
- Transformative Leadership and Effective Communication Course, Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), 2023.
- Integrated Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013),Training, Laikipia University, 2022.
- Information Professional Caucus, Conference, Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), Nakuru, 2021.
- Information Professional Caucus, Conference, Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), Nakuru, 2020.
- Occupational Safety and Health Act, Training, Laikipia University, 2012.
- Public Relations and Customer Care, Training, Laikipia University, 2011
- Secretarial Studies Seminar, Egerton University, 2003.
- Computer Application Packages, Course, Egerton University, 1993.